Chapter 480

"Quick, hurry up and transport the water to put out the fire, we can't let the people inside die!" Team Zhu yelled at the yamen servants he was leading, sweating coldly from fright.

Of the three shift leaders in the county government, he is the only one with the least strength and background.This time, it was hard to deal with the matter of guarding the family members of the repeat offender. As long as he waited for someone from the capital to hand him over, he would be able to make a contribution.But now that the Zou family suddenly caught fire, his credit is gone, and he may still suffer.

"Yes yes yes!" The yamen servants also panicked and hurried to get water from the well of Zou's house, but there were only 30 yamen servants in such a small group, and it was impossible to transport water to put out the fire in the three yards.

Zhu Bantou shouted: "Go, call the servants of the Zou family to put out the fire."

However, the yamen servant wiped his sweat and said urgently: "Boss, except for the three yards where Zou Yuzhen and the masters of the Zou family lived, the large kitchen of the Zou family, the study room in the front yard, and the inverted room where the servants lived were all on fire. It's very big, and the servants of the Zou family are fighting fires in these places."

Zhu Bantou heard that he wanted to die, what's the matter?

He hurriedly pointed to a yamen servant and said, "Go back to the county yamen to find someone to put out the fire, we can't let Zou Yuzhen and the others die in the fire."

"Yes." The yamen servant got the order and immediately ran out of Zou's house.

But when I came out to look, I found that there were houses in several alleys and shops on the street in the county town on fire, and Bantou Yang and the others were leading people to put out the fire.

The yamen servant was so frightened that he slipped and fell to the ground, then hurriedly got up and ran to the county yamen.Before arriving at the county government office, he bumped into Jiang Xianwei and Xu County magistrate who hurried over with the county soldiers.

County Captain Jiang and the others had already seen the fire on Zou's side, so they rushed over immediately. After seeing the yamen servant, County Captain Jiang grabbed him and asked, "What happened to Zou's house? Which yard caught fire?"

The yamen servant trembled and said, "It's the house where the masters and servants of the Zou family lived caught fire."

"The courtyard where Mrs. Zou and Zou Yuzhen live is on fire!" County Magistrate Xu turned pale with fright, "I'm really afraid of something. Seeing that the matter is about to end, why did such a disaster happen again? The Zou family is so damn Not to let the official worry."

The county magistrate Xu even cursed the foul language.

Mr. Jiang County Wei Lao La, when he heard that the yard where the masters of the Zou family lived caught fire, he immediately thought of something and hurriedly said: "My lord, there is something strange about this fire. It is very likely that the Zou family deliberately set it on fire in order to escape to death. Please, my lord." Immediately ordered the city gates to be closed tightly, and no one can open the gates no matter what kind of handwriting they leave the city with. In the next few days, no entry and exit will be allowed in the county seat, and the county will have to be searched before deciding whether to open the city gates, or if it is a real escape, this We can't bear the responsibility!"

County magistrate Xu was stunned when he heard the words: "Master Jiang is right, Lao Tian, ​​hurry up and take my handwritten letter to the gate of the city to watch, no one is allowed to leave the city, if anyone makes a noise to leave the city, immediately arrest the county government."

"Yes." Master Tian immediately led the five guards to the city gate, and ordered the county soldiers guarding the city not to open the gate.

County Magistrate Xu and County Captain Jiang rushed into the Zou Mansion, and County Magistrate Xu asked, "Did someone go to the fire in the shops on the street and the houses in the alley? You can't burn people to death, otherwise this matter will happen again." It's going to be big."

Jiangxian Wei said: "Bantou Yang, Bantou Jiang, and Luo Wu have brought other government servants to fight the fire, and the county's rule is that once a house catches fire, the whole alley and the whole street must come out to fight the fire. There are enough manpower, don't worry, my lord."

As they were talking, they had already rushed to Zou's house. Before reaching the courtyard where Mrs. Zou's mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren lived, they heard a series of shrill screams: "Ah-ah-ah!"

There were screams, which made people tremble with fright.

County magistrate Xu's feet were weak, and with the support of County Captain Jiang, he rushed to the yard where Mrs. Zou lived. Seeing the flames soaring into the sky, his body was even more shaky. After he stabilized his mind, he pointed at Bantou Zhu and cursed: "You are How did you guard the Zou family? The fire is so big, you are asleep? The surname Zhu, you are dereliction of duty!"

Zhu Bantou hurriedly knelt down and complained: "My lord, my lord has been guarding Zou's house with people all the time, and he didn't take a nap at night, let alone eat and gamble. We found out when Zou's house was on fire, but when we rushed in At that time, the fire in the yard was too big to rush in to save people."

Jiang Xianwei smelled the smell around him, frowned and said to Xu County Magistrate: "My lord, someone set this fire on purpose, it smells like pine oil."

It was because of the addition of pine oil that the fire burned so fast, making it impossible for Zhu Bantou and the others to save people.

After listening to the county magistrate Xu, he smelled the smell around him, and there was indeed a smell of pine oil. Finally, his anger towards Zhu Bantou subsided a little. Seeing that he was still kneeling on the ground, he shouted: "Hurry up and put out the fire, what are you kneeling for?" !"

Zhu Bantou immediately went to carry water to fight the fire.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Buckets of well water were poured into the burning house, but the house was doused with pine oil, and it took a long time for the government servants and county soldiers to extinguish the fire.

By the time the fire was completely extinguished, Mrs. Zou and Zou Chengji had been burned to black coals.

Zou Yukun's daughter-in-law still had breath, but her flesh and blood were so burned that she could no longer see her. She died after a while, and her eyes were still open when she died.

Zou Yuwan was luckier than them. There was a large wooden tub for bathing in the washroom of her house. The bath water in it hadn't been poured yet, and she hid in the tub when it caught fire.But even so, it was smoked so that there was more air and less air intake, and it was estimated that it would not work.

Seeing the miserable state of the Zou family, County Magistrate Xu vomited several times, passed out once, and was revived by Doctor Zhou.

After waking up, he immediately asked Captain Jiang: "How is Zou Yuzhen?"

With a sullen face, County Captain Jiang pointed to a charred corpse in the yard and said, "This corpse has a jade wrench finger with Zou Yuzhen's name on it."

Zou County Cheng wanted to learn from the aristocratic family in Fucheng, so he ordered a jade wrench finger with his name written on it for each of his children and grandchildren, and used it as a keepsake for the son of the Zou family.


"The lower officials believe that this corpse does not belong to Zou Yuzhen, he should have escaped from death." Jiang Xianwei said: "This fire came inexplicably, it must have been set by the Zou family themselves, and looking at the remaining masters of the Zou family , only Zou Yuzhen can do this kind of cruelty."

Zou Yuzhen really fooled them as fools, did he really think he was smart?Really thought they were stupid enough to believe his cheap tricks?

Zhu Bantou said weakly: "Lord County Captain, when Zou Yuzhen's courtyard was on fire, the firefighters heard screams all the time..."

County Captain Jiang's eyes sank, and he interrupted him: "Those screams are not from Zou Yuzhen, but from this charred corpse."

County captain Jiang was very disappointed with Bantou Zhu. The guards were not good enough to set Zou's house on fire, but he was so naive, thinking that this charred corpse whose face could not be seen clearly was Zou Yuzhen.

Did Bantou Zhu want to stop this matter and stop chasing Zou Yuzhen?

If he really had such an idea, he would deliberately cover it up so that Zou Yuzhen could successfully escape!

(End of this chapter)

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