Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 3295 Postscript, complete text [Zhong Huan and Lu Bai’s situation of David a few years later

Chapter 3295 Postscript, complete text [Zhong Huan + Lu Bai + David’s situation decades later]

In the 21st year of Ming'an, at the end of spring, in the capital of David, the whole city was covered with silk.

Prince Wei Jiang led hundreds of civil and military officials, noble sons, distinguished people, and foreign merchants to personally welcome the coffin of the second Jun Tianhou Zhong Huan back to the capital at the city gate.

The first Jun Tianhou was Lei Wuye, and his successor was Lu Bai.

Officials from the Ministry of Etiquette shouted sadly: "Bow down!"

Wei Jiang led everyone to pay homage to the coffin. Apart from him, all the nobles in the city, as well as civil and military officials, common people, foreign ministers and foreign businessmen all knelt down and paid homage.


"Three thanks!"

"After the ceremony, the filial son waved flags to lead the way, and relatives and friends supported the spirit!"

Zhong Yu and Chu Qinghui's eldest son Zhong Qingyu came out to hold flags.

Eight people including the Crown Prince Wei Jiang, the new Marquis of Yong'an Qin You, Qin Yan, Gu Jin'an, Lingshu Marquis Lei Sangming, Yongyi Marquis Lu Tongyun, second-rank female military general Hu Yangji, and female martial arts champion Che Lanlan came out to hold the coffin, preparing Enter the city.

The candidates for Fuling were selected by Zhong Huan himself. There were four men and women, and most of them were young people. They were intended to pass on... Gu Jinan was on the list of Fuling because he was the pillar of the imperial dynasty.

A country without strong generals will lose its territory, and if the government is lawless, beasts will run rampant, so Zhong Huan specially brought Gu Jinan into the mix to support him in implementing the new criminal law in his own way.

Wei Xiao understood Zhong Huan's deep intention and held the funeral in full accordance with his last letter.

"Welcome the spirit into the city!"

Zhong Qingyu stepped forward, following the instructions of the officials of the Ministry of Rites, and greeted Zhong Huan's coffin into the city with nine steps and one salute.

"Jun Tianhou!" The people on both sides of the avenue knelt down and cried bitterly, especially the old people in the capital, who cried extremely hard. If it weren't for Zhong Huan, many people who had lived in the capital for a long time would not have survived the Wei Dynasty.

And if Zhong Huan had not formed an alliance with the desert countries outside the territory, killed and drove away the rebel tribes several times, and drove the rebels out of the vast desert, the people of David would not have been able to carry out business to the desert countries and enjoy today's Live a stable and prosperous life.

So everyone is very grateful to Zhong Huan, and this national funeral ceremony that welcomes him from ten miles away is the respect he deserves.

Qin You has heard stories about Zhong Huan from her parents since she was a child. She, Che Lanlan, Hu Yangji and other female military generals of the younger generation receive books of extraterrestrial objects and customs of extraterritorial mountains and rivers from Zhong Huan every year. Because of these things , their horizons have grown exponentially... This is the grace of teaching, and she will remember it in her heart.

But when she met Uncle Zhong for the first time, she helped him support his spirit, which made Qin You cry very sadly.

Wei Jiang said: "No need to be sad, Marquis Yong'an. As long as we protect this world and pass on all the good things, Marquis Juntian can rest in peace."

Qin You replied: "I understand."

She has received so many teachings and already understands these truths, but her parents said that everyone will be sad, and when you are sad, you have to cry, don't hold it in, so don't worry about me and let me have a good cry!
Wei Jiang saw that her tears were still falling down, and he sighed in his heart... She still loves to cry so much.

The pain on his face continued, but he handed her a handkerchief calmly.

But Qin You didn't see it. He took out his handkerchief to wipe his tears and continued to help the spirit move forward.

Wei Jiang: "..."


Seven days after Zhong Huan's coffin was laid to rest at the Zhong family, Zhong Yu and Zhong Qingyu took the deceased members of the Zhong family to the secret cemetery of the Zhong family and were buried with his first wife, Princess Anrong.

"Sister-in-law, eldest brother is back. The descendants of the Zhong family will guard the cemetery and not let anyone disturb your peace." Zhong Yu knelt in front of the couple's coffins in the tomb and said a lot to his brother and sister-in-law who were like father and mother. talk.

Finally, he put a bouquet of dried flowers that Zhong Huan had brought back from the desert countries on the couple's coffin and turned around and went out.

bang bang bang~
Several tomb doors were closed, and the life of Zhong Huan, a famous official of a generation, came to an end with the closing of the tomb doors.


In the 24th year of Ming'an, Prince Wei Jiang worked hard to break through all obstacles and finally married the princess he had loved for many years.

