Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 3010 Wei Qi’s death and Wei Xiao’s concealment of the truth [2]

Chapter 3010 Wei Qi’s death and Wei Xiao’s concealment of the truth [2]

"...Yes, thank you, Prince Wei, for your kindness." In order to leave a solid foundation for the Wang family, Lord Wang forced himself to say words of gratitude, and then told Wang Yanxing, "I will follow Prince Wei's orders in everything. Don't do stupid things for the sake of your family."

Wang Yanxing felt sad and shed tears: "Yes, dad, don't worry~"

Wei Qi has already lost, and the Wang family is just a new family of civil servants. They haven't even cultivated cronies, let alone soldiers and horses. Why do stupid things?

The Wang family, and even the civil servants of the Northeast line, have no ability to compete with Wei Xiao!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Wei Qi lay on the ground, staring at Lord Wang and the others, hoping that Lord Wang would take the opportunity of going out to persuade him to surrender, and lead the people in the city into the imperial city.As long as they risk their lives, they still have a chance to win!

It's a pity that Mr. Wang didn't look back, and was supported by the soldiers, and left quickly.


Qin Gui knelt among the officials, lowered his head and shrunk his neck. He didn't look at Wei Qi at all, but secretly fantasized... After all, he is Wei Xiao's second uncle, and he didn't help Wei Qi today. Wei Xiao probably wouldn't kill him. .

Master Zuo spoke instead: "Your Majesty, I am just an accountant, and I have no ability to fight with a knife, and today's disaster was caused by you letting the prince go to the prison to assassinate Prince Wei. Now you lose, admit it, otherwise If the chaos continues, the entire David dynasty will be damaged, and the ancestors of your Wei family will be sorry."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu type...

Trash, a bunch of trash, none of them dared to fight Wei Xiao... He thought of Yan Kuang's family, if Yan Kuang had not died, they would definitely lead the civil servants to fight against the rebel king with their lives!
It's a pity that Yan Kuang's family is dead.

And when Yan Kuang died, he secretly rejoiced that he no longer had to be suppressed by Yan Kuang as a master. Now it seems that he was too stupid.

But Wei Qi didn't realize it until it was too late.

This is also the reason why Wei Xiao risked his life to assassinate Yan Yuan, who was slightly injured... The Yan family is too powerful in literary arts. Wei Qi can only fight with him if he kills the Yan family, but in martial arts, Wei Xiao can do it with one kick Trample Wei Qi to death.

Wei Xiao looked at Lord Zuo and Wang Yanxing: "Make a list of the civil servants involved in today's event, don't miss one!"

"Yes~" Master Zuo and Wang Yanxing hurriedly made a list.

A few courtiers who wanted to curry favor with Wei Xiao offered to help.

Seeing this, Qin Gui also went to help out for his title, and said to Wei Xiao, "Brother Xiao, Second Uncle knows something about Wei Qi, so I'll write it down for you."

He finished with a flattering smile.

Heh, Wei Xiao stared at Qin Gui with cold sarcasm in his eyes, and said: "Wei Qi is going to kill me today, you are the one who knows."

Qin Gui's face turned pale with fright, and he hurriedly said, "Uncle doesn't know... The friendship between uncle and Wei Qi has long been worse than before. He was just afraid of being talked about, so he just raised uncle as a plaything. They are relatives connected by blood with my uncle."

Oh dear?

Wei Xiao sneered: "Your biological mother is a concubine and the murderer who killed my grandmother!"

The blood feud lies here, and you haven't helped me much, so tell me about your relatives now?Do you deserve it?
Qin Gui wept uncontrollably, kowtowed and said: "Brother Xiao, the affairs of the older generation have nothing to do with uncle, don't kill uncle, kill relative uncle, your reputation will be even worse."

Wei Xiao: "Shut up, if you dare to bark any more, I will kill you first, and the reason is to avenge my grandmother!"

Qin Gui was so frightened that he trembled all over, he hurriedly shut up, but he was really afraid of death, so he moved over to Mr. Zuo and the others to help.

Half an hour later, Lord Zuo and the others made a list.

Wei Xiao: "Whoever reads the name, kneel outside the hall, and whoever dares to mess around will be killed with one knife!"

"Yes~" Mr. Zuo began to read the list with a trembling voice, and at the end of the reading, even Mr. Zuo knelt outside the hall, and a group of soldiers with knives stood behind them, ready to kill them at any time.

Not long after, Ning Ji came in with a group of soldiers and several people, the most important ones were Zhou Chun and Wei Lin.

What's interesting is that the arrows in Wei Lin's body were all shot by Wei Qi.

Ning Ji presented the removed arrow feathers to Wei Xiao: "There is the word Gong Yu on the arrow, and it is a special arrow for the Imperial Forest Army."

Wei Xiao took the arrow, looked at the word Gongyu on the arrow, sneered, and threw a few arrows in front of the officials: "This is the benevolent monarch you support, so benevolent and righteous that he would kill his own son!"

Mr. Zheng, Mr. Shangguange, and Mr. Feng picked up the arrow feathers and looked at them. After seeing that they were indeed the special arrows of the Imperial Forest Army, they gave the arrow feathers to the generals: "Let's all have a look."

The ministers took the arrow feathers and circulated them, and everyone was silent.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Wei Qi yelled, trying to argue that he didn't order someone to shoot an arrow to kill Wei Lin.

But Wei Xiao ignored him, and seized the opportunity to say: "The evidence is convincing, do you still want to deny it? If you can kill your only son so cruelly, you also suspect that Wei Lin was born to Qian Lier and the old master."

The officials were shocked: "Isn't Wei Lin His Majesty's son?!"

But they still look a little alike.

But thinking of the gossip about the precious concubine, looking at the top of Wei Qi's head, it was so green that the officials finally shut up.

Ning Ji was a little surprised... Wei Xiao has become smarter. For the sake of the throne, he wants to confirm that Wei Lin is not Wei Qi's son.

But he doesn't allow it.

"Prince Wei, do you want to kill Wei Lin to avoid future troubles?" Ning Ji asked.

Wei Xiao was silent, staring at Wei Lin who was weakly lying on the wooden board, and finally shook his head: "This king promised Wei Lin that as long as he confesses honestly, he will not kill him, and will give him the title of county king to keep him safe and rich. "

Ning Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

Mr. Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Prince Wei keeps his word, I am very relieved."

He said again: "Prince Wei, what evidence do you have, show it to the ministers."

Wei Xiao raised his voice: "Bring in all the witnesses!"

"Hey." Ning Ji personally led the troops to bring the bandit, Nanny Gong, Nanny Li and others in.

"Speak." Wei Xiao looked down at them and said, "To be honest, I can spare your lives."

These beasts don't need to die, but he will make them suffer a hundred times more than death!
"We said, we said!" The bandits scrambled to be witnesses, for fear that they would be beheaded if they called out too late.

Wei Xiao was disgusted by the sight, and wished he could cook them alive, but Mr. Feng was right, now he is no longer fighting for power, if he wants to be emperor, he has to show manners and present evidence, brutal killing will only make him lose the hearts of the people.

"Fifth Master Miao got the order from Lord Zang to let us come to the capital with the precious concubine to help Wei Lin fight for the throne. But after coming for more than a year, we have nothing to do, and it was not until half a month ago that we got the order to prepare to enter the palace. "

"Brothers are so excited, how can we think that we can enter the palace in this life? Guifei also promised us that as long as we are obedient, after entering the palace, we will first reward a group of maids for fun. If the matter is done, we will be rewarded for our appearance Concubine Mei and the female family members of the official family, let us also taste what it is like to be a woman of the emperor and ministers!"

(End of this chapter)

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