Chapter 3070

Li Sanzhang of the Wushi Escort quickly asked: "Fourth Master, do the medicine soldiers have a death spot? If so, you have to tell us as soon as possible. You are dragging the lives of the whole family to follow you to make trouble. You can't treat the big guy Something to hide!"

Mr. Xu fished in troubled waters, and then deliberately asked: "Yes, fourth master, if there is a weakness in the medicine soldiers, you can tell it. If you hide it, we will suffer heavy casualties!"

He squeezed his throat to change his voice, and after shouting, he quickly squatted down and hid himself in the crowd so that Ruan Da could not find him.

Zhao Tongzhi was also anxious, squeezed over and asked, "Fourth Master, can the medicine soldiers do it?"

"Shut up, don't fall for Zhong Huan's trick, he wants to dismantle us without bloodshed!" Director Ruan shouted.

Master Xu pinched the yamen servant next to him, and told him to shout: "But that is Zhong Huan, a rare genius who comes out once in a hundred years, maybe he has really found the weakness of the medicine soldier!"

The yamen servant was afraid of death, so he lay down and pretended to be dizzy after shouting.

Mr. Xu hugged him very understandingly, pinched him, and said to the clerk of the chariot and horse shop who Xunsheng looked at: "Zeng Yamen servant fainted, everyone has stinky medicine, give him a smell quickly, wake him up! "

"It's useless, it will add to the chaos!" After the clerk of the carriage and horse shop cursed, he stopped talking to them and continued to shuttle through the crowd, searching for those who deliberately shouted and questioned the medicine soldiers.

"Hey, Yang Da, what are you doing? Let us go!" An angry questioning voice suddenly came from the crowd.

"Stop the three of them." Master Yang from Wan'an Chariot and Horse Shop ordered, came over with a knife, swung the knife and slashed repeatedly, making two clicks, and after beheading two people, picked up two heads and held them high. : "Those who disturb the morale of the army, kill!"

Hiss, everyone gasped in fright, this Master Yang is really vicious.

And the remaining one kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, I was wrong, I shouldn't say that the medicine soldiers are not... The medicine soldiers are magic soldiers, with great supernatural powers and no flaws!"

Soon, the news of this place spread, making the big guys dare not question Yao Bing's ability.


The messenger reported the situation outside to the dead man under the wall, and the dead man rushed to inform Zhong Huan.

Zhong Huan sneered after hearing this: "Heh, the mob, using the trick of murder and deterrence at this time will only speed up the centrifugation... hiss~"

"My lord, forgive me, this crossbow bolt has barbs, it is difficult to pull it out." Said the accompanying doctor Shishi.

Zhong Huan didn't care, "Don't pull it out first, use medicine to detoxify, wait until Ruan Nucai is killed."

Mou Yuan hurriedly said: "My lord, if the arrowhead is rusty, if you don't pull it out as soon as possible to clean the wound, you will be in serious trouble."

The people of Dongqing are insidious, and they often rub some rust or carrion juice on the arrows, so that the wounds of the people shot by the arrows will become inflamed and die.

Zhong Huan said impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense, I still can't die. Let's not clean up Ruan slaves and the others, how can they let me draw the arrow safely?"

When Susu was dying, she asked him not to give up on herself, not to torment herself on purpose, and to live well until the end of her life.So he will heal the wound and not let the wound rot, but killing the enemy is the most important thing now.

He asked again: "Have the poisonous worms been fed? Hurry up and let Dong Min's family bring the poisonous worms. If it's too late, Ruan Nucai and the others will attack the warehouse."

"Your subordinate will go and ask." Mou Yuan hastily left to ask about the situation.

After a while, he returned with a group of people from Yuanzi Medicine.

Min Dong's family said: "Lord Zhong, I have used the most powerful poison that damages the sense of smell. The poisonous insect has been taking it for a long time, so the dose should be enough... But in case the medicine soldier wears the magic medicine to repel insects and the poisonous insect escapes, we It may fail.”

Min Dong's family still spoke out their worries, intending to remind everyone to be prepared to save themselves from failure.

Zhong Huan's face remained unchanged: "Get ready, release the poisonous insects as soon as possible."

"Yes." Mou Yuan hastily greeted a group of Jun Tianwei who were wearing insect repelling medicine: "Change the arrow, you will be shot with poisonous insects!"

"Yes." A group of Jun Tianwei with excellent archery skills stepped forward immediately, putting the poisonous insects into a special quiver enduring their nausea.


Outside, Ruan Da gave an order: "Throw heavy kerosene and burn the bell thief to death!"


The hidden pile of the Eagle Food Gang was one step ahead of him, and had already thrown a batch of kerosene with a small catapult.

