Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 627 The famous bachelor

Chapter 627 The famous bachelor

Jiang Qi had already become a county lieutenant two years ago, and his post of one hundred households in the military station was given to Lao Zhong.But last year when Lao Zhong led his troops to the Fucheng garrison camp for night training, he fell into a trap and was seriously injured.

Although he didn't die, he broke a leg and his health was much worse, so he had to leave the military station early.

Jiang Qi has always admired Qin Sanlang, and after talking to Lao Yu, he promoted Qin Sanlang to the hundred households of the military department and let him manage the military department.

I will tell Lao Yu first, because Lao Yu is as old as Lao Zhong.After Lao Zhong went down, it was supposed to be Lao Yu who took over, but Lao Yu was also getting older, and Qin Sanlang had made a lot of contributions, and he had made great contributions to their soldiers in three consecutive years of night training in Fucheng. He couldn't even tell.

Qin Sanlang is very good at being a man. After he was promoted to a hundred households in the military department, he respected Lao Yu and other senior people very much, and let Lao Yu and the others admire him from the bottom of their hearts.

Xiaoji heard Gu Jinli's words and said: "Little boss, you are already so old, don't keep playing with Qin's Saburo, it's not good. People in the village will gossip about you."

Gu Jinli smiled: "Who in the village dares to gossip about me?"

In the past three years, she has managed the people of Dafeng Village to be submissive. Even if she got close to Qin Sanlang, they would not dare to say anything.

You don't want to sell Ming Aphid?Don't want silver anymore?

Seeing that she didn't listen, Xiaoji pulled Nanny Tao and Mrs. Cui out again: "Nurse Tao told the wife of the master that the master is getting old and wants the servants to watch over you, and you can't let you see the outsider all the time. If you want See, you have to be accompanied by elders."

Gu Jinli: "I will only turn fifteen in March next year. How old am I? It sounds like I'm going to die soon."

Xiaoji said with a serious face: "I will be fifteen next year, and I will be able to marry and have children. Cousin Ping married her cousin Ping at the age of 15, and she is pregnant now."

This sister-in-law of Ping is Mo Qinzi.

Mo Qinzi got engaged to Qi Kangping at the age of 13, and married Qi Kangping at the age of 15.Now he is almost seventeen, and he was just pregnant a few months ago, much stronger than Mo Chunyue.

Speaking of Mo Chunyue, she is also not good for children. She has been married to He Sanlaizi for almost four years, but she has not conceived a child. Now the village is spreading gossip and laughing at her.

Fortunately, He Sanlaizi is very kind to Mo Chunyue. Once he hears someone say that Mo Chunyue is a stone girl and can't lay eggs, he will beat you with a stick no matter who you are, male or female.

Mo Chunyue was very moved by this, and cried several times in the spice workshop, saying that it was worthwhile to be able to marry He Sanlaizi in this life.

He Sanlaizi learned about this from He Dazhuang's daughter-in-law, she was so beautiful, and spread the word everywhere that he was able to marry Mo Chunyue in this life because of his great virtues in his previous life.

Village head He, as the head of the He family, originally had a lot of opinions on the fact that Mo Chunyue hadn't laid eggs for four years. It can be seen that He Sanlaizi and Mo Chunyue both thought of each other's good, so they didn't say anything.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli said, "It's not considered old if you're under 30."

Xiaoji was shocked, and looked at her like a monster: "Xiaodong, Brother Wu of Luo's family is almost 22 and he was talked about before he got married. 30 years old? God, the short-lived ones are dead. How do you get married and have babies?"

He said again: "Speaking of the Luo family, it's also very strange. Their family is not in a hurry. When others fell in love with the Luo family's Brother Wu who came to propose marriage, Aunt Luo actually refused. Does she not want to have a grandson? Her family's Wu brother has become ours. He is a well-known bachelor in ten miles and eight villages."

But he is a bachelor who everyone fights for.

