Chapter 357 Consignment

The third grandpa saw that they were talking cheerfully, so he also came to make fun of him: "Since you are reluctant to part with the money, then you lose, and the old man will give you the money."

Gu Jinli said: "Third Grandpa, if you give money, our bet will have to be increased to two taels of silver."

The third grandpa smiled and shook his head: "Your third grandma is really right, you just lost money, even the silver of our two old guys. Well, it's just two taels of silver, we can afford it, Bet."

Needless to say, Gu Jinli won.

After two days of drying the mosquito coils, the next night, their house lit the mosquito coils, and the light smoke wafted out from the lit mosquito coils, carrying a faint fragrance of flowers and plants, and within a cup of tea, the house was full of mosquitoes .

The third grandma held the oil lamp, looked at the dead mosquitoes on the ground, and was startled: "Little fish, what kind of mosquito coils are you? It's too powerful. The mosquitoes are all smoked to death. The mosquito coils you made are not poisonous, right? Will we be poisoned?"

The third grandma looked back at Gu Jinli, her face was full of worry.

Gu Jinli shook his head with certainty: "No, the mosquito coils are made of herbs, and the three herbs can only kill mosquitoes and insects, and have no harm to humans and animals."

It seems that it is difficult for her to sell her mosquito coils, and she needs the help of old doctor Wu and the Jiang family, otherwise others would not dare to buy her mosquito coils.

Fortunately, it will be the Qiqiao Festival in two days. Mrs. Jiang sent a post to her family as early as the end of June, inviting their sisters to Jiang's Mansion to beg for Qiaoqiao.

Just in time to go to Jiang's mansion for a banquet, she brought the mosquito coils with her.

However, before going to Jiang's mansion, she went to Xuanhufang first, and showed the mosquito coils she made to old doctor Wu.

Gu Jinli's medicinal materials were bought at Xuanhufang. The old doctor Wu knew what kind of mosquito coils she was making. Seeing that she brought two bundles of incense, he was not surprised and asked, "Is this the mosquito coils you made?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "That's right, it's made with white stem chrysanthemum, aphid grass, and red back root. These three medicinal materials are harmless to the human body, and they won't produce any toxins when mixed together."

"White stem chrysanthemum, this stuff can actually smoke mosquitoes." Old doctor Wu was very surprised. The medicinal herb of white stem chrysanthemum is mostly used to remove heat poison and cure boils, and no one has ever used it to kill mosquitoes.

"The way you make mosquito coils is interesting, and the herbs you use are fresh. I'll try it first." Old doctor Wu took the mosquito coils to a drain in the backyard and started to light them.

Mosquitoes are most attracted to the gutters, and after the mosquito coils are lit for a while, the surrounding mosquitoes keep falling down.

Old doctor Wu's eyes showed surprise: "Your mosquito coil is powerful enough, you can kill so many mosquitoes in a short while."

Gu Jinli took the opportunity to ask: "Then you see, can this mosquito coil be sold at your Xuanhufang?"

Old Doctor Wu didn't agree immediately, but lit two more mosquito coils, went to the wing room in the backyard, and closed the door.

After a while, old doctor Wu came out and said: "Yes, Xuanhufang will help you sell it for a while. However, if it sells well, will you make it yourself in the future, or will you find a medicine store to do it?"

Old doctor Wu didn't hide his secrets, and said to Gu Jinli clearly: "The most valuable thing about your mosquito coil is not that it can smoke mosquitoes, but its production method. In the past, this medicine was made into a soup after making a prescription. The externally applied Jinchuang medicine is only ground into powder, and no medicine has ever been made into incense."

"Although it is not difficult to make incense, Taoist temples are full of incense for offerings, but no one has ever made medicine into incense. This method is very special. Do you understand what the old man means?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "I understand. To be honest with Grandpa Wu, I want to make some medicines that are easy to carry in the future. I don't need to boil them. If I get sick, I can just take the medicine out and eat it. But medicines like mosquito coils that can be ignited , is just one of the convenience medicines I want to make."

Old Doctor Wu's eyes brightened when he heard it: "Girl, you mean, you know other ways to make medicine?"

Gu Jinli didn't hide anything from Old Doctor Wu, and nodded directly: "Well, there are several ways, but whether it can be done or not, I don't dare to guarantee it now."

Old Doctor Wu was overjoyed: "Whether you can make it or not, you have to try it. If you are afraid of spending money, I can give you some medicinal materials as long as you can make the convenient medicine you said."

Old doctor Wu also traveled extensively when he was young, and he saw many people who fell ill on the road. It was just a cold, but because he couldn't find a pharmacy to buy medicine for a while, his life was ruined.

Even for him, it is very difficult to save people when there is no medicinal material.

Gu Jinli couldn't wish for it: "Succeed, I promise you that I will definitely make a convenient medicine, and you will help me look at the prescription when the time comes. You are better at seeing a doctor, so I will make something convenient."

Upon hearing this, Old Doctor Wu smiled and stroked the beard on his chin, and said, "You can feel more at ease when you say this."

Although Xiaoyu girl made mosquito coils, he didn't dare to compliment her medical skills.

"How do you plan to sell this mosquito coil?"

Gu Jinli said: "Five coins a piece, I get four coins, Xuanhufang takes one coin, what do you think?"

"If you earn a penny for nothing, the old man is naturally happy." The old doctor Wu sent Gu Jinli out of the backyard, and said to her: "When it is sold, or if there is any problem, the old man will send someone to notify you."

"Sure, you're too troublesome." After Gu Jinli left Xuanhufang, he went to Gu's restaurant to help.

After helping to sell out all the food in the shop, he followed Luo Huiniang and the others home in the late afternoon, and began to prepare gifts for the Jiang family during the Qiqiao Festival.

On the day of the Qiqiao Festival, the third grandma called the sisters up before dawn and asked them to wash up.

After tossing for a quarter of an hour, the third grandma looked at Gu Jinli and Gu Jinxiu who had changed into new clothes and stood together, and couldn't help but get red eyes, and said to Cui Shi behind him: "Look, our sister Xiu and Xiao How good-looking is the fish?"

Cui Shi also made the first move to dress up her two daughters. Looking at the two beautiful daughters in long skirts, she couldn't help but wiped her tears: "It's pretty."

When she was in her hometown, how could she believe that her daughter could wear such a beautiful dress?The good clothes in the family belonged to the second, third and fourth family, and it would be nice if her children could have a piece of patched sackcloth to wear.

Gu Jinli said: "Third grandma, mother, why are you still crying? Wipe away your tears quickly, we are leaving."

"Okay, don't cry." The third grandma wiped away her tears and urged them: "Hurry up and have breakfast, or Shang Xiucai's family will come to pick you up."

Sister Gu Jinli hurried to have breakfast.

Not long after eating, Shang Xiucai's mule cart arrived.

Gu Jinli, Gu Jinxiu, Gu Jinan, and Luo Huiniang went to the county seat in a mule cart.

Sitting in the mule cart, Luo Huiniang was very excited: "Last year, we went to the county government to apply for a new household registration. I was in a hurry. I was still hungry, and I was so dizzy that I didn't see what the county looked like. You can go and have a look.”

He asked again: "Xiaoyu, is it not good for us to go play by ourselves and not call Gu Yumei?"

(End of this chapter)

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