Chapter 580 Harvest

Zheng Ying took the risk of revealing the news to him, so after Gu Jinan read the letter, he burned it.

After listening to Gu Jinan's words, Gu Jinli asked, "Brother, do you still take the merit test?"

Gu Jin'an smiled: "Of course there is a test. It's one thing to be effective or not, but fame is a good thing, and it will be of great use to our family."

With fame, he can better protect his family.

Gu Jinli also laughed: "Brother is a sensible person, I am relieved."

And the few of their families don't go to corvee. If they have money in the family, they can just use the money to pay for it.

The next day, their family found Village Chief He and gave them money to replace the corvee.

Mrs. Chen was still very distressed, and cursed: "Ten taels of silver is twice as expensive as in previous years. You are so fucking inhuman. Is this going to drive us to death?"

"Shut up!" Gu Dagui scolded, "Is the family short of these ten taels of silver now?"

If you say this, you don't want to live anymore, do you?

Chen stuck her neck and said: "Need, the family has to build a house, why not?"

Gu Dagui choked, there was really nothing he could do about this vicious woman.

Old Yan's heart is also very distressed, but fortunately, relying on Xiaoyu at home, life is easier, and the family can live without these ten taels of silver.She knew that corvée was hard. When she was in her hometown, almost every household died because of corvée.

But others were not so lucky.

The village has been gloomy for several days, except for those who work in Gu Jinli's workshop, as well as the village chief's family, He Dasu's family, He Wanli's family, He Laotian's family, He Wazi's family, and a few more well-to-do families. People used silver to pay for corvee, and other families chose to serve in corvee.

The third grandma thought that people from the village would come to borrow money from their family, and was wondering whether to borrow money, but no one came.

The third grandpa said: "Ten taels of silver per person is extremely expensive. Even if you can borrow it, it will be very difficult to repay it. Instead of carrying such a huge debt, it is better to go to the corvee."

He Daqian and He Laosi, two shabby households, wanted to borrow money, but they were suppressed by the village chief, and they couldn't even enter the village.

On the day before the departure, many people in the village cooked meat dishes for the men who went to serve the corvee.

The government was afraid that civilian husbands would escape from the army, so they sent yamen guards to the villages one day in advance to guard them. If anyone escaped from the army, they would be arrested immediately.

Dafeng Village is better, no yamen servants enter the village, only because Qin Sanlang came back.He is the head of the county soldier and small banner who escorted the peasants. He returned to the village to say goodbye to his family, and he will escort the peasants from Dafeng Village to the county tomorrow.

Knowing that he was back, Gu Jinli specially made him a big bag of dried meat and fried fish and sent it to him.

Qin Sanlang accepted it, and gave her another two taels of silver.

Gu Jinli looked at the two taels of silver, frowned and said, "You want to pay? But it's not enough."

Although the cost of buying meat is not two taels, but she did it by herself, and the labor is expensive!

Gu Jinli was a little angry, the boy dared to count money with her, and she didn't give him food because he was greedy for his money.

Would a rich woman like her be short of two taels of silver from him?

Qin Sanlang explained: "It's not the money to buy jerky, it's my salary... I've saved all the money from before, and there's only so much on me, I'll keep it for you."

Afraid that she would think it was too little, he added: "In the future, when I earn more money, I will give you more money."

Gu Jinli looked at him and asked, "Are you sick? What nonsense are you talking about, can I ask for your money? Keep it for yourself."

What's the matter with her keeping his money?

Qin Sanlang also felt that his behavior just now seemed sick, and silently put away the money: "What Xiaoyu said is that I will put away the money first, and use it to buy you some fresh food when I get to Linhe Mansion."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, just buy something cheap. Linhe Mansion is the capital of Jianghuai, and things are expensive."

She said a few words to Qin Sanlang and then went home, Qin Sanlang went to see her off as usual, and turned back when she saw her enter the house.

Before dawn the next day, Qin Sanlang took the corvee servants in the village and set off to the county government office to gather. He went to Linhe mansion with his husband.

Qin Sanlang and the county soldiers don't have to stay in Linhe Mansion for long, they can return when they send them, while Squad Leader Yang and the others have to stay in Linhe Mansion to watch over the peasants until the end of the corvee.

As soon as the men in corvee left, every household in the county began to burn incense, praying for God to bless their men and sons to return safely.

The county magistrate was relieved when he saw that the civilian husband was sent away smoothly. He was really afraid that the people would refuse to serve in the corvee because of Zou Xiancheng's sale of corvee men, and then something would happen.

When the work of corvee is over, it is time to harvest rice.Those with paddy fields at home began to prepare farm tools and waited to go to the fields to harvest rice.

Gu Jinli's family has bought a lot of paddy fields this year, and the family is also preparing to harvest rice.

Mi Laoweng and his wife came to the house three days before the harvest and said to Gu Jinli: "The rice is ready to be harvested. I hired 130 farmers who have no paddy fields at home. They are all old-fashioned and able to work. The money is paid according to the owner's It is said that it is calculated by mu, [-] Wen per mu, and three meals are taken care of.”

Gu Jinli found that old man Mi spoke a lot more respectful this time. In the past, his speech was short and arrogant. What is he?

Old man Mi didn't let Gu Jinli guess how long, and said directly: "We old couple have thought about it, the young master is a kind person, since he is willing to give us old age, then we can't take it anymore."

He took out the household registration of the family and handed it to Gu Jinli: "We want to sell ourselves to the Gu family and become servants of the Gu family in the future, so that the little boss can feel more at ease when we look at Zhuangzi."

Mrs. Mi was also worried that Gu Jinli would not want them. After all, they were so old that they might be buried in the ground at any time. It would be a loss to buy them.

Gu Jinli didn't dislike them. After asking Gu Dashan and the Cui family what they meant, he accepted the household registration of Mi Laoweng's family: "Someday my father will go to the county government to get your deed of prostitution."

She took out six taels of silver and gave it to Mi Laoweng and his wife: "This is your second elder's selling money."

Old man Mi didn't refuse, took the money, took the stewed pork Cui had prepared for them, and went back to Songzizhuang.

Three days later, people with paddy fields in various villages began to gather on the ground to harvest the rice. After the rice was cut down, it was tied up with straw ropes and brought back to the threshing ground in the village for three days. After the rice was wilted, Start threshing.

In ancient times, there were no threshers, and they were beaten with a rake, or picked up and threshed. Some people even rubbed them with their hands. It was very hard, but everyone was very happy. After all, it was a bumper harvest. The most important thing for farmers is food. , No matter how hard or tiring it is for a morsel of food, I am willing.

Mrs. Chen said directly: "Our family has made a lot of money. The paddy fields are cheap to buy. When I bought them, there were still crops growing in the fields. Now I got a season of grain for nothing. Hey, when the millet enters the warehouse, I have to kill it." A chicken came to thank God, it was his blessing that allowed us to buy paddy fields with crops."

(End of this chapter)

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