Bang bang bang!
The kerosene exploded in the crowd, and a group of people immediately fell into the sea of ​​flames, screaming in horror.

The thumping drums sounded again, and several messengers leaned on the high wall and shouted: "Ning Ji's traitor has been put on death row, and those who don't want to be killed by Ruan Da will surrender immediately. Those who surrender will have merit if they don't kill you, and merit if you don't kill them." !"

It's because no one wants to die, so these words are very useful, and the people on Ruan Da's side are shaken again.

But Ruan Da still has Dong Qing working closely, their task is to destroy Chu Wei An Ning, and not to allow the rest of the people to be disobedient, so he hurriedly said: "Nonsense, Ninghou has not been arrested, he is a great supernatural power, don't worry about it." Listen to the bell thief's bewitchment, go up, kill the bell thief, and enter the Golden Palace!"

Chief Ruan ordered General Yao: "Quickly order the soldiers to cast fierce fire oil, burn the bell thief to death, and make a quick decision!"

"General, do you really want to vote? There is no room for change in this move." The confidant Qianhu persuaded: "Nowadays, there are important people fighting in the Northeast. As long as we make up for our mistakes, we may have a chance to go to the Northeast to fight against the enemy, not necessarily... ..."

"Don't dream, your surrender list has been sent to the capital. Even if you surrender, you will be convicted. Now you can only survive if you kill Zhong Huan and help the master win the throne!" Ruan Da interrupted Qianhu's words, and lured He said: "Even if General Yao wants to repent, he has to kill Zhong Huan first. Otherwise, with his temper, even if you escape to Dayong, he will send Jun Tianwei to assassinate you."

General Yao was angry: "Slave, how dare you send the list of surrenders to the capital, this general will kill you now!"

Ruan laughed loudly: "Heh, General Yao, don't seek death, I have medicine soldiers... Hurry up and kill Zhong Huan for me, I can hide the fact that you want to defect for the master, otherwise you can't get both sides good."

Looking at Li San's family and the others, he said: "You are the same, don't even think about running away!"

Li Sandang's family is nearby, he heard everything and regretted it, but the owner behind Jinling Wushi Escort Bureau is a wealthy family, he is just a servant of the wealthy family, he can only lead the brothers up: "Chong, break the warehouse, Kill Zhong Huan!"

Bang bang bang!
A batch of fire oil smashed into the yard of the warehouse and quickly set the warehouse on fire.

Bang bang bang!
General Yao's soldiers and horses were already hitting the gate of the warehouse compound with big wooden cones, shaking half the perimeter.

The messenger on the fence turned around and shouted: "Lord Mou, hurry up, I'm going to be overwhelmed!"

hoo hoo hoo!
The medicine soldier had already jumped onto the wall, opened his mouth wide, and bit the messenger.

Mou Yuan: "Jump over the wall and shoot the arrow!"

Whoosh whoosh!
A group of sharp arrows with poisonous insects shot at the medicine soldiers.

Dangdang Dangdang!
It's like hitting an iron wall, but it can't hurt the medicine soldier at all.

Ruan Da laughed loudly: "Have you heard the voice? The bell thief can't even pierce the flesh of the medicine soldier, and even lied that he can kill the medicine soldier. Don't listen to the bell thief's bewitching, he is just a vain name!"

Whoosh whoosh!
Another batch of sharp arrows carrying poisonous insects rushed towards Ruan Da.

The messenger desperately shouted: "Mr. Ruan, Mr. Zhong sent you a batch of poisonous insects. Enjoy the feeling of being pierced by poisonous insects to death!"

"What, there are poisonous insects?!" The people on Ruan Da's side panicked again.

"The poisonous insects have been wiped out a long time ago, and the imperial court ordered not to keep the seeds. They don't have any poisonous insects, so don't panic, keep rushing, and kill Zhong Huan!" Ruan Da tightened the anti-insect medicine around his waist, feeling much more at ease.

And this medicine bag was sent to him by Dou Ke on a regular basis and ordered him to wear it, but out of kindness he fed it to the dog.

hoo hoo hoo!
Many medicine soldiers had already jumped into the wall, hissing and biting the people inside the wall.

Hearing these voices, Ruan Da became more and more proud: "Zhong Huan didn't break the magical power of medicine soldiers, everyone rush and kill Zhong Huan!"

Unfortunately, his evil report has arrived.

The poisonous insects took effect, and the medicine soldiers outside who were about to jump over the wall suddenly didn't move, as if they were drunk and stupid cows, swaying from side to side, and some smashed their heads violently, as if something was at work in their brains, which made them very nervous. uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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