Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 433 Pharmaceutical Workshop

Chapter 433 Pharmaceutical Workshop

Aunt Wu took the scar-removing ointment, opened it, and saw that the scar-removing ointment was like plaster, and smelled like medicine, she frowned and said, "It doesn't smell very good, if spices are added to enhance the fragrance, will it affect the effect? "

Gu Jinli said: "No, but it will increase the cost."

If you want to increase the fragrance, the cost of the scar cream will at least double.

And when she was making the scar cream, she was still a poor ghost, and she only thought about reducing costs and adding fragrance, which was an artificial thing, she never thought about it.

After hearing this, Aunt Wu nodded, "It's good if it can increase the fragrance."

She took out a little scar cream, spread it on the back of her hand, and rubbed it slowly. The skin on the back of her hand gradually became hot, accompanied by a burning sensation.

She continued to rub, and stopped after a quarter of an hour, but the burning sensation did not intensify, and she felt relieved about the scar cream.

Aunt Wu put the scar cream on the table and looked at Qi Kangle: "Come here, lift your head up, let me see the scar on your face."

Qi Kangle obediently stepped forward, raised her head, and showed Aunt Wu the scar on her face.

Aunt Wu searched Qi Kangle's face carefully for a while, and finally found the scar on her face: "The effect is good, the color of the scar is already the same as normal skin."

She raised her hand and stroked the scar on Qi Kangle's face. After touching the slight bump, she frowned and asked, "Can't the raised scar go away?"

Gu Jinli said: "It's possible, but it won't disappear completely. The scar on my cousin's face used to be a little higher, but now it has disappeared by [-]%. If you don't touch it with your fingers, you can't feel it."

This is a scar removal ointment, not a magic medicine. It is already very good to be able to do this.

Aunt Wu also knows that it is already an excellent scar cream that can remove the color of the scar and remove eighty-tenths of the scar bumps, at least better than the scar cream in Beijing.

"How long did she use the scar cream to get rid of the scars on her face?" Aunt Wu asked again.

Gu Jinli said: "About three months."

Then, she told all about the time when Qi Kangle used the scar-removing ointment, the injuries on his face, when he took the medicine, and when he stopped the medicine.

Aunt Wu listened very carefully, and after listening, she put the scar-removing ointment on her nose and smelled it for a while, and then she mentioned several medicinal materials used in the scar-removing ointment: "Taro ginseng gall, star scale grass, white half lotus grass, pearl powder... …Fry it first, then grind it, add concoction and boil it into paste, am I right?”

Gu Jinli was surprised, this Aunt Wu is a master of medicine, probably better than old doctor Wu, nodded and said: "Aunt Wu speaks word for word."

Aunt Wu smiled and said, "I just said the name of the medicinal material correctly, but I don't know the quantity, can you tell me?"

Gu Jinli shook his head: "Aunt Wu, I can't tell you this, I still want to use it to make money."

Aunt Wu also felt that she was embarrassing Gu Jinli. After thinking about it, she let go of the trouble and said, "We are leaving on August [-]th. Can you make me twenty boxes of scar removal cream? You need to add spices. This smell is too stinky, not suitable for noble people in the capital."

Aunt Wu told Gu Jinli clearly that the scar removal ointment was to be taken to the capital for the nobles.

Gu Jinli could figure out with his toes that the nobleman who could treat Aunt Wu so cautiously must be a relative of the emperor.

Gu Jinli said: "Yes, but you have to prepare medicinal materials for me. The medicinal materials for scar-removing ointment are not cheap and hard to buy. I have used up all the medicinal materials on hand. One more thing, after the scar-removing ointment is ready, I cannot send it For you, I will sell it to Xuanhufang, and Xuanhufang will sell it to Yuanzi Medicine Store, and you will buy it from Yuanzi Medicine Store yourself.”

For royal relatives and relatives, one bad thing is beheading, so it's better to pluck yourself clean first.

