Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 299 Qi Family Cooperation

Chapter 299 Qi Family Cooperation

Mr. Qi knew that today was the day when Gu's workshop was delivered to the Lei family caravan. He arrived at the county seat yesterday, and got up early today to rush to Dafeng Village.

But he was afraid of the Lei family caravan, and he didn't dare to enter Dafeng Village before Lei Wuye. He waited outside the village for more than two hours before entering the village in the afternoon. Waiting outside the courtyard wall.

In the end, they waited for the news that the Lei family caravan would continue to buy spices.

Mr. Qi was depressed.

In the yard of the workshop, Gu Jinli handed the contract in his hand to Gu Jinan, and he read the contents of the contract to the third grandfather and the others.

After listening, the third grandfather nodded: "It's similar to the last contract, there's no problem, let's sign the contract."

A Ji took out the ink pad, and just like last time, Lei Wuye, A Ji, all the owners of Gu's workshop, and Gu Jinli signed the two contracts and put their fingerprints on them.

The Jiang family is still the guarantor, and Jiang Jiao also has his fingerprints, and Lao Mai and Wendong, who inspect the goods, also have their fingerprints.

"Take it, one on each side." Lei Wuye put away his own contract, gave the other contract to Gu Jinli, and looked at A Ji: "A Ji, give me the money."

Aji took out six 100 taels of silver bills and handed them to the third grandfather: "This is a [-]% deposit for three thousand catties of spices."

It was not the first time that Third Grandpa received such a large amount of money, but he still couldn't help shaking his hands.

Mr. Qi had been impatient for a long time. Seeing that the third grandfather had accepted the deposit, he couldn't wait any longer, so he stepped forward and knocked on the door of Gu's workshop.

He Sanlaizi and Lao Zhu had been staring at him for a long time, and when they saw that he was going towards the courtyard gate, they immediately stopped him: "Who are you? Tell me your name, and I will inform you."

Mr. Qi was a little annoyed, and said to He Sanlaizi: "I am the second master of the Qi family in Fucheng. You have been here last time. Haven't you seen me?" Pretend not to know anything!

He Sanlaizi smiled and said: "It is precisely because I have seen you and know that you are related to the Zou family and the Lu family, that's why I won't let you in, lest you do bad things."

Mr. Qi choked and hated Zou Yuzhen to death, but he couldn't give up this opportunity, so he raised his voice and shouted into the yard: "Mr. Gu, girl from the Gu family, it's me, Mr. Qi from Fucheng, we said before, I I will come to talk about the spice business on April 26, come down."

Fifth Lord Lei glanced at the gate of the courtyard, and said, "It's the one named Qi from last time, he hasn't given up yet."

When Mr. Qi heard this, he hurriedly said: "Exactly, Lord Wu is right. Mr. Qi is very optimistic about seasonings and spices, and he came to do business with Gu's Workshop sincerely."

Fifth Master Lei laughed: "You're a scholar, and you've started a business."

Mr. Qi replied straightforwardly: "Scholars also have to eat, but eating wind and drinking dew can't survive."

"Haha, it's interesting." Mr. Lei Wu couldn't stop laughing when he heard it. He also knew that Mr. Qi helped save Daya Gu's family. He dared to harm the Gu family, and even had to help the Gu family, so he said to the third grandpa and the others: "This is the business of your Gu's workshop. You can decide whether you want to do it or not."

Mr. Qi's eyes brightened when he heard this, and he hurriedly bowed to Fifth Master Lei: "Thank you, Master Fifth."

Gu Jinli looked at Mr. Qi, and said to He Sanlaizi: "Let Mr. Qi come in."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Qi hurriedly greeted his servants: "Mo Song, Sixiong, hurry up and bring the presents from the carriage."

Mo Song is one of Mr. Qi's personal servants, Sixiong is the nursing home of the Qi family, who specializes in protecting Mr. Qi, and there is another Sanxiong, who is also the nursing home, guarding the carriage at the moment.

"Second Master, here we come." Mo Song responded, and moved all the things they brought into the workshop with Si Xiong.

Mr. Qi brought a lot of things, and everything was sent to the heart of the Gu family.

"I bought these three medicine grinders in Fucheng. I knew that your workshop lacked them, so I sent them to you."

"This box contains a complete set of Four Books and Five Classics. There are annotations and handouts of my eldest brother. I know that An Geer is studying, so I specially brought it for him."

After Chen fainted from excitement, she has already woken up at this moment, and she is sour after hearing this. Her family, Brother Wang and Brother Xing, are also studying, why did they give away a set?He also called Angle by name.

"This box is the pearl powder from Qingshan Medical Center in Fucheng; this jar is honey, which is much sweeter than caramel, and it can nourish the body. Drinking a glass of honey water every day is very good for the body. My mother would drink a glass every day. "Mr. Qi told all the things he brought. He heard Doctor Xiao say that Gu Jinli had bought that box of pearl powder when he left Fucheng.

After Mr. Qi finished speaking, he bowed to Fifth Master Lei again: "Don't blame Fifth Master, this junior was deceived by Zou Yuzhen last time, and now he has severed ties with the Zou family and no longer communicates with him. He only focuses on doing business with Gu's workshop."

I also want to make friends with the Lei family caravan.

To put it bluntly, Mr. Qi would choose to come today, and [-]% of them came for Master Lei and A Ji.Of these two, one is the head of the three major commercial firms in Dachu, and the other is the son of the uncle's mansion in the capital. It's good to curry favor with him, and he has the benefit of the Qi family.

Mr. Qi is very good at being a man. After saying this, he immediately took out a small square box and handed it to Kunzi next to Mr. Lei Wu: "This junior knows that he has made a mistake, and I hope Mr. Wu will ignore the past and accept the apology from this junior. "

Kunzi had seen a lot about taking money to apologize, so he took the box, opened it and saw a stack of bank notes inside, and held out a finger to Mr. Lei Wu.

Good guy, it was 1 taels.

Fifth Master Lei raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Mr. Qi is really sincere, so the old man will accept it."

"Thank you fifth master, junior." Mr. Qi breathed a sigh of relief, the Qi family's fortune was saved, and he no longer had to worry about suddenly flooding the house one day when he was sleeping, or being robbed suddenly while riding a carriage.

Gu Jinli saw Mr. Lei Wu accepting Mr. Qi's compensation, and knowing that the last festival was over, he said to Mr. Qi simply: "How much does Mr. Qi want to buy?"

It's also good to cooperate with the Qi family, and there are two reasons why she will cooperate with the Qi family.

First: Zou Yuzhen wants to curry favor with the Qi family and make good friends with the Qi family. She cooperates with the Qi family, can use the Qi family to deal with the Zou family, and can use the Qi family to suppress the Li family, so that the Li family will never turn around again. .

Second: Although the Lei family caravan is famous, its influence is mostly in the northwest. After passing Zhongzhou, there are fewer people who know the Lei family caravan. She has to find a backer for Gu's workshop in Jianghuai. , The Qi family is not bad.

Mr. Qi was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Gu's workshop can do anything for Qi."

Gu Jinli said: "Our workshop will give you a thousand catties of seasonings and spices every month. When the workshop has more goods in the future, we will add more goods to the Qi family."

She looked at Fifth Master Lei and said with a smile: "However, if Grandpa Lei wants to add more goods, our workshop will add them to you first."

It's so realistic.

"Haha~ You girl, Grandpa Lei accepts your favor." Fifth Master Lei was very happy, this girl from the Gu family was a person who could see clearly and knew the importance, and he was very satisfied with putting the interests of the Lei family caravan first.

(End of this chapter)

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