Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 3103 Ning Ji's misfortune, nicknamed Wei Jianqiang

Chapter 3103 Ning Ji's misfortune, nicknamed Wei Jianqiang

"Get out, of course Madam's method works, or do you think the Duke is really bragging?"

One of Qin Sanlang's hobbies is to praise his wife, so that people who have never seen Gu Jinli's power think he is bragging, and because of his status, he dare not let him stop bragging, so he can only keep his doubts about Gu Jinli in his heart , I didn't expect it, Madam is really capable!
"Ahaha, ghost, isn't it crazy, get up and bite Grandpa again, let's see how Grandpa will kill you!" Bai Zhen was so excited that he jumped up on the spot, but his joy soon turned into sorrow.

Ho Ho, two medicine soldiers came at him at the same time, their speed was like lightning and their strength was as heavy as a city's pressure. Seeing that they were about to die, they were suddenly caught by the hook and claw rope. dragged out from between the soldiers.

It was Xia Zhang who threw the claw rope to save people, and he learned this trick from Daqing.

The two medicine soldiers slammed into each other with the same force, knocking them backwards.

Puchi, puchi!
The two dead soldiers rushed forward quickly, and the poisonous arrows went straight into the brain from the nose, and retreated quickly, avoiding the counterattack of the medicine soldiers.

Soon, after the medicine took effect, the two medicine soldiers stopped moving.

"The method is sure to work, it's not a coincidence!"

"Everyone gather, come and share the poison and arrows!" Gu Jinli shouted, and then asked Xia Zhang: "How much of the finished medicine is there?"

They had used poison attack before, so they used up a lot of proprietary medicines. Although the method works now, she was afraid that the patented medicines would not be enough, after all, there were too many medicinal soldiers.

Xia Zhang: "In addition to the few bags now, there is still a box and a half."

But there are medicine soldiers everywhere inside and outside the mansion. This idea is a medicine, and it is not enough at all, so we have to hurry up and make it.

Gu Jinli asked Baizhen again: "When you poked into Yaobing's nasal cavity, what resistance did you encounter? Could you poke it open with chopsticks?"

The bones and flesh of the medicine soldiers are as hard as iron, but the arrows are also limited, and they are afraid of running out.

Baizhen said: "There is resistance, and you need a sharp blade and strong force to break through. You can't use chopsticks, branches, etc., and it is very likely that they will break halfway."

Boom, boom, boom!
The advance medical soldiers have rushed into the pharmaceutical workshop.

"Divide medicine and take arrows, match attack and defense, attack and kill the enemy, defend and lead the enemy to save people, go!" Uncle Yu shouted, and then said to Gu Jinli: "Madam, it's dangerous here, go to the tunnel and wait first, run away if you are in danger." , come out to dispense medicine when it’s safe.”

"Okay." Gu Jinli didn't want to burden them, so he hurriedly led Daqing and the others to the tunnel entrance.

"Go!" Baizhen and the others had already led their dead soldiers to rush towards the medicine soldiers.

The attacking soldiers bit their arrows and charged at the medicine soldiers, relying on the unexpected sneak attack and the speed of meteors, they pierced poisonous arrows into the medicine soldiers' nasal cavity.

The defenders were partly to lure the enemy, and partly responsible for rescuing the attackers who were being pursued. They had fought like this countless times, and they cooperated seamlessly. During the transition between offense and defense, a dozen medicine soldiers fell down after being poisoned by arrows.

However, the strength of the medicine soldiers was so strong that several of their brothers were knocked down and vomited blood.

But their record still shocked Zhao Chen and Rui Dan.

When the two led the soldiers to kill here, they looked at the drug soldier lying motionless, with panic on their faces... The people from Qin Guogong's mansion actually broke the magical power of the drug soldier!
But they didn't dare to say this at all. If they did, the master's biggest weapon would be gone, and many allies would turn against him.

But they are small bosses, they can suppress the shock in their hearts, but the accompanying subordinates can't, someone has already screamed: "They defeated the medicine soldiers!"

Kacha, Zhao Chen slashed at the person who spoke, his eyes fixed like a beast, his eyes were full of fear, he glanced at his subordinates, and said loudly: "The magic weapon has no weakness, and will never be defeated. Anyone who doubts the magic weapon is a traitor. When killed!"

The subordinates were not stupid, and immediately shouted: "Traitor, good job!"

Satisfied, Zhao Chen looked at Uncle Yu and the others, and said, "You will die soon."