Aunt Wu smiled: "Little girl, you are very cautious."

Gu Jinli showed some white teeth, and smiled at Aunt Wu, "It's always better to be cautious, so that Aunt Wu can rest assured."

Aunt Wu shook her head with a smile, and said, "You write down the prescription, and we'll get you the herbs and spices right away."

Seeing that Aunt Wu was in a hurry, Gu Jinli wrote down some medicinal materials for making scar-removing ointment, and handed it to Aunt Wu: "Aunt Wu, I will try to make a few boxes of scar-removing ointment with added fragrance first, please give me more Prepare [-]% of the medicinal materials, or I'm afraid it won't be enough."

Aunt Wu nodded: "Sure, I'll bring you some more medicinal materials, but you must make the Scar Removing Cream well."

"Don't worry." Gu Jinli hadn't made scar removal ointment once or twice, and he never failed.

Dong Min's family brought a lot of precious medicinal materials to Xuanhufang, and soon asked someone to take a few bags of medicinal materials, as well as convenient pharmaceutical tools, and put these things, together with ten bags of grass seeds, into the mule cart. Little Sixth Uncle from the village drove them back to Dafeng Village in a mule cart.

Before leaving, the old doctor Wu also gave Gu Jinli the money from the mosquito coil consignment: "Mosquito coils are selling very well, and now some people come to Xuanhufang to ask. Especially those rich families with children, they like to use mosquito coils." , They said that they lit mosquito coils at night, not fumigated children, but also killed mosquitoes, and children slept soundly, and didn’t cry at night. If you still have mosquito coils, send them over, and you won’t have to worry about selling them.”

Gu Jinli consigned and sold 40 mosquito coils in Xuanhufang, each for five Wen. After deducting the dividend of one penny for Xuanhufang, he got [-] taels of silver.

She put the money into her pocket, and said with a smile: "There are two thousand at home, and I will let Little Sixth Uncle take it back to Xuanhufang later."

This manpower is still not enough, she is crazy about making mosquito coils, but she can only make so much after working so hard, the pharmaceutical workshop has to be opened quickly, and then buy some servants to make medicine, so that the goods can be supplied.

Planting medicinal materials and selling them is what Gu Jinli will do all her life, and the pharmaceutical workshop is different from the tofu workshop and the spice workshop. She will not hire workers. Everyone who works in the pharmaceutical workshop must sign a death contract. servant.

If she didn't sign the death contract, she wouldn't dare to use it.

Old Doctor Wu said: "Succeed, let Xiao Liu bring the mosquito coils back."

Gu Jinli and Gu Jinan got into the mule cart, driven by Uncle Liu, and they returned to Dafeng Village after half an hour.

Little Sixth Uncle moved the medicinal materials and grass seeds to the main room of Gu Jinli's house and put them away. After taking the mosquito coils, he drove away in a mule cart.

The third grandma looked at the medicinal materials in the main room and said, "Didn't you go to buy grass seeds? Why did you bring back so many medicinal materials?"

Gu Jinli said: "Grandpa Wu's family has relatives, and his relatives want to buy scar-removing cream. These medicinal materials were given to me by his relatives to make scar-removing cream."

The third grandma was startled: "Isn't old doctor Wu a lonely old man? Does he have relatives?"

The third grandfather said dissatisfiedly: "What are you talking about, old woman? How can a person live without one or two relatives?"

Then he said to Gu Jinli: "Old Doctor Wu has helped us a lot, you have to make better scar cream to help people heal their scars."

"Don't worry, third grandfather, this scar removal cream can sell for money, I will definitely do it well." Gu Jinli asked third grandfather again: "Did you go to the bamboo forest today?"

"Well, I went to see it, cleared the rotten bamboo leaves, and loosened the soil in the pine and bamboo forest." The third grandfather said, and asked worriedly: "Then it is true that aphid grass can be grown in the bamboo forest? No need to plant it. In the fields?"

(End of this chapter)

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