Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 521 Buying a Fortune Building

Chapter 521 Buying a Fortune Building

Leader Zhu was ordered to reflect at home because of his dereliction of duty, but he heard a report from his former subordinates that Luo Wu would be promoted to leader during this period, so he couldn't bear it any longer and came to the county government office to ask to see the magistrate Xu. How do you know that you saw Luo Wu when you first arrived.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and the Luo Wu thief still had a smile on his face, obviously mocking him.

Team leader Zhu was furious, pointing directly at Luo Wu and questioning: "You white-eyed wolf, it was a waste of taking care of you like I used to, but you stabbed a knife in the back, snatched my position as leader of the team, and took my job, what else do you have?" No conscience?!"

Hearing this, Luo Wu raised his head and looked around, and saw a man in the clothes of a yamen servant quickly hiding behind the pillars of the corridor in the distance, then he looked away, and saluted Zhu Bantou with his fists clasped: "Uncle Zhu."

"Don't call me uncle, you are so capable, I can't stand you being called uncle." Zhu Bantou pointed to the paperwork in Luo Wu's hand and asked angrily: "What is this?"

It looks very similar to the appointment document when he was promoted to the head of the squad.

That volume of documents is still enshrined in the ancestral hall in his hometown village, and he reads it every year, so he won't admit his mistake.

Luo Wudao: "It's the appointment document of the boy's squad leader, and the government office has overwritten the big seal."

"Are you really promoted to the head of the rank? Or was it appointed by the adults of the Fucheng Yamen?" The head of Zhu's class was going crazy, he rushed over regardless of his care, and punched Luo Wu in the face.

Luo Wu didn't dodge, but was punched by Zhu Ban's head, and when Zhu Ban's head hit him again, he turned around to dodge.

"Stop! You surnamed Zhu, you're so fucking talented, you dare to beat up the squad leader in the county government." County Captain Jiang and the others saw Zhu's squad leader beating Luo Wu as soon as they came out, and they were very angry: "Are you Are you dissatisfied with the Yamen's arrangement?"

Leader Zhu shouted, "I just don't accept the lowly position. The boy surnamed Luo has only been in the Yamen for a few months and has become the leader of the team. What ability does he have to be the leader of the team?"

"What ability do you have to be the leader of this team?" Jiang Xianwei smiled: "Just because he dared to go to the water bandit village to suppress the water bandits and made great contributions, he is qualified to be the leader of the team."

On the night when the water bandits were wiped out, the men led by Jiang Qi were able to capture the head of a water bandit village alive. Luo Wu was of great help, and even blocked Jiang Qi's knife, otherwise Jiang Qi would have been in trouble.

After hearing this, Bantou Zhu deeply hated himself for not going to suppress the bandits, but now he said: "The humble official is not afraid of suppressing the bandits, it's the adults who didn't let the humble official go."

Jiang Xianwei laughed angrily: "Are you blaming me? It seems that I am too kind to you. You shouldn't be grounded at home. You should be taken to prison immediately!"

Zhu Bantou was ordered to guard Zou's house, but he neglected his duties and caused Zou's house to catch fire, not to mention letting Zou Hai escape, and his body was even more unclean... Zou Youlian didn't care about the yamen servants, but why would there be yamen servants helping him in private?It's all because of Bantou Zhu.

County Captain Jiang is a vigorous and decisive person. Seeing that Bantou Zhu dared to make trouble, he turned directly to the county magistrate Xu and said, "My lord, the criminal evidence of Bantou Zhu and others has been collected almost, and I will put them in prison first, and wait for your lord to be free." Trial them later."

The county magistrate Xu nodded: "Master Jiang is in charge of the yamen servants. Lord Jiang can be arrested if he wants to. Anyway, we have evidence."

Ming Shaoqing had just left today, and the magistrate Xu originally wanted to sort out the affairs of the county government, and then deal with those government servants and officials who were full of private pockets, but this leader Zhu bumped into him.

