Chapter 390

After Gu Jin'an finished the salute, he said again: "Master County Magistrate, Wan Sheng has brought Mr. Xue, and he is willing to testify that Mr. Lu is a fugitive slave. If you have any questions, you can ask him now."

County Magistrate Xu also wanted credit, so he immediately called Mr. Xue up and asked him about the Linglong Painting Boat back then.

If you don't ask, you don't know, but if you ask, you will be shocked. The reason why the Linglong Painting Boat will suffer in the past is because people died in the painting boat.

Two noble sons from aristocratic families competed for the Twelve Flower Immortals. A Shangguan young master fell into the water. After being rescued, he still went.

This incident was an accident, but the young master Shangguan who died was the son of the Shangguan family in the south of the Yangtze River. There was an aunt in the family who was the concubine of King Wuyang, so he could be regarded as a relative of the emperor.

The Shangguan family has lost the young master, and the noble son of the other party is surnamed Zheng, who is also of status. The elder sister in the family is a concubine in the palace. She was pregnant with the dragon seed at the time. It is impossible for them to fight the Zheng family to the death.

Besides, the young master of the Zheng family didn't beat the young master Shangguan with his own hands, it was because of the fighting between the two, the young master Shangguan fell into the water and died by himself.

The Shangguan family was very aggrieved, so they could only direct all their anger on Linglong Huafang. They searched Linglong Huafang privately for half a year, and finally got the incriminating evidence against Linglong Huafang's owner.

Those criminal evidences were directly sent to the desk of Minister of Criminal Affairs, and not long after, the owner of Linglong Painting Boat, Twelve Flower Immortals, and many families related to Linglong Painting Boat were all killed.

In Jiangnan 40 years ago, many people died because of the Linglong Painting Boat.

Although time has passed and the situation has changed, the Shangguan family is still standing tall, and the son born to the side concubine even inherited the title and became King Wuyang.

And the current head of the Shangguan family respects and loves the young master who was born on the same day. Over the years, he still pays homage to this elder brother who died young every year on the anniversary of his death.

The county magistrate Xu wants to be promoted. When he encounters such a case that can curry favor with the powerful, he feels sorry for himself if he doesn't handle it.

Besides, Da Chu attaches great importance to the case of fugitive slaves, and as long as one case is completed, it can be credited with merit.

The county magistrate Xu has seen a steady stream of credit coming towards him, and after listening to Mr. Xue's statement, he immediately asked Mr. Xue to pledge.

Master Tian wrote down what Mr. Xue said when he said these things, and now he handed over the confession to Mr. Xue.

Mr. Xue was thinking about Brother Shou, and didn't want to come out for too long, so he pressed his handprints and said to the magistrate Xu: "Master County Magistrate, Mr. Lu is very cunning, and he is the father-in-law of Mr. County Chancellor. You should hurry up." It's better to let the poor man arrest people, lest the county magistrate find out and come to protect Mr. Lu, the father-in-law."

County magistrate Xu has been in Tianfu County for many years. Because Zou Xiancheng is a local snake, he has suffered a lot from Zou County Cheng. He is dissatisfied with Zou County Cheng. Man died in office.

Now that he is about to be promoted, he has also registered in front of the magistrate, and he is no longer afraid. Hearing this, his face darkened, and he sneered: "Mr. Xue, don't worry, what is Zou Xiancheng? If you dare to obstruct the official's handling of the case, the official will take the paper and remove him from the position of county magistrate!"

Master Tian also laughed beside him and said: "Don't worry, old man, Xiancheng Zou is too busy to take care of himself now, so he doesn't have time to take care of Mr. Lu, a fake father-in-law."

What father-in-law?

Can the father of a concubine also be the father-in-law?It's really embarrassing for their scholars!

County magistrate Xu didn't delay, he couldn't even wait for dawn, and immediately ordered Team Leader Yang: "Go to Qingfu Town immediately and arrest everyone in the Lu family."

Then he looked at County Captain Jiang and said, "Brother Jiang, go to the Lu Mansion in the county and arrest all the two families, Boss Lu and Lao Er, if Mr. Lu is a fugitive slave, they are the children of Mr. Lu. Also a slave."

Since ancient times, all children born to slaves have been slaves.


Yang Bantou and Jiang Xianwei took orders to go.


In the Lu family of Dafeng Village, because of Mrs. Zou's family being beaten down, Mr. Lu has been doing very well recently.

Now in Lu San’s room, while sipping some wine, he said to Lu San: “Third, your sister has already ruined Mrs. Zou’s room. From now on, Zou’s family will belong to Brother Zhen, Dad. I have already sent a letter to your sister, asking Brother Zhen to ask Zou Xiancheng to send someone to the capital to bring you an imperial doctor."

"Although this matter is quite difficult, who made Brother Zhen the only one left in the Zou family? If the old dog of Zou Xiancheng doesn't pamper our Brother Zhen, who will he rely on to take care of him in the future?"

Mr. Lu felt elated, and he floated up after drinking two glasses of wine.

Knowing that Mrs. Zou was beaten by his sister, Lu Lao San was also very happy. With his mouth crooked, he said with difficulty: "Flee, run away...don't let it a few, tomorrow... ...Find Niuzi...go, kill...they...female, beautiful...keep...use..."

The youngest Lu was paralyzed, and he was still thinking about harming Gu Jinli and the others, but he was lying on the bed recently, and after listening to people talking a lot, he realized that Mo Chunyue from the Mo family was a fart. The most beautiful one is Gu Dashan's eldest daughter.

It's just that Gu Dashan's family is too thieves and hid the eldest daughter too well, and when he came to grab the prescription, that girl also hid, and he didn't see it. If he saw it, she would have become his Lu by now. Concubine at home.

Lu Laosan felt very sorry, now that he is paralyzed, he can't do anything he wants, but as long as he can abuse those families, even if he can't do anything, he has to snatch the girls from those families.

"Three, don't worry, Dad will find Zhang Niuzi tomorrow and ask him to clean up those families first." Mr. Lu also hated Qin Gu Luotian's family deeply, and felt that his family would be unlucky because they were all punished by those few families. The family gave Ke: "Think you can rest easy if you climb up to the county captain and then the county magistrate? You must know that even the county magistrate is afraid of local snakes."

Mr. Lu was very annoyed that the county magistrate sent plaques to Qin Gu Luotian's family. When he knew about it, he headed towards the end of the village and scolded the family.

In the evening, Shuan's daughter-in-law was also asked to set up an incense table, specially offering incense and cursing those families. It would be better to let the spices eat the dead, and all the families were arrested. female branch.

While drinking, Mr. Lu was talking to Mr. Lu about how to get Zhang Niuzi to deal with those families. He kept talking until the moon was in the sky before going back to bed.

Just as Mr. Lu fell asleep, he heard a violent knock on the door.

Bang bang bang!

Mr. Lu woke up immediately, put on his clothes and walked out of the house, stood in the yard and shouted, "Shuan Da, Shuan Da, what's going on? Who is killing the sky knife at this time...?"

Before he finished speaking, Luo Wu rushed into the yard where old man Lu lived with a group of yamen servants, pointed at old man Lu and said, "Tie up the pig's eggs!"

(End of this chapter)

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