Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 89 Counting Money

Chapter 89 Counting Money

A man wearing a long indigo jacket and a scarf was holding a little girl of about three years old, clenching her mouth, and digging her throat with his hands, trying to dig out the caramel that was choking her.

But after digging for a while, not only did he not pick out the caramel, the little girl rolled her eyes, and she was about to choke to death.

"Yuan Yuan, Mother's Yuan Yuan, you can't be in trouble." The woman who spoke had already cried to tears, and kept patting the little girl's back, trying to pat the caramel out, but the caramel couldn't be spit out. People cried even more, if it wasn't for the maid next to her, the woman would have fainted long ago.

The little servant with a lantern next to him hurriedly said, "Master, let's take the young lady to the town's medical clinic."

They have just left the town, and it should be too late to go back.

"What nonsense!" the man scolded: "It's still too late."

He had seen someone choked, and that person died in less than a quarter of an hour.Now Yuan Yuan has rolled his eyes, here is at least a quarter of an hour's walk from the town, where is there still time?

The people around gathered around, and when they saw the little girl rolled her eyes from choking, they all said, "It's a pity." Here and there, it's still alive.

The family walked in front of Gu Jinli and the others. The third grandfather saw the appearance of the little girl and sighed, "Oh, what a sin, this little girl is probably going to die." He has lived all his life and has seen many people who were choked to death. , they all lost their breath very quickly, and they couldn't save them even if they tried to save them.

"Third grandpa, wait for me for a while." Gu Jinli ran over and said to the man in the house, "Uncle, give me your daughter."

After speaking, taking advantage of the man's stunned time, he hugged the little girl and made the little girl's back rest against her, while her hands were folded, pressing against the little girl's abdomen, pressing hard on the little girl's upper abdomen, like this. After a dozen repetitions, with a puff, a caramel flew out of the little girl's mouth.

"Wow--" The little girl was finally able to breathe and burst into tears.

"Yuan Yuan, Dad's Yuan Yuan, it's alright, it's alright, don't be afraid." The man hugged the little girl and patted her on the back lightly, soothing her.

He comforted the woman beside him: "Don't cry, our Yuan Yuan is fine."

Seeing that the little girl was really fine, the woman finally stopped crying, walked around behind the man, looked at the little girl, and comforted her softly: "Yuanyuan is not afraid, both parents are here."

The people onlookers said: "Yo, it was really rescued, what method was used for this?"

In fact, the method is very simple. It is the most common Heimlich method in modern times. It uses the impact of the abdomen to flush out the things blocked in the trachea.

But if this method was explained, it would take some time. Gu Jinli hurried home and left after seeing that the little girl was all right.

When the couple remembered to look for someone, they could no longer find Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli and his party traveled overnight, and it took nearly two hours to return home.

Several families didn't sleep, they all gathered at Gu Jinli's house, waiting for them, and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw them coming back safely.

The third grandmother hurriedly welcomed them into the door and asked, "What's the matter, are the tofu and bean dregs sold out?"

Mrs. Chen preemptively said: "It's sold out, it's sold out, you never know how well our pan-fried spiced tofu and bean dregs cakes are selling well? All of them are sold out, and many people haven't bought them yet. , let's go to the stall tomorrow."

Several families were overjoyed when they heard this.

The third grandma said: "It's good to sell it, it's good to sell it." She was also worried that there were too many tofu prepared and it would not be sold out.

Gu Dashan, Cui Shi and Gu Jinxiu brought them ginger soup and let them drink a bowl each.

It was freezing cold, and they set up stalls to blow the cold wind all night. If they didn't drink some ginger soup, they would get sick.

After the third grandpa and the others poured a bowl of ginger soup, their bodies finally warmed up. Knowing that they wanted to know how much they sold in total, they said to Qin Saburo and Father Luo: "Take out the bag with the money, and let's count the money together. "

The third grandfather was old and afraid that he would be stolen by the thief if he took so much money, so he divided the money into two bags and let Father Luo and Qin Sanlang, who knew how to punch and kick, hold it.

"Hey." Qin Saburo and Luo's father took out the big cloth bag tied around their waists, and with a clatter, poured all the silver money on the table, and poured out a large pile.

When several families saw so much copper coins, their eyes lit up, and they said in disbelief, "Why, why did you sell so much money?"

The corners of Chen's brows and eyes were raised, and he said proudly: "This is still a little. If we prepare more tofu, we can sell more money."

The third grandfather pointed to the pile of silver coins on the table and said, "The family will send someone who has counted them. Count this pile of silver coins and see how much we sold tonight?"

The seven families immediately dispatched a person to count the copper coins on the table.It took a quarter of an hour to finish counting, and then counted the seven piles of silver coins, and they were all surprised: "There are 11 taels and 640 wen."

"Oh my god, is there really 11 taels?" Mrs. Chen knew that they had made money tonight, but she didn't know that they had made so much. Hearing this number, she almost fainted.

The family couldn't believe that there was so much money, so they counted it again, and the result was still 11 taels and 640 wen.

"It's really that much." The third grandmother was shocked.

The third grandpa was very happy to hear that he had made so much money, but he did not lose his head, but asked Gu Jinan next to him: "Brother An, are you done? Report the number to everyone."

"Eh." On the tenth day of the first day, when they went to buy things, in addition to buying yellow paper, they also bought pen and ink. Gu Jinan had already taken out the pen and ink when everyone was counting the money, and calculated the cost and profit.

It was Xiaoyu who reminded him and taught him about this accounting.

"We sold a total of four dans of tofu, two dans of bean dregs, and one dan of tofu and bean dregs, both of which are [-] jin. One jin of tofu can make six portions of pan-fried spiced tofu for five cents, and four dans should be sold for ninety-two or six hundred Wen, but we delivered tofu today, so we only had silver seven taels to two hundred taels, which was [-] taels less."

"I didn't give away the bean dregs cake. One catty of bean dregs can make eight bean dregs cakes, and you get 840 renminbi."

"The rest is the money for selling seasoning packets, five cents a pack, buy two packs get one free, we sold sixty packs, and only got two hundred cents of silver."

Gu Jinan spoke very slowly, so everyone understood.

Chen Shi almost fainted when he heard it: "Oh, my God, I said that I can't give it away. Look, it's more than [-] taels of silver, [-] taels of silver, my meat!"

"Shut up, why are you howling?" Gu Dagui scolded the Chen family: "What we're doing here is fresh food, if we don't give it away, where would anyone dare to buy it?"

Of course, Mrs. Chen knew this, but she still felt pain, and felt that a large piece of her heart had been gouged out.

Several family members were also very distressed, but they knew that this was impossible, and after they were distressed, they let go.

11. The 640 taels was just a gross profit. After calculating the cost for them, Gu Jinan said: "We spent a total of 250 taels and 390 taels for this tofu stall. After deducting the cost, we will make a net profit of [-] taels and [-] taels tonight."

And his family accounts for 120% of the tofu business, which can be divided into two taels, 530 yuan, and the other [-]%, the six families will share equally: "All uncles and aunts, each of your family can get [-] yuan."

(End of this chapter)

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