If it is done, let him be fulfilled.

Jiang Xianwei got the words of Xu County magistrate, and immediately asked the yamen servant to catch Zhu Bantou.

Luo Wu was not polite to Bantou Zhu. After knocking Bantou Zhu down with two moves, he twisted his arms and tied him with his backhand. Then he kicked Bantou Zhu to his knees. Looking at the pillars of the corridor in the distance, he said, "Wang Guangzhu is over there, grab him!"

Wang Guangzhu was a yamen servant. He used to follow Bantou Zhu. He helped Bantou Zhu send a lot of news to the Zou family. He also used the names of Bantou Zhu and Zou Youlian to do some evil things in the village. In the staff list.

Wang Guangzhu was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, but where could he go?He was arrested before leaving the gate of the county government office and dragged into the prison of the county government office.

Because of this incident, the matter of cleaning up the unclean officials and officials in the county government was brought forward.Jiang Xianwei immediately asked Jiang Qi to take the soldiers from the military office to arrest all the officials and government servants who were confined at home and put them in prison.

In addition to the arrest of the servants and officials in the county government, Jiang Qi and the others split up and went to the official offices in various towns to arrest the unclean officials.

Lu Shuli and Zhang Shuli of Silifang in Qingfu Town were arrested by Luo Wu with the yamen servants. When they were arrested, they shouted for injustice.

But Luo Wu ignored them at all, and directly asked the yamen servants to escort them to the county yamen.

All the people in the town came to watch the excitement, knowing that Luo Wu was the son of the Chu family, they grabbed him and asked, "The descendants of the Luo family, what happened to these two scribes? Why were they arrested?"

The small vendors who set up stalls in the town snorted coldly: "Hmph, why were they arrested? They did so many things to pocket their own money, they should have been arrested long ago."

Which one of them set up a stall in the town has not been extorted by the two scribes.

Luo Wu told the spectators the reason why the two scribes Lu and Zhang were arrested, and said to old Kong: "Tomorrow the county government will send a new clerk over, and Uncle Kong will welcome you when the time comes. No one does the paperwork."

Old Kong nodded, and after speaking a few words to Luo Wu, Luo Wu couldn't wait to leave and go back to the village.

He rode a fast horse and arrived home in less than half an hour.

After returning home, he told Luo's father and Chu's about buying a house and shop in the county.

Chu understood what he was thinking. This kid was thinking that if he could marry Xiu'er in the future, he would take Xiu'er to the county seat.

Thinking about Luo Wu's recent performance, she let go: "Success, the dividends saved by the family for several months should be enough to buy a house and a shop."

Luo Wu was very happy. After thanking his parents, he told about his promotion to the team leader.

Luo Huiniang was overjoyed: "Brother, are you the team leader now? Ha, then I am the team leader's sister, and I can go sideways when I go to the county government."

With a slap, Chu gave Luo Huiniang a shudder, and scolded: "You girl who doesn't have a doorman, you can talk nonsense like this, and you don't have to bring trouble to your brother."

Luo Huiniang knew that she was wrong, so she quickly apologized: "I was wrong, and I will never talk nonsense again."

Luo Wu smiled, and said to her: "It's fine if you don't go outside and talk. I'll go to Uncle Dashan's house first, and tell Third Grandpa what County Magistrate Xu said."

After saying that, she couldn't wait to get up and go to Gu Jinli's house.

"I'll go too." Luo Huiniang also followed, she was going to play with Xiaoyu.

When he arrived at Gu Jinli's house, Luo Wu told the story.

The third grandfather said happily: "This is a good thing, such a bargain is not available every year."

The third grandfather immediately got up and went out to inform the family.

Qi Kangle happened to be at Gu Jinli's house. After hearing Luo Wu's words, he hesitated for a while, and said to Gu Jinli, "Xiaoyu, do you think the Fugui Building in the town is expensive? Do you want to open a restaurant, or we can buy Fugui Building together?" How are you coming down?"

(End of this chapter)

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