Chapter 394 Scars

Zou Xiancheng was dumbfounded, and pointed at Qin Sanlang, Qin Sanlang had disappeared before he could utter the curse words.

After a while, he regained his breath, pointed at the direction where Qin Sanlang disappeared, and asked angrily: "Who is this person? How courageous! A small soldier dares to ignore my order... I will punish him !"

Seeing Zou Xiancheng coming, Lu Hehua hurriedly shouted: "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, you have to save us, we were dragged to the county government overnight for nothing we did, it's really inappropriate for them to treat officials and family members like this Put brother-in-law in your eyes, brother-in-law, hurry up..."

"Shut up! Where did you come from? My Yue's family name is Hong, your maiden name is Lu, and your husband's family name is Niu. Why was I ever your brother-in-law?" Zou Xiancheng was very angry. Pu, what time is it, and you are still calling out brother-in-law, afraid that others will not know that he spoils his concubine and destroys his wife, and that others will not know that he intends to use his official position to save his concubine's family?

Lu Hehua was yelled at, and she was stunned for a while, then she became angry: "Brother-in-law, are you going to recognize us? Okay, okay, you really plan to abandon the Lu family after seeing our Lu family suffer, you old bastard with no conscience." When you spoiled my younger sister back then, you said that although you can’t marry my plum blossom as your official wife, the Lu family is also your in-law’s family, so we treat it as a serious relative, and now you..."

"shut up!"

"shut up!"

"shut up!"

Three angry shouts came from Boss Lu, Zou Jiang, and Zou Xiancheng respectively.

Zou Xiancheng was already ill, but when Lu Hehua was so angry, his throat became sweet, and a bloody smell rushed straight to his throat, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Zou Xiancheng held back, but he was so angry that he pointed at Lu Hehua and couldn't say a word.

Master Shao took a few steps forward, came in front of Lu Hehua, and warned her in a low voice: "Shut up if you don't want to die, you've made our lord anxious, we'll leave immediately, and let your Lu family fend for itself."

Master Shao is a scholar, he respects concubines very much, he originally supported Zou Yugan, but Zou Yugan was too stupid, he killed himself.

Because of Zou Yugan, Zou Xiancheng hated Mrs. Zou's family to death, and planned to abandon Mrs. Zou's family and support Zou Yuzhen to be the future head of the Zou family.

However, Master Shao knew that Zou Yuzhen was cold, cruel, and not a good boss, so Master Shao did not want Zou Yuzhen to take over.

He is optimistic about... Zou Yukun's eldest son.

Although Zou Yukun is stupid, his eldest son is not bad. Although his knowledge is not as good as that of Zou Yuqian's son, Zou Yukun did not make Zou Xiancheng's concubine belly bigger. Based on this alone, Zou Xiancheng will not hate him very much. Zou Yukun's son.

Now that something happened to the Lu family again, if old man Lu was really a fugitive slave, then even if the Zou family bought Zou Yuzhen with money, Zou Yuzhen had a grandfather who was a fugitive slave, and it would be very difficult for him to get a job in the future.

After Master Shao scolded Lu Hehua, he came to Zou County Cheng and whispered to Zou County Cheng, "My lord, if the Lu family really can't be saved, you don't have to tear yourself apart with the county magistrate. You must know, no matter how important the Lu family is, there is no need for it." The Zou family is important, and my lord can't let the Zou family fall into desperation for the sake of irrelevant outsiders."

The Zou family has lost too much face recently, they are already the laughing stock of the county, if they fight with the county magistrate for saving the Lu family, the loss outweighs the gain.

County magistrate Xu holds the credit for removing half of Dachu's mile chief, and his promotion is a certainty.

At this time, we are against County Magistrate Xu. In case the County Magistrate Xu gets anxious, when he is transferred, he will read a copy of Zou Xiancheng before he leaves. Someone from above will check Zou County Cheng, but they can't resist it.

After hearing the words, Zou Xiancheng finally calmed down, and nodded to Master Shao: "Master reminds you, don't fight hard with the county magistrate."

He turned his head, glanced at the Lu family, his face darkened, and without saying a word, he was supported by Zou Jiang and went to the backyard of the county office.

The pond in the backyard of the county office was not far away. Qin Sanlang felt the wind blowing under his feet. After a short while, he carried old man Lu to the side of the pond. After untying the rope that bound his hands, he threw old man Lu into the pond with a plop.