The secret of Yao Bing's supernatural power being broken will be blocked, and as long as they survive until dawn, the overall situation will be settled, and they will be the heroes of the new dynasty.

However, Rui Dan still asked: "Who came up with this idea? Mrs. Gu?"

Zhong Huan's letters were all in the palace and hadn't been sent out yet. Because of Zhong Huan's letter, the master ordered all the medical soldiers in the capital to wear the insect repellent medicine, so anyone who could come up with a similar method should only be familiar with the principles of medicine and medicine. The structure of the human body, and Gu Shi who also knows the effect of deworming magic medicine.

Rui Dan glanced around here, but after finding no woman, he asked, "Where is Mrs. Gu? Have you escaped?"

Uncle Yu and the others didn't answer.

Rui Dan raised his eyebrows, bit his tongue hard with his teeth, and the blood gushed out. He licked his mouth around his mouth with the bloody tongue, and said with a smile: "Don't say? It doesn't matter. After killing all of you, I will Go catch her personally, and then ask the master to let me make her into a medicine man or a medicine corpse."

"Bah, lunatic, get out!" Baizhen and the others were so disgusted that they yelled at him from afar.

Rui Dan was not angry at all, and continued to smile.

hoo hoo hoo!
hoo hoo hoo!
There was another roar, and the medicine soldiers were controlled, and they had already surrounded the entire pharmaceutical workshop.

The bell rang, the medicine bell rang again, and all the medicine soldiers surrounding the pharmaceutical workshop rushed in. Baizhen, Bailiang, and Baishan immediately led people to fight back, but there were too many medicine soldiers, and they soon lost the wind.

"Oh, it's really boring." Rui Dan looked at Baizhen and them contemptuously, waved his hands, and led his subordinates to the back of the house: "Search, find Mrs. Gu, she must still be here."

"Yes!" The subordinates rushed forward, searching the yard, searching vigorously...

Whoosh whoosh!
The three crossbow arrows came suddenly, fast and accurate, with great force, thumping, smashing flesh and bones, straight into Rui Dan's side... His temple, right cheek, and side neck are all short and sharp small crossbow arrows , and the arrow is poisonous.

Rui Dan couldn't believe it, and looked towards the place where the crossbow shot out before falling down. However, with a bang, the tunnel entrance was closed, and he didn't even see the enemy who killed him.

"My lord has been hit by an arrow, save my lord quickly!" The subordinates rushed towards Rui Dan, but Rui Dan was already poisoned, his face was black and black, his body was convulsed, and blood foamed at the mouth, and he died in a short while.

Inside the tunnel, Gu Jinli sneered, held the crossbow arrows, and led Daqing and the others to the depths: "Gather the people in the tunnel, make a detour, and kill them from outside the courtyard by surprise."

"Yes." Daqing and the others rhythmically beat the small drums in the tunnel to gather the people.

And Rui Dan's death made Zhao Chen and the others mess up.

"General, Master Rui is dead, and the medicine soldiers will be out of control. What should we do?!"

Bang, Zhao Chen was so angry that he kicked the subordinate who was speaking, and shouted: "With the medicine bell, you can control the medicine soldiers, kill them all quickly!"

The secret that the medicine soldier's supernatural power was broken must be sealed, and no one can keep it alive.

But it was never a medicine bell that controlled the medicine soldiers. Now that Rui Dan was gone, Zhao Chen's subordinates also rang the wrong rhythm of the medicine bell, which led to a disordered mechanism, causing other poisons to float out of the medicine bell.

Once the medicine was mixed with the medicine blood, the smell was not right. The medicine soldiers went crazy, they began to bite anyone they saw, regardless of whether they were enemies or friends.

"General, the medicine soldiers are crazy, run away!"

Zhao Chen was furious: "Whoever dares to escape will be killed without mercy!"

But the medicine soldiers were too terrifying, and the subordinates fled in all directions regardless of Zhao Chen's threat.

The medicine soldier was much faster than them, catching up to them in the blink of an eye, hissing, tearing several people apart.

Zhao Chen was full of fear, completely panicked, turned around and escaped from the pharmaceutical workshop.

But Gu Jinli had brought someone to kill him.

Whoosh whoosh!
Before Zhao Chen recognized whether Gu Jinli and the others were enemies or friends, he was shot to death by random arrows.

Gu Jinli ordered again: "Kill all their subordinates... The fact that the medicine soldier's supernatural power has been broken must not be spread too early."

If Ning Ji knew about it and figured out a countermeasure, how would she deal with the medicine soldiers in the capital?

(End of this chapter)

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