Luo Wu has no worries about marrying a wife, the workshop has made money, and the Luo family's life is getting better and better. Last year, he bought a shop in the county seat, and he himself is the head of the yamen servant team. All the young ladies of the County Wei's family wanted to marry him.

But he didn't want it, Xiaoji felt that Luo Wu was sick, and he was seriously ill, which couldn't be cured.

Gu Jinli knew what Luo Wu was thinking, he only wanted to marry Gu Jinxiu, and he didn't want any other girls no matter how nice they were.

That Du Fu from Chenjia Village had been advising Luo Wu for two years, but Luo Wu ignored him.At the end of last year, I was really old, and I couldn't bear to marry the son of the new village head of Chenjia Village, and my life was pretty good.

Du Fu was able to marry the village chief's son because of Mingyaocao's relationship.

Since the Du family started planting aphid grass three years ago, they have been able to earn ten taels of silver every year. After buying the wasteland this year, the money they earned has soared to more than 30 taels.

The people in Chenjia Village were so anxious to see it that they planted aphids, but Gu's workshop only accepted Du's, so they had nothing to do.

The status of the Du family has improved a lot because of the aphid grass.

While Gu Dashan and Cui looked at Gu Jinxiu getting older, but the Luo family didn't say anything, they were very anxious recently.

Mrs. Xia was very happy, and was already planning to marry Gu Jinxiu.

Xiaoji said again: "There is also Qin's Saburo, he is eighteen years old, and he is still an only seedling, and Mr. Qin has not promised him marriage. Now there are women in the village who say that he has a bad life, and he is afraid that he will be a bachelor for the rest of his life."

Gu Jinli was angry: "Who said that? What does Brother Qin have to do with whether he marries a wife or not? Are they still not afraid of what He's fourth daughter-in-law taught them? Do you want to be dragged to the He family's ancestral hall and slapped in public?"

The fourth daughter-in-law of He is notoriously sloppy. In the past two years, because Gu Jinli did not accept her family's aphid, she spoke ill of the Gu family in the village. He Dacang's wife heard it and hurried to tell the village chief.

Village head He directly ordered He's fourth wife to be tied up, escorted to the ancestral hall, and then notified all the He family members, even the Lu family members called out to torture outside the ancestral hall yard, and the whole village watched He's fourth wife being slapped for twenty With a slap, his face was swollen.

Since then, many women in the village have been afraid and dare not gossip about their family easily. Who is so courageous now?

Xiaoji is a gossip guy, so he leaned over and said with a smile, "It's He Daqian's wife."

Gu Jinli understood that these two women were one of the most gossiping representatives in the village.

"After you go back, ask Qiu Lang and the others to go to He Daqian's house to make ghosts a few times." Everyone in Dachu is afraid of this, and Gu Jinli also used it two years ago. Everyone in He Daqian's family thought it was the ghost of He Dacai who had returned. It's too bad.

"Hey, I'll let Brother Lang and the others do it after the servants go back." Xiaoji likes to watch the excitement the most, and is very happy to take on this task.

"Go out, I'm going to take a shower." After Gu Jinli sent Xiao Ji away, he took a comfortable bath, washed his hair, and sadly had to brush it for two quarters of an hour.

When it was getting dark, Xiaoji made dinner and brought it over: "Xiaodong's dinner is over, today I will eat fried chicken, it is very delicious."

There are free-range chickens raised in Zhuangzi, and the meat is delicious. Every time Gu Jinli comes to Zhuangzi, he kills the chickens and eats them. One is used for frying, and the other is used for stewing soup. Said to her: "Little master, there is a fish pond in the village, you eat fish."

Why do you always harm her chickens, they haven't grown up yet?

Every time Gu Jinli heard it, he laughed and said: "After two years of raising, the chickens will be old, and the chickens that are more than half a year old can be eaten and are still tender."

Every time Mrs. Mi heard this, her heart ached. She could only raise chickens for the old hen every year, for fear that the chickens in the village would be eaten by Gu Jinli.

(End of this chapter)

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