In the same year, Emperor Ming'an wanted to enthrone the crown prince. After the prince Wei Jiang left a letter, he escaped from the capital with the crown prince and traveled around the mountains and rivers.

Emperor Ming'an was furious, but he had no choice but to continue working as a coolie.

The following year, Emperor Ming'an proposed to abdicate again, but Prince Wei Jiang still refused.

It was not until the 27th year of Ming'an, when the emperor's eldest grandson was one year old, that Wei Jiang accepted the imperial edict of the Zen throne and ascended the throne as emperor, with the reign title Chengming.

Emperor Chengming was open-minded, hedonistic, and lazy.He is so lazy that he changes the time of morning prayers or even reduces the number of morning prayers in order to get more sleep, but he achieves countless achievements in his life.

The most talked-about thing is that he never tolerated two things throughout his life and was in love with the queen.

He has always had great faith in the Qin Guluo family; he vigorously supported female soldiers; he also pioneered the practice of female yamen, where women could inherit the ancestral business, and wives who had contributed to the support of the husband's family could divide the husband's family's property.

He also loves new things and regards new things and strange people who are helpful to the world as gifts from God and will not reject them.

But if strange people don't do human things, they will kill without mercy.


In the late summer of the 15th year of the Chengming Dynasty, Lu Bai, who was already in his seventies, was walking in the streets of Fangshi, the new capital, on crutches.

As David became more and more powerful, many merchants from desert countries, Baisha Kingdom, and overseas gathered in the capital, and the original capital became crowded. After several discussions, the imperial court expanded and built the capital.

Now it has been built and put into use. There are many shops. Each street is also equipped with a female military medical center and a female office, so that women can have a place to see a doctor and file a complaint.

"Goat milk jelly, goat's milk jelly, goat's milk jelly with two kinds of fresh fruits and two kinds of dried fruits. It only costs 26 cents a bowl. Come and buy it!"

"Refreshing coconut candy tea, comes from the sea, and has the smell of the sea. It only costs [-] cents a cup... The stock is limited. If you don't buy it, it will be sold out!" The store selling goat's milk jelly became angry: "Chen Liucheng, you want Shameless? The house is full of goods, and you dare to say that they are almost sold out? It still smells like the sea. Do you know what the sea smells like? It smells like fish!"

Chen Liucheng was angry: "Hu Dayang, don't ruin my business by spreading rumors. What's the fishy smell? It's a refreshing and sweet coconut flavor. It tastes great."

He also warned: "If you spread rumors again, I will spread it everywhere that you want to take a concubine, and everyone will look down on you!"

"What kind of concubinage? What kind of good man would want to take a concubine?!" Hu Dayang said angrily: "You are really spreading rumors. I can go to the government to sue you!"

The old Duke of Qin, the late Duke of Ying, the late Supreme Emperor, the Marquis of Lu, Dou Ge Lao, Gu Ge Lao, the two Gu Shangshu, Yao Shangshu and many other people who have made countless achievements are all worthy of distinction.

Because of their example, today's Davidians do not like taking concubines, and there is even a saying among the people that taking concubines will ruin the family's fortune.

Even those who do not believe in luck are still ashamed to be accused of taking concubines.It was just because Emperor Chengming scolded several civil servants and generals who were still paying off in their old age. He scolded them so unpleasantly that he finally dismissed them. Not only was he humiliated, but his life's work was in vain.

So now everyone doesn't like being called concubinage, and regards concubinage as a curse word. If you meet someone with a big temper, he can pick up the guy and fight with you.

But they couldn't fight. Lu Bai smiled and said, "Here's a bowl of goat's milk jelly and a cup of coconut candy tea."

The shop selling seafood soup cakes next door shouted: "You two, stop arguing, business is coming, hurry up and get the food for the customers!"

Then he said to Lu Bai: "Don't worry about this old man. They are good friends who grew up naked. They often quarrel. They won't really fight. You can rest assured to eat here."

Then he said, "Would you like a bowl of seafood soup cake? It's cooked with dried seafood. It's delicious. It also comes with a pancake, which can fill your stomach. It only costs [-] cents. Look at you. You’re from out of town, so you probably haven’t eaten it before. How about I give you a bowl to try?”

Lu Bai smiled and said: "Okay, have a bowl."

The store owner said happily: "Okay, please come in and sit down, and I will give you soup cakes made in Shanghai right away."

In the store, the wives of the three shop owners gathered together and gossiped: "Jun Tianhou is alive again. He said he can live for a few more years, but he will not die recently."

"Where did you hear this? Is the news true?"

"It's more real than the Dahai Pearl that Dong Qing paid tribute to last year! My sister-in-law's niece said this. She is a female medical apprentice in the palace and hears news about Jun Tianhou every day."

Dongqing is still in chaos. Various kings have changed several times. In order to gain David's support, they pay tribute and delay the mining period.

"Just keep it true. Then we can safely set an auspicious date for the wedding of our little one. We don't have to worry about rescheduling in the event of a national mourning."

Lu Bai: "..." In any case, he has to live until next year.

"Hey, do you think Jun Tianhou and the Queen of Baisha Kingdom are really having an affair?"

"Oh, one more leg? I don't know how many legs there are, and the children have been born for decades... The men in Baisha Kingdom are all hairy, but our Jun Tianhou is beautiful and hairless, Queen Where have I seen such a fair and handsome man? I was immediately attracted to him. That night, I took Jun Tianhou into custody because I thought our handsome David tasted very good. I became addicted to him. I continued to do it for several months, and I was pregnant with him. Got married and gave birth to a son..."

"What should I do? It's been going on for several months. You old ladies are too rude. Didn't you see that there are customers here?" The store brought seafood soup cakes and apologized to Lu Bai: "They are used to being aggressive. , please don’t be the same as them... I’ll give you an extra pancake as an apology.”

Lu Bai said with a smile: "No, no, I can't eat that much, and you are a small business. If you send more cakes, you will make less money."

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Don't feel sorry for us, we are not poor. The land in this small half street belongs to the three of us. We have property, so you can eat freely. After you finish eating, we will give you another bowl for free." .”

"Don't eat!" A young girl with black hair, blue eyes and a noble face rushed in, pointed at the things on the table and said, "Come here, pour it all for me."

"Yes!" A group of foreigners rushed in and cleared the table in the blink of an eye.

The store owner was scared and angry, and pointed at them and said, "Don't think that you, as foreign businessmen, can waste food like this. I can go to the government office and file a complaint..."

dong dong dong~
The little girl put three pieces of gold on the table and asked, "Is it enough? If it's not enough, I can still give it."

The main one is rich and powerful.

The shopkeeper looked at the gold and smiled happily: "Enough is enough... but food cannot be wasted. How about I pack you a few bowls of seafood soup cakes and send them to your house?"

The little girl ignored him, helped Lu Bai up, and said angrily: "Grandpa, if you run out and eat randomly again, I will kidnap you back to Baisha Kingdom!"

Lu Bai smiled and said: "Okay, okay, grandpa is wrong, he must stop being greedy."

You have to keep tabs on your diet and live well until next year, but you can't ruin other people's happy events.

The little girl was finally satisfied: "That's right... Let's go home. Tomorrow I will take you to a hot spring outside the city. That is my birthday gift from your queen."

This sentence was spoken in Chuwei dialect, so people in the store understood it.

But they didn't believe it, and secretly laughed in their hearts: You, a foreign business girl, deserve to have our queen give you a hot spring resort for your birthday?Do you know how rare the hot spring resort is?You can really brag.

However, in the Baisha Kingdom, she could inherit the throne and was one of the crown princes. As the queen of a friendly country, it was stingy to only give her a hot spring resort to win her over.

Lu Bai discussed with the little girl: "Grandpa has already stayed at your grandpa Gu's hot spring resort. In a short time, he doesn't want to go to the hot spring resort anymore... Let's go shopping instead, as long as you promise to go there every two days How about letting grandpa go shopping, and he will promise to avoid food, take medicine on time, and cooperate with medical treatment?"

Then he said: "Grandpa hasn't been home for many years. He loves to watch the fireworks on this street. Please do it for me~"

The group of people was drifting apart, and I don't know if the rich girl promised the old man?

He must have agreed, because from that day on, everyone could often meet the grandfather and grandson on the street.

The old man went shopping in front to buy things, and the little girl paid in the back. Every time, he gave gold, and he gave it in large amounts. The shopkeepers were so happy that they nicknamed them "Golden Double Stars"!

[End of full text.Thank you for your support. I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy National Day. See you again]

 ...I finally finished writing it, thank you to the platform, thank you to the editor, thank you to those who have been reading the article, and thank you to myself.In fact, I have a lot to say, but I feel that they are all lies, so I won’t say more.I wish you all peace, health, success, great fortune, and may you always be protected by God and stay away from all bad things. I wish me fortune too^0^. .The new book has been in advance for N years. If everything goes well, I will publish it after the National Day. It is also a down-to-earth, humorous, and hard-working farming article. Both lives are one-to-one and clean (I am a germophobe, and I can’t write without being clean, but There will be misunderstandings in the previous life 0.0) If you like it, you can go and check it out. .I solemnly remind you that there are no groups or other accounts for this book. I am too lazy to create these. Therefore, if you encounter anyone who uses the name of this book or the author to create a group, they are all liars. Don’t believe it! !Finally, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy National Day. I love you and thank you for your support over the years. See you again if we have the chance. Goodbye.

(End of this chapter)

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