Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 308 Building a shop

Chapter 308 Building a shop

There are many fleeing from famine, and some of them live as prosperously as Gu's tofu stand. Many fleeing from famine are still selling their children and daughters, even begging, in order to survive.

Only then did Lu Shuli and Zhang Shuli of Silifang know that the land was bought by Gu's tofu stall.

The two were very surprised, and Lu Shuli said: "Those companies are indeed capable."

Recently, Jiang County Captain and Xu County Magistrate got closer, and Xu County Magistrate praised Jiang County Captain again and again. Many important things were left to Jiang County Captain to handle, and he was much colder towards Zou County Prime Minister.

Those houses were guarded by Jiang Xianwei.

After weighing the pros and cons, the two scribes, Lv and Zhang, felt that they should be more honest and not go to trouble those families, so as not to get involved in the fight between Jiang Xianwei and Zou Xiancheng.

But after all, the two people's upper peak was Zou Xiancheng, and according to the usual practice, they wrote a letter and sent it to Fuguilou to Chef Li, asking him to send someone to Zou's residence.

Chef Li received the letter and sent his staff to Zou's residence without saying anything.

However, Chef Li felt that it was not worth telling the county magistrate about the fact that Gu's tofu stall bought more than ten acres of land.The Gu family can earn tens of taels of silver a day by selling tofu and seasoning spices, and buy more than ten acres of wasteland, so why should I report it?

Zou Xiancheng received the letter and was very sad. He had thought about that wasteland in the early years. After all, it was in the town, and he could earn a fortune by buying and building a shop.

But he failed to find the owner of that wasteland, and after many years passed, he let it go.

Now that he learned that Qin Gu Luotian's family had bought wasteland, even though they only bought a dozen acres, he was also upset and wanted to send someone to snatch the land.

But before he could do it, something even more coveted appeared in Tianfu County and several neighboring counties—soybean oil!

I don't know who made the soybean oil, but it suddenly popped up, and the place where it popped up is very special, it is the various Taoist temples and temples in several counties.

The first batch of people who ate soybean oil were masters in Taoist temples, and these masters gave soybean oil to believers who went to offer incense.

The believers feel that the things given by the masters are blessed, so they happily accept them and take them home to cook and eat.

Don't mention it, although the taste of soybean oil is not as strong as that of meat oil, the dishes made are also delicious, with an oily fragrance, and the oil is also rich in water, so you will have strength after eating it.

After those people finished eating, when they went to Taoist temples to offer incense, they asked the masters, is there any soybean oil?They don't need it from their masters, they are willing to pay for it.

The masters told them about a shop, and those people went to the shop to inquire, and found out that soybean oil was sold very cheaply, only [-] yuan a catty, which was a full [-] yuan cheaper than meat oil.

Farmers in several counties were overjoyed, and many families who could not afford fatty meat began to buy soybean oil to eat.

Zou Xiancheng is not stupid, knowing that this soybean oil is not only profitable, but also a good thing that benefits the country and the people, so he immediately asked Master Shao to investigate in person to find out who made the soybean oil.

However, several big families in Fucheng moved faster than him, and they had already acted to find out who made soybean oil so that they could get a share of the pie.

But after searching and searching, he finally found Zhongzhou!

After a few days of investigation in Zhongzhou, several big families in Fucheng stopped their efforts and stopped making soybean oil. It is really a mountain higher than a mountain. The big families in Fucheng like them can’t compare with one of the three big business houses in Dachu. , and the honorable families in the capital.

Master Shao had a classmate who was a guest in a rich family in Fucheng. When he learned that Master Shao was checking the owner of the soybean oil, he reminded him: "Don't check it, stop it quickly, it's from the noble family in the capital. Let's not try to get a share of the pie."

What kind of county magistrate, what kind of rich family in the prefecture, in the eyes of the nobles in the capital, they don't even count as farts. If you dare to hit other people's things, be careful and you will lose your life.

Master Shao was shocked when he heard that, and hurried back to the Zou Mansion, and told County Cheng Zou what he had found.

After Zou Xiancheng found out, he was shocked, and never dared to think about soybean oil again.


When Zou Xiancheng and the others were thinking about soybean oil, Gu Jinli had already drawn three blueprints and showed them to the adults when they came to the house to calculate the daily accounts.

Father Luo looked at the two back-to-back yards on the drawing, and said in surprise, "Xiaoyu, are you building two yards?"

All the shops in the town have three front shops, plus four wing rooms in the backyard.

But these blueprints drawn by Xiaoyu not only have three shops in the front and four rooms in the backyard, but also built a wall in the middle, and behind the wall is another courtyard with the same style.

The two back-to-back courtyards are separated by a wall, each has a front door, and a small door is opened beside the separated wall, connecting the two courtyards, forming a deep mansion.

Gu Jinli nodded: "Uncle Luo is right, these are two courtyards. Our land is large, so it doesn't matter if we build another courtyard. At that time, the four wing rooms in the front shop will be for the guys to live in, and the courtyard in the back will be for us. Live alone, convenient, safe, and quiet.”

"Xiaoyu, what are you talking about, we want to hire a man?" Chen called out, shaking his head in disapproval: "Why waste that money, we have hands and feet, we can do any work by ourselves."

Mrs. Chen was reluctant to spend money to hire a buddy, if she really wanted to, give her the money, and she would work hard.

Gu Jinli said: "It's not necessary to hire a buddy, but to prepare the house first, mainly to separate the front bunk from the back house, so that the people in the front bunk will not disturb our lives."

The third grandma nodded straightly: "It is true that the front shop should be separated from the back house. The back house is our own, and there is a girl's house. The front shop is for business. There are many people coming, so it is better to separate it."

Aunt Tian said: "This shop has an extra courtyard, so it will cost a lot of money, right?"

Although the family got a lot of money, they still had to buy land, build a house, and save money for the second strong man to marry a wife, but they couldn't spend it indiscriminately.

Gu Jin'an has already done the calculations: "Nowadays it costs 50 taels of silver to build a green brick and tile house. If we build an extra yard, the price will be doubled to 100 taels. Adding the cost of digging a well, the total cost will be 120 taels of silver."

The third grandpa looked at the adults and said, "It's about the same as our previous budget for buying a shop. If you have no objections, Dashan and Dafu will find someone tomorrow, and we'll build the shop quickly."

The family has always listened to the third grandfather, so naturally they would not object: "Hey, listen to your old man."

The next day, after Gu Dashan finished his work in the workshop, he called Gu Dafu and followed He Shiliu to Yanfu Village.

He Shiliu is looking for stones to sell. Over the years, he has traveled to many places, visited Yanfu Village several times, and wanted to make friends with the Gu family, so he recommended himself to lead them.

On the way, He Shiliu said to them, "In Qingfu Town, only Yanfu Village sells blue bricks. There is also a team of more than a dozen masons in their village. If you want to build a shop, go to Yanfu Village."

"Yuan Laorong from Yanfu Village is a capable man. When he was young, his family was extremely poor, but he was a thief. Knowing that rich old ladies like to go to Taoist temples to offer incense, he took a broken bowl to Taoist temples. Kneel on the road and beg for food."

(End of this chapter)

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