Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 969 My Family Is a Small Street Vendor

Chapter 969 My Family Is a Small Street Vendor

Ming Shaoqing ordered that Li Zhi and the members of the old Gu's family could not live until the sun rose, so Gu Zhifu, Tang Tongpan, and Master Tang came to the execution ground at three o'clock in the morning. Order: "Execution!"

With an order, the executioners each drank a bowl of strong wine, raised their swords high, and beheaded Li Zhi and others with a few clicks.

The Gu Zhifu was relieved to see that the old Gu's family finally died, God, these lunatics finally died.

He thought about the pain of being tortured by the old Gu's family during this period of time, and he scolded the old Gu's family again in his heart.

The same is true for Tang Tongpan, who scolded the old Gu's family in his heart.

"There's no need to rush to collect the corpses, just put their corpses here, and the prison guards from Dali Temple will come to check the logarithm."

I have to go back and wash quickly to get rid of bad luck.

"Yes." Master Tang agreed, and stayed to deal with the aftermath with Team Leader Zhang and Cell Leader.

As for Gu Youlu and Qian Guangzong's father and son, who suffered from willow disease and could not come to the execution ground, they were poisoned directly.

And Gu Youlu and the others didn't know that they were sentenced to death until they were poisoned... Their eyes were wide open, and they couldn't believe that they were going to be poisoned even if they were criminals?

However, this is what Ming Shaoqing meant.

Ming Shaoqing fell in love with Gu Jin'an's talent, and wanted to recruit this rookie to the Ming family's party and use it for the Ming family.Therefore, he simply helped Gu Jin'an solve the old Gu's family, and let all these troublesome people die.

If it wasn't for this reason, the members of the old Gu's family would not have died so soon. At the very least, Aunt Gu and the others would have made the best use of their belongings, thrown them away to do tiring work, or sold for money.

The prison guards of Dali Temple went to do the autopsy before Chen Shi, and after seeing that Li Zhi, Mrs. Gu and the old Gu's family were all dead, they left with satisfaction.

However, he asked about Zhou's situation: "That Zhou really hates the old Gu's family? Is her son Bao Geer in good health?"

Ming Shaoqing has always done things by cutting grass and roots, so it is best to kill all the members of the old Gu family.

Gu Zhifu said: "The Zhou family took their son to the Taoist temple before the house was sealed, and they have reconciled with Qian Chengcai under the guarantee of the master of Xiaoqingming Temple and Mrs. Yu."

Seeing the worries of the prison guards, the Gu Zhifu said again: "Mr. Zhou deeply hates the old Gu family and the Qian family. She swore a poisonous oath that she would not let her son know of the existence of the old Gu family and the Qian family. And she has given her son Changing her surname to Zhou, her son is no longer from the Qian family."

The Master of Xiaoqingming Temple and Mrs. Yu are both well-known people in the He'an Mansion. They came forward to help the Zhou family. The Gu Zhifu quickly sentenced the Zhou family and Qian Chengcai to reconcile and divorced their mother and son. household registration.

After hearing this, the prison guard nodded and said, "That's fine."

With Gu Jin'an's ability, there is no need to be afraid that Zhou's son will take revenge on him when he grows up. If he doesn't even have this ability to protect himself, then he really failed Ming Shaoqing's expectations.


The people of He'an Mansion didn't know until the second young master Li went to collect Master Li's body. Master Li and the members of Lao Gu's family had been beