Chapter 305 Marry Her

While the children were chattering, the third grandpa had already said: "You are very rich, your family still owes the workshop 200 taels of silver, and the dividends tonight are not your share."

The 120 five taels of silver will be shared equally among the other six families.

"Why!" Chen's eyes were wide open, his face was ferocious, he was about to go crazy, 120 five taels, is he going to fly?

The third grandfather looked at Gu Yumei who was hiding in the corner, and said to Chen Shi: "Did you forget about Miss Mei? If you forget, it's fine, then your family will quit the workshop and compensate the workshop with 1 taels of silver."

"This..." Mrs. Chen finally remembered about Gu Yumei. Angry and resentful, she immediately rushed to Gu Yumei, grabbed Gu Yumei's lapel, and slapped her with a raised hand: "You worry-free girl, even It was your fault, now every family can get money, but our family can't get it, I dare to love my old lady for a day of excitement, it is nothing but joy!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Gu Yumei covered her face and cried, she was afraid of being beaten recently, she didn't dare to speak back, she just hid from Chen Shi's hand, for fear that she would hit her again.

Mrs. Chen was very angry, worried that Gu Dafu was still there, so she could only say angrily: "If you are my mother's daughter, I will beat you to death."

She turned around and cried to the third grandfather: "Uncle San, I want to separate the family, and I can't live on."

She lost hundreds of taels of silver for a girl who wanted to die, and she didn't want to separate the family. Chen was afraid that she couldn't help but chop Gu Yumei with a knife.

The third grandfather said: "Your family has already signed a letter of commitment, and it is useless to separate the family. After the separation, no matter whether it is your family or the rich family who do things that are sorry for the workshop, you have to leave together. It is better not to separate the family." , so you can still look at Sister Mei a bit, and don't let her make mistakes again."

That's why the third grandpa didn't let the Chen family separate.

Sister Mei and Brother Xing are big-hearted, and Dafu and Dagui love them, and they are reluctant to teach them a lesson. Only Mrs. Chen can control them.Therefore, the Chen family can't separate the family. If they want to separate the family, they can wait until sister Mei gets married, or there will be trouble.

After hearing this, Mrs. Chen became more and more angry, and vented her anger on the Gu Dewang brothers, and shouted at them: "What are you doing here? Waiting for roots to grow or sprouts? Hurry up and go home for my old lady."

If she stayed here any longer, she couldn't help but rob several families of their money.

Gu Dewang and Gu Defa held hands, and were calmly pushed forward by his wife.

Chen disliked them for walking slowly, and cursed: "Did someone chop off your legs? If you walk faster, you will die!"

Mrs. Chen pushed away her two sons, and walked away angrily.

Gu Dagui was angry and helpless, he was so happy today that he forgot about the fact that his family was fined 200 taels of silver, if he could have remembered earlier, this would not have happened.

He lowered his head and said guiltily to Gu Dafu: "Brother, don't feel bad, that woman looks fierce, but in fact she loves Brother Xing and Sister Mei in her heart. She promised me long ago that she would wait until Brother Xing My son gets married, sister Mei gets married and then separates, and the two children will not let people gossip."

Gu Dafu nodded: "I don't blame the younger siblings, this matter is the elder brother's fault."

He looked at Gu Yumei, who was sobbing in a low voice, and Gu Dexing, who was lowering his head and clenching his fists. He felt distressed, and said to the third grandfather: "Uncle Xing, I want to show Brother Xing and Sister Mei about their marriage. They are also grown up, and our peasant family has always only kept filial piety, and now that it is the New Year's Eve, it is not a big problem to find a relative."

Then he assured the family members: "Don't worry, everyone, I will definitely choose honest and honest people for them, and I won't let their marriage bring trouble to the workshop."

Although it is his family's business to find a marriage for the two children, his family is one of the owners of the workshop, and Xiaoyu has reminded them a long time ago that many people saw that the workshop made money and wanted to get married with some of their families. Climbing up on the idea of ​​a workshop, so he had to talk to several people.

The third grandma looked at Chen's posture today, and nodded in agreement: "If you have a good family, let's see each other first."

The sooner Gu Yumei and Gu Dexing get married, Gu Dafu and Gu Dagui will be able to separate their families. If they don't, the Chen family will definitely have trouble again.

Thinking of Gu Yumei's temper, the third grandfather thought that it would be good to marry her, but: "I have to choose carefully, and I can't find those who come for the workshop."

Gu Dafu said: "Don't worry, Uncle San, I won't find someone with a high family background for them, but I will find some honest and kind families."

As for the family background, Gu Dafu doesn't mind. His family has a dividend from the workshop, and his share is for the two children. Those who have money but have no conscience.

After the third grandpa and the third grandma spoke, the family had no objections.

Gu Jinli didn't care about this either. With the letter of commitment, she would kick anyone out of the workshop who dared to be a monster.

Seeing that several family members agreed, Gu Dafu was very grateful and thanked repeatedly.

Gu Dexing felt very ashamed when he saw his father and his family thanking each other, so he couldn't help turning around and leaving.

Gu Yumei was slapped in the face by Chen Shi in public, and she wanted to leave a long time ago. Seeing Gu Dexing leave, she immediately followed.

Gu Dafu hurriedly chased him out: "Brother Xing, Sister Mei, please slow down when it gets dark."

After Gu Dafu's family left, the third grandfather said to the family: "Let's line up to get the money."

"Hey." Although the family members were quite worried about Gu Dafu's family, they immediately cheered up when they heard the money was distributed.

Because the dividends of Gu Dafu's family were divided equally between the six families, each family received an additional 20 taels of silver. Now each family's cloth bag contains 140 taels of silver.

Aunt Tian was timid, she got so much money all at once, her hand holding the money kept shaking, she was so anxious about Tian Xiaohua and Tian Erqiang, she wished she could hug her.

Old Yan was not much better. Seeing a bag full of silver, he felt dizzy and almost fainted.

"140 five taels, the old woman has lived her whole life, and this is the first time she has seen so much silver."

Her family was not rich when they were in their hometown. They sold half of the land when they were fleeing famine, and with years of savings, they only managed to scrape together a few dozen taels of silver. Now they have earned so much in just over a month.

"Girl Xiaoyu, you are a lucky one. Our family has been blessed by you, so we will get rich." Old Yan looked at Gu Jinli, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this girl was like a cornucopia, someone who could give money to several families. good treasure.

Seen by old Yan's fiery eyes, Gu Jinli almost mistakenly thought he was a gold ingot.

Aunt Tian followed with a smile and said: "Auntie said that if Xiaoyu survives a catastrophe, he will have future blessings. With her around, our family's life will definitely become more and more prosperous."

"That's natural. With tofu and spices, it's hard for us to live a prosperous life." Old Yan was happy today. She had a bad voice and said a lot.

Finally, she looked at the third grandpa and said, "Old brother, my Dalin can't be single all the time. Brother Xi and Guiniu are still young, and they can't do without a mother. I thought, find another one for Dalin, who doesn't have a wife, then I can call it a day."

(End of this chapter)

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