Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 3249 The end of the full text, Yanqing seeks peace talks

Chapter 3249 The end of the full text, Yanqing seeks peace talks
Want to burn the entire battalion to death?

"Impossible, the Marquis does not agree, these are the elite soldiers brought out by my family!"

"Plague, Rui Lin has a disease, everyone, run away!" The generals cut open the leather tent with their knives, and fled from behind the tent, fearing that they would be infected by Rui Lin if they escaped too late.

Master Quan Hou roared: "Stop, come back to me?!"

Hahaha, Rui Lin laughed loudly: "Master Hou, the elite soldiers brought out by your family ran away by themselves... Stop shouting, give orders quickly, if you are greedy for life and afraid of death, it will only bring the whole family who stayed in the capital to death. Get rid of the plague."

"Shut up, you dog slave, what right do you have to say that the Marquis is afraid of death? My whole family is a military marquis who was enshrined in military exploits!" Master Quan roared, but he was also afraid of being infected, so he hurriedly passed through the hole in the leather tent. Leave and tell Vice General Ou: "Hurry up and set fire to Rui Lin!"

He also said: "Benhou's military order, there will be epidemics in the barracks, it's all because Rui Lin is not good at doing things, and he is the confidant of King Yijun, so he ordered all healthy soldiers to go back to the second city with the Marquis immediately, and ask King Yijun for money." In other words... this Marquis will not treat any soldier badly, let alone let any soldier get sick and die indiscriminately!"


This implied military order quickly spread throughout the battalion.

Lord Quan Hou also sent people to publicize the rich life of King Yijun in Second City.

After hearing this, the soldiers of Qing became more and more resentful, cursing King Yijun: "The thief Qingyi only cared about his own happiness, but caused us to get sick. Let's go, go to the second city. Even if he dies, he must be killed first!"

"Kill Qingyi and let him suffer so much to death!"

The Qing soldiers broke out completely, and they all went to Qing Yi to settle accounts.

Seeing this, Master Quan felt a little relieved.

However, he still took some luck that he would not be able to catch the disease. After setting fire to the three thousand camps with the disease, he rushed to the second city with the healthy Qing soldiers.

The supervisors were members of the royal family, and after learning that Lord Quan and the others wanted to harm the king of Yijun, they hurriedly sent a letter to the king of Yijun with birds.

King Keyi didn't receive the letter, just because the second city also had an outbreak of disease.

But the disease started in the camps outside the city.

After King Yijun and Yanqing learned about it, they reacted very quickly and drove all the people who had been outside the city and had contact with the Qing soldiers outside the city to one place and burned them to death.

They also used catapults to throw black fire oil from the tower to the outside of the city, burning down the entire camp outside the city and controlling the epidemic.

But the dead man who was in charge of receiving the news of the marching army was burned to death outside the city, so no one sent letters to King Yijun.


On the third morning, when Master Quan led the remnant soldiers to besiege the city, King Yijun and the others knew that there was an epidemic in Lord Quan's barracks, that the eunuch in charge of supervision had rebelled, that Qing Spider had disappeared, that Tuo Gude had withdrawn his troops before the battle, and so on.


King Yi Jun smashed the precious porcelain all over the room, his eyes were red with anger, and said: "A group of traitors, the emperor's grandfather and the commander of the plague soldiers will not let them go!"

After speaking, he looked at Yanqing and said, "General Yan is still loyal to the royal family. Don't worry, the royal family will not treat the Yan family badly."

This is threatening Yanqing, telling him not to make trouble, otherwise the leader of the epidemic soldiers will kill the Yan clan.

Yan Qing sneered inwardly, but he tried to persuade him: "The prince calm down, don't get angry with those rebellious officials and thieves, they are all infected and dead, but we still have a way out."

King Yi Jun nodded again and again: "That's right, we can still take the belongings of the second city back to Dongqing. We are still heroes. The ones who are at fault are Qing Spider, Quan Zhenhui and Rong Bandit!"

