Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 602 Du Family Matters

Chapter 602 Du Family Matters

Aunt Gu's family is a transparent person, perhaps she knows that her parents have this kind of worry, and she told her long ago that what she likes is her, and has nothing to do with her family background.

He also specifically talked about Brother Ping's temper. Brother Ping is too sincere and has soft ears. He has to find a daughter-in-law like her to keep the family business. .

After listening to Gu Daya's words, Mo Qinzi was no longer worried at all, so she used these words to comfort her parents.

After hearing this, Mo Kuizi and his wife felt relieved, and they were even more grateful to the Qi family: "The Qi family is a good family, we have to treat the Qi family better."

Mo Qinzi smiled, her family is already very good to the Qi family, and it is not appropriate for one party to be too good to the other.

But Mo Kuizi didn't care about the Zhang family, he just felt that his family was overrated and he had to treat the Qi family better. When he turned around and saw Mo Xiangming and Gu Dewang brothers eating fried crispy meat, he immediately said angrily: "Mingzi, how old are you and you still follow Wang?" My brother and the others are grabbing food, hurry up and come to work."

This ignorant thing, his family came to help, not to fill his mouth.

"Here we come." While chewing the crispy meat, Mo Xiangming ran to the well in the yard to wash the dishes with his parents.

Upstairs in the counting room, Gu Jin'an, Gu Jinli, and the three brothers and sisters of the Qi family were counting the restaurant's income together, and it took more than half an hour to complete the calculation.

"We sold more than 800 dishes, plus two tables of table noodles, and the gross profit was 78 taels. After deducting the cost, we made a net profit of 48 taels, and excluding the pastries and dishes that were given away for free. I made 20 taels of silver! I thought I was going to lose money, but I didn’t expect to make so much.” Qi Kangle knew that opening a restaurant made money, but she was still surprised that she had made so much in half a day.

Qi Kangming said with a smile: "Your restaurant only does business for half a day. If you do business for the whole day, and then subtract the cost of free gifts, return gifts, and entertaining congratulatory guests, you can earn hundreds of taels a day."

For a restaurant in the town to earn so much in a day, it is really very good, better than Fuguilou's business.

He was very happy for his brothers and sisters. With this restaurant, they could be relied on for the rest of their lives.Especially my elder sister, because of her being sold into a building, she has already made up her mind not to get married. This unmarried girl has no property in her hand, so she will suffer in the future.

Qi Kangping was so excited that he didn't know what to say: "Why, why did you make so much money?"

Gu Jinli laughed and teased him: "Do you think it's too much, big cousin? Not at all. In the future, you will still have to make jewelry for your big cousin, raise children, and save money for their marriage. This is not worth the money at all." Many."

When Qi Kangping heard this, his face turned red, and he stammered: "Small, cousin Xiaoyu, you are from a family of children, no, don't say such things."

Although it was a lecture, it sounded lacking in momentum, which made Gu Jinli laugh out loud.

Qi Kangping couldn't stay any longer, and hurriedly said: "You, you guys rest first, I'll go to the kitchen to help, the food should be ready."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli joked again: "Big cousin is looking for the future big cousin?"

Mo Qinzi's family is busy in the kitchen.

After Qi Kangping heard this, he didn't want to leave, and he didn't want to leave.

Qi Kangming smiled and pulled him over to sit down, and said: "Brother should be more courageous, but you can't stay here because of a few jokes from Xiaoyu. You will be the shopkeeper of a restaurant in the future, and this is for welcoming and sending you off." Work, you have to thicken your skin, or you won't be able to support a restaurant."

Hearing this, Qi Kangping recalled what his mother had said to him, so he sat down bravely.

Gu Jinli didn't tease him anymore, but counted the congratulatory gifts from the guests: "My aunt brought all the red envelopes from the guests, and these red envelopes add up to 380 taels of silver."

Among them, 300 taels were given by Zheng's family, Shangguan's family, and Qi's family, and other odds were given by Xue Mingyu, Shang Xiucai, and Shang Lizhang.

Looking at the red envelopes, Gu Jinli sighed and said: "Rich people are generous when they sell, and a red envelope can cover our daily income. These silvers are used as the working capital of the restaurant, and we will divide the money at the end of the month."

Qi Kangle and Qi Kangping both agreed: "Okay."

"Xiaoyu, Sister Le, have you settled your accounts? Hurry down and eat, and you have to go home after eating." Third Grandma shouted downstairs.

"Let's come down now." Gu Jinli and the others packed up the accounts, locked the silver in the box, left the account room, locked the door again, and went downstairs to eat and drink together.

Since several families ate together, the meal was placed in the lobby. The place is spacious and you can place as many tables as you like.

Seeing them coming down, Mrs. Chen slipped over and asked, "Xiaoyu, how much money did you earn today? Tell my aunt quickly."

She won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't tell her.

Gu Dewang held Gu Defa's hand, and the two brothers gnawed on the duck leg and looked at her mother, counting silently in their hearts. Sure enough, before they reached ten, the third grandma scolded: "Mr. Chen, what are you asking? The restaurant is a happy place." Sister and the others, what does it have to do with you, it's your turn to ask? Do you want to eat? Go home if you don't want to eat, don't be an eyesore here."

Mrs. Chen was scolded, and said with a smile: "Auntie San, I just asked casually. It's a big festival, so I can go home by myself. I have to stay and eat with you for the festival."

The food in the restaurant is good, mostly meat dishes, if you don't eat it, you will lose money.

"Then what's the point of asking, hurry up and eat!" The third grandma said in disapproval.

The family members were used to Mrs. Chen being scolded by the third grandma, so they didn't feel anything wrong at all. After a while, everyone sat down to eat.

After the big guys happily ate a meal, they set off to go home.

It's just a pity that Qin Sanlang and Luo Wu couldn't have dinner with the big guys.

"I don't know what's going on with the Chen family village? The girls of the Du family must be safe." The third grandma was afraid when she thought of the Du family's affairs, and she kept waiting, wanting to know about the Du family's affairs. the result of.

But Qin Sanlang and the others failed to come back that night. They returned to the village the next evening and told them about the Du family.

"Du Qian's daughter is tougher than his father. She fought Chen Gou and the others with a knife. Although she was injured, she lasted until we rushed. Uncle Jiang Jiao rushed into Du Qian's house on horseback and surrounded Du Qian's house The bastards knocked a few into the air and rushed into the house to save the girl from the Du family."

Although the three girls were disheveled, they did not lose their innocence, which was considered a blessing among misfortunes.

Gu Jinli heard the words, stared at Qin Sanlang, and asked with a smile: "Uncle Jiang Jiao rushed in first, you didn't go in? Didn't you see anything you shouldn't see?"

If a white lotus is rescued after saving someone, it would be bloody.

Although she asked with a smile, Qin Sanlang was a little scared. He always felt that if he didn't satisfy her, he would die a miserable death.

(End of this chapter)

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