Grandpa Lu was stunned, half floating on the water, looked at Qin Sanlang, and cursed: "Children of the Qin family, how dare you avenge yourself!"

Qin Sanlang ignored him at all, and after taking a long bamboo pole from Jiangxian Wei, he began to slap Mr. Lu in the water.

Mr. Lu is not stupid, he has already noticed that Qin Sanlang threw him into the water for ulterior motives, but he just came up with such an idea, and he has not figured out the reason why Qin Sanlang did this. call.

After a few slaps, the bamboo pole hit him hard. Unable to bear the beating, Mr. Lu immediately dived into the water, and after a while, he dived to the other side of the pond.

County Magistrate Xu and the others stood by the pond and watched, nodding their heads one after another... Mr. Lu can indeed swim, and after a while, if Mr. Lu wants to refute that he can't swim, and that he can escape without swimming, I'm afraid it won't work.

Seeing Cheng Zou coming, Qin Sanlang quickly ran to the other side of the pond, and hit Mr. Lu again with the long bamboo pole.

"Young son of the Qin family, you wolf cub who kills thousands of knives, you are trying to murder people." While scolding Qin Sanlang, old man Lu dived into the water again, and after a while, he appeared on the other side of the pond.

Zou Xiancheng frowned, and asked the county magistrate in a bad tone: "My lord, what are you doing? Let a young man beat an old man like this. If it gets out, I'm afraid it will hinder the official voice of your lord."

County magistrate Xu looked at Cheng Zou and said with a smile, "Lord Zou is too worried. Sanlang is just testing the suspect, lest the suspect retract his confession in court."


Revoke the confession in court?

Could it be that County Magistrate Xu has any evidence against Mr. Lu?

Zou Xiancheng is still thinking about it, Xu County magistrate has already said to Qin Sanlang: "The young man of the Qin family, drag Mr. Lu up, tie him up, and take him to the front hall."

After a while, the county magistrate Xu patted the gavel and began to ascend the hall. First, he announced Mr. Xue, and asked him to tell everyone about the discovery that Mr. Lu was a fugitive slave, and about Linglong Huafang. .

Mr. Lu's face paled when he heard this... Sure enough, it was the fact that he was a slave that was found out.

He immediately shouted: "I am wronged, the villain is wronged, it was this Xue who bumped into my mule cart some time ago, and after being scolded by the old man, he held a grudge, deliberately slandered the old man as a fugitive slave, and wanted to kill the old man's family... The old man has never even been to Jiangnan, so how could he be a fugitive slave of Linglong Huafang."

Xue Lao smiled: "Huai Siliu, although you pretended to be a beggar and sold yourself under a fake name, when you sold yourself, the deed of sale was kept on file in the Jinling government office. Can you deny it for a while, or deny it for a lifetime? My lord has already sent someone to Jinling Mansion, and within ten days at the most, you can get the slave registration book of Jinling Mansion, and come back to compare your fingerprints. As long as the threads of the fingerprints match, you want to quibble. No."

Mr. Lu's face was pale, and he almost passed out... But he can't be imprisoned now, he has to buy time for his family, use these ten days to escape, and quibble: "What is Huai Si Liu, the old man doesn't know at all What are you talking about? You say I am Huai Siliu, what evidence do you have? Suing without evidence is slander, and you will go to jail!"

Then he said to the county magistrate: "My lord, you have no evidence to prove that the villain is Huai Siliu, you can't arrest the villain, you have to release the villain immediately!"

County magistrate Xu was taken aback. Indeed, before the slave registration booklet from Jinling Mansion arrived, Mr. Lu could only be regarded as a suspected fugitive slave. He could send someone to spy on the Lu family, but he couldn't arrest the Lu family.

Arresting the Lu family now is breaking the criminal law.

As expected of being a housekeeper for the Fu family, Mr. Xue said with a smile: "Huai Siliu, since you want to argue so much, let me say one more thing. Are there three words Huai Siliu engraved on your back shoulder? ? This is the rule of Linglong, every servant who sells himself as a slave will engrave the words on his back shoulder."

He said again: "You are very smart. In order to cover up this past, you will definitely destroy those three words. But it is flesh and blood. Once destroyed, it will leave scars. You can't say that you just have a scar on your back shoulder." Such a coincidence of a scar."

(End of this chapter)

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