He laughed again: "Our side is plagued by a disease, but the Qin thieves are also finished... Qing Zhu, this bastard is still somewhat useful, because he sent the epidemic soldiers into the third city. Already dead, Chu Wei will be wiped out this time, hahaha!"

Don't worry, there is no epidemic in the third city... because, like Qing Zhu, the epidemic soldiers who entered the city are people who have survived the epidemic, survived the epidemic, and can resist the epidemic.

The night before the release of the infected soldiers, the inspector inspected the infected soldiers, but the inspector was afraid of death, so he checked the infected soldiers' bodies from three meters away. With the plague.

"Report, the king of Yijun, General Yanda, and the traitor Quan Zhenhui shouted from the city, saying that if you two don't go to see him, he will let the sick soldiers pierce the pustules and throw the plague poison into the city with catapults. Inside!"

Bang, King Yi slapped the table and said angrily: "Immediately throw black fire oil and powerful drugs down the city, first stun them with poison, and then burn them all to death!"

Heh, Quan Zhenhui, a reckless man, wants to drag him to be buried with him, dreaming.

Yan Qing agreed, but: "Your Majesty, I'm going to show my face, lest Quan Zhenhui jump over the wall in a hurry and release the epidemic poison first."

"Success." King Yijun didn't go... The epidemic is too terrible, if there is an emergency, he will explain it here.

His life is precious, not risky.

"Let's go." Yanqing immediately went to the top of the city tower, ordered the doctors of the Rui family, the dead soldiers, and the soldiers to prepare for the poisoning and arson, and at the same time shouted to Quan Zhenhui: "Brother Quan, I know you have suffered a lot. , but your family, clansmen, and relatives are all in Dongqing, so don't be impulsive... Give the second city a way to survive, and the Yan family will protect the prosperity and safety of your family for three generations. Military pay!"

The ten messengers shouted these words together.

Master Quan Hou heard this, wrapped in a leather blanket, looked at a thousand households with dirty eyes, and asked: "Yan, what Yanqing is talking about is that the Yan family protects the family for three generations and pays your family members military salaries?"

"My Lord, yes." Song Qianhu repeated Yanqing's words verbatim.

After hearing this, Master Quan Hou closed his eyes, gathered his strength, and after a while, said: "Ask Yanqing, can he, the Yan family, really do it?"

"Yes." Song Qianhu asked Qing Bing, who was relatively ill, to shout this sentence towards the tower.

Yanqing quickly replied: "I, Yanqing, swear by the ancestors of the Yan family, the Yan family will definitely do it!"

The orderly repeated the words.

Song Qianhu conveyed it to Lord Quanhou.

After hearing this, Master Quan Hou finally let out the foul breath that was pressing in his heart. After a while, he said, "Tell Yanqing that if he slips his words, all the Qing soldiers who died of illness will go to him every night to demand their lives from Yan's family until Yan's until the family dies."

Song Qianhu was taken aback when he heard that: "Master Hou, did you promise not to attack the city?"

When I came here, I said that I would die with the second city.

"Yes." Master Quan nodded, and said: "We only have a few thousand remnants of soldiers left, who are so tortured by the epidemic that they can hardly even move. Even if we can throw the epidemic into the city, it is only to help the old emperor get rid of an opponent. ...It's better to sell favors to Yanqing and let him take the wealthy family to fight against the Qing family. If we win the fight, we will have our revenge, and our family will be safe and prosperous, and we will reap the rewards in one fell swoop."

The epidemic was so fierce that it killed thousands of Qing soldiers in just three days, and Vice General Ou also died of illness on the road.

Song Qianhu burst into tears, knelt down and said, "Thank you, Lord Hou."

Lord Quan shook his head: "Don't thank me, we shouldn't have come this time, if we lived in peace, we wouldn't end up like's all retribution~"

When they massacred Chu Wei people and harmed Chu Wei women, they were really proud, but the cause and effect in the world, God is watching, it made them suffer from the epidemic and die miserably in a foreign land.

(End of this chapter)

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