Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 3223 The end of the full text, the Northeast War, you are all heroes

Chapter 3223 The end of the full text, the Northeast War, you are all heroes

All he could see was the guards, and the torchlight stretched as far as his eyes could see.The scene was too shocking, General Ji found his voice after a while, and shouted: "Qin Guogong is here, gather quickly to defend against the enemy!"

Ping Nantian was also shocked by the news that Qin Sanlang had killed him: "The marching speed is so fast..."

It's a good thing he broke camp early, if he delays another day, how can he survive? !

Looking at the generals in the number room again, he said: "The speed of the march shows that not only the reinforcements obeyed Qin Mu's orders, but even the Northeast Army was subdued by him... we have to be careful~"

General Zhang, Vice General He, General Yu, including Ah Jia all nodded in agreement.

Ah Jia also said: "We have fought against Qin Mu several times. This person is evil, and he can always turn danger into safety, or do some actions that shock the enemy, turning defeat into victory... In short, it is extremely difficult to deal with."

King Yijun didn't want to hear such majestic words from Chang Qin Sanlang, he said: "Deputy General Ah Jia is serious, we have prefect Ye and half of the people in the northeast of the prefecture as hostages, even Qin Mu has to be controlled by us, Don’t dare to attack the city lightly.”

Ha ha……

Bang bang bang!
Bang bang bang!
Bang bang bang!
There was a loud noise, and batches of flints slammed towards Fucheng, falling like meteorites, battlements were smashed, houses were smashed down, and big holes were smashed into the ground... Those Qing soldiers who were sleeping on the ground were smashed into a ragu.

"Wei, the guards are attacking the city!" General Ji rushed into the number room in embarrassment, and said, "This place is not safe, send the general to the room inside the city wall, where it is stronger."

The No. [-] room was built on the city wall, and it was an exposed target, and it would be destroyed after a burst of flint bombardment.

"You can't retreat!" King Yijun said: "The Qin thief attacked the city without saying hello, in order to frighten us. If we flee in a panic, we will fall into the tricks of the Qin thief and break the morale of our army. We must not retreat. .”

King Yijun ordered: "Take the prefect of Ye, those surnamed Wu, and Yangji's officials, generals, and their family members to the tower, and threaten Qin Mu to stop attacking the city!"

"Yes!" General Ji hurriedly complied.

Soon, Zhifu Ye and the others were escorted to the tower.

thump thump!
thump thump!
The special drum sounded again, and the messenger with a wide range of voices raised his voice and shouted: "Prefect Ye and hundreds of hostages are here, the guards stop attacking the city, or the hostages will be beheaded!!"

Dozens of messengers kept shouting, and shot down ten threatening letters with strong crossbow arrows to ensure that Qin Sanlang would know the threat.

But Qin Sanlang ordered: "Continue to throw flints!"

Bang bang bang!
Bang bang bang!
A wave of flints slammed into the city again, completely disrupting the Yangji Mansion. Those Qing soldiers who had committed crimes against the female slaves had to run out with their pants up and asked, "The guards are here? It can't be so fast, can it?"

Damn, they fled back to the city all night. Because they were too tired, they slept all day. Now they just had some time to enjoy themselves, but the guards came to kill them?

They don't want to believe it, and they hope that the siege is fake.


thump thump!
"The guards attack the city, except for the soldiers guarding the camp, the rest of the soldiers immediately return to the tower to defend against the enemy, and kill those who idle!"

"Damn, it's really coming." Qing Bing cursed, and could only rush to the tower, but the closer to the tower, the more flints, and some Qing soldiers were killed by the flints.

The women in the female slave camp thus temporarily escaped unharmed.

After the flint smashed for half an hour, Qin Sanlang gave the order to stop the siege.

General Ji and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly shouted: "Qin Mu, the prefect of Ye and the family members of the civil and military officials in the city are all on the tower. I order you to retreat [-] miles immediately, otherwise they will all die!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to a small family and said, "Throw his whole family down to frighten Qin Mu and the guards."

Bang bang bang!
That Baihu and his family of six were thrown off the city tower, and their bodies were half smashed.

Xu Qianhu led the rebels and risked their lives to drag the corpses back.

After the military doctor went to check, he came back and told Qin Sanlang: "Mr. Qin, the Baihu and the boy were tortured, and the female family members... all have traces of being abused~"

"This group of beasts will not spare even useful hostages!" General Xiao Liu and the Northeast military generals were filled with grief and indignation, and many of them had red eyes.

Qin Sanlang said: "Everyone, since the hostages have suffered a great crime, even if they can survive, they will suffer for half of their lives. In this case, they should leave the others behind, break the city directly, kill all the Qing soldiers, and avenge them."

"Qin Guogong, is this your solution to the threat?" General An asked.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "That's right. Chu and Wei are strict in ethics, and women's chastity is more important than their lives. You should understand that there is nothing that can comfort them more than directly avenging them."

His family Xiaoyu said that men always think that it is good for women to live, but men don't understand that if women cannot avenge their abuse, life will be more painful than death.

That being the case, then just go ahead and kill the Qing soldiers who abused them!

General An thought for a while, then looked at Liu Guangze: "Vice General Liu, I think Qin Guogong is right... If you can't bear it, you can avoid it first."

Liu Guangze and his family members were already in tears. After a moment of silence, he took the lead and said, "Mr. Qin, we listen to you... If you accept Qingbing's threat, this battle will be impossible."


"If there are women in the city who survive, please ask the imperial court to build a women's village for them, so that they can live without worrying about food and clothing, and live to old age and death without being criticized by others."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang gave Liu Guangze a high look, and said: "Vice General Liu, don't worry, the imperial court can help them do this... not only for Zhuangzi, but if they kill the enemy and make meritorious service, I will also ask His Majesty to help them. Because of their merits, conferring them as officials, even though they are vain positions, they are protected by official positions, and they can still receive salaries every year."

Add another sentence: "All the people in the city are treated like this."

After hearing this, Liu Guangze and the other Northeast military generals were shocked, and they all knelt down: "Thank you, Lord Qin, for giving the people of Yangji Mansion a way to live!"

Qin Sanlang: "You don't need to thank me, this is what His Majesty promised."

Although the second cousin felt that this was too much of a loss, he could win faster by doing so, so he finally agreed.

After Liu Guangze and the others listened, they kowtowed in the direction of the capital again: "The final general thanks Your Majesty for his great kindness!"

After knocking his head three times, he stood up and said, "Duke Qin, the last generals will not evade, but will personally attack the city and kill all those beast Qing soldiers!"

"Very good." Qin Sanlang nodded in satisfaction, asked the messenger to call out, and asked the prefect Ye and the civil and military officials: "Prefect Ye, Deputy General Xiao Lu, if you have any last words, please say them quickly, and the imperial court will definitely help you!!"

In order to ensure that Ye Zhifu and the others could hear them, the messengers shouted one after another. Without stopping, they yelled General Ji and the others into chills: "What does Qin thief mean? Just ask the last words, he is Unwilling to compromise?!"

Prince Yi's face was dark... He asked about his last words, how could he compromise.

But he said: "Calm down, don't fall into Qin Mu's tricks. Prefect Ye is the father of Queen David and the head of a country. Qin Mu can't help it!"

But Ajia said: "King Yijun, Qin Mu looks gentle, but he can be ruthless on the battlefield... He can attack the city regardless of the life and death of the hostages. We should find a way to deal with it as soon as possible."

Zhifu Ye had already heard the call, so he gathered his energy and shouted loudly: "Kill Qingbing, avenge us~"

(End of this chapter)

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