Chapter 804

Mrs. Chen became even more angry. Regardless of being halfway along, she kicked Gu Dagui's feet and yelled, "Well, Gu Dagui, it turns out that you have always wanted to raise a little widow, and my mother will fight with you!"

Gu Dagui was kicked so loudly that he scolded: "You stinky bitch, you can't do it lightly? If you kick me and disable me, you have to buy someone to serve me."

"Ah bah, you still want to buy a little maid to serve you, dream! If you become disabled, I will throw you to the pigsty and let you go with the pigs."

Gu Dagui was speechless, what he said was obviously buying someone, how come it became a little maid in Chen's mouth?

Is she so afraid of him marrying the second wife?

However, when he thought that Chen was so angry because he was afraid that he would marry the second wife, Gu Dagui felt comfortable again.

He coaxed Chen Shi with an apologetic smile: "Mother, we have lived since we were young. Don't you know what I think? Can I see other people? I'm wrong, don't you Angry."

After hearing this, Mrs. Chen felt better, and then pointed out the flaws in Gu Dagui's words: "Why have you lived since you were young? My mother is still young now."

If you want to give birth, you can still hold two children in three years like a young daughter-in-law.

Gu Dagui: "Yes, yes, you are the youngest among the women in the village, and you are the best dressed."

Mrs. Chen was delighted to hear it, and laughed out loud, even though Gu Dewang and Gu Defa brothers had heard this kind of laughter for so many years, they were trembling at this moment.

At night, mother, your laughter is too permeating.

Mrs. Chen didn't care about them, and happily went home with Gu Dagui.

After arriving home, I packed up the congratulatory gifts for the Luo family tomorrow.


The next day is the second day of the second month of February when the dragon rises, and escort agencies usually choose to open on this day.

The same goes for Luo's bodyguard agency. Although it has been in business for two months, this is the official opening ceremony.

Luo's father has been living in the security agency for half a month, and now he is not at home, he is still busy in the security agency.

The Chu family has returned, and is inviting several family members to the county bodyguard bureau to celebrate the opening of the Luo family's bodyguard bureau.

Seeing Chu's well-dressed appearance, Mrs. Chen felt a little sour in her heart, but she didn't dare to say any sour words.Just because the Chu family has become more and more capable, and is different from the Chu family she knew in the past, she was frightened and did not dare to seek death.

"Sister Xiu, don't be afraid. Let's just go to have a meal, go through the corner door, and go directly to the flower hall in the back house. If you don't go to the living room in the front yard, you won't meet any bad people." The Chu family knew Gu Jinxiu She seldom goes out, but this time the bodyguard bureau at home is open, so she has to go to find the place and meet the bodyguard's wives and daughters.

Gu Jinxiu knew that it was impossible for her to stay at home all her life, and also knew that the opening of the Escort Bureau was very important to the Luo family, so she didn't feel timid, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Aunt Luo, I understand, and I'm not afraid."

After hearing this, Mrs. Chu smiled and patted her hand: "That's good."

Then he said to Luo Huiniang: "When you arrive at the bodyguard, don't run around, take care of your elder sister, do you understand?"

Luo Huiniang: "I know, I know, from what my mother said last night to now, my ears are numb."

The third grandma sat next to her and looked amused, and said to Chu: "Stop talking about Hui Niang, she has become much more sensible in the past two years, hurry up, it's getting late."

"Hey." The Chu family responded, and hurriedly got on the mule cart, and the big guys went to the county together.

When the villagers saw their family leaving the village in a mule cart, they were very envious.

"Originally, the Gu family and the Qin family were the only ones in Qin Gu Luotian's family, and the other families relied on the Gu family for food. I didn't expect that the Luo family would open an escort agency in silence."

"Isn't that right? I heard that Luo's bodyguard bureau is very famous in the county town. There are young men in armor guarding the gate every day. My Tian Wa went there specially. Hey, it's so majestic. It's like entering the general's mansion."

"Really? It really looks like the General's Mansion? It's not your Tianwa's nonsense." He Ju'er's mother squinted at He Tianwa's daughter-in-law, with a look of disbelief on her face.

He Tianwa's daughter-in-law got angry, and said with her hands on her hips, "Of course it's true, how can my Tianwa lie to me? He was also invited in for a meal, and brought back half a roast chicken for our mother." eat."

In fact, when He Tianwa went to the county seat by herself, she specially went to the Luo's Escort Bureau for a meal.

The women in the village believed He Tianwa's daughter-in-law so confidently, and sighed, "This Luo family is really well-developed."

After sighing, he said with bright eyes: "Hey, the Luo family boy is not engaged yet, hey, that's a coincidence..."

What followed was the dream talk about the Luo family boy's various matches with my niece, natal niece, and niece.

Finally, let's gossip again, why doesn't Luo Wu talk about marriage at such an old age?Is it not working in that respect?If his niece, natal niece, or niece married him, would he be a widow?

When the women in the village were gossiping about Luo Wu, Gu Jinli and the others had already picked up the four of them, Gu Jinan, and they went to the county together.

Ouyang Hu didn't go, but he supported Gu Jin'an and the others to go for a walk in the county.

A group of people sat in a mule cart and finally arrived at the county seat after two hours.

There is a high platform on the open space in front of the gate of the Escort Bureau, which is used for martial arts competitions.The Escort's bodyguard sits in the manor, and other people who can fight will challenge. If the Escort wins, he can prove the strength of the Escort;

For the ten taels of silver, people who can fist and kick from Tianfu County and nearby Tianfu County all came to the martial arts competition, and it is now lively.

And on the high platform, Luo Wu was fighting with the servant Xiao Yang, and without any surprise, he beat the servant Xiao Yang to the ground.

Mrs. Chu and the others did not stay at the gate, but just glanced at it from a distance, and then went to the back house of the bodyguard bureau in a mule cart. As soon as they got out of the car, the old daughter-in-law came to see Mrs. Chu with a few wives of bodyguards.

"Madam, you are here. There are many female guests in the flower hall, waiting for you."

After hearing this, Mrs. Chu did not dare to be negligent, and introduced several women from the old mao's wife, and after introducing Gu Jinxiu specially, she took the women to the flower hall.

Gu Dashan and the others went to the living room in the front yard.

Team leader Yang's wife was the first to arrive, and she was already waiting in the flower hall with Miss Yang.Seeing Mrs. Chu coming, she hurriedly brought Miss Yang forward: "Sister Luo, you are here, everyone is waiting for you."

Bantou Yang has been a team leader for 20 years, and he knows a lot of people in the county. Bantou Yang's daughter-in-law got up together, and half of the women present got up and followed, looking quite oppressive.

Chu said with a smile: "It's really rude to keep Mrs. Yang waiting for so long."

Leader Yang's daughter-in-law smiled and said, "What are you impolite? What is the relationship between our two families? You still tell me this."

After saying that, she immediately pulled Miss Yang over, and said: "Hurry up and see your Aunt Luo, I miss you when I'm at home, but now I see you but I'm so stupid, I don't even know how to say hello."

What she said made people listen to other meanings. All the women present looked at Mrs. Chu, and then at Ms. Yang, and smiled knowingly, feeling that the Luo family and the Yang family were close.

(End of this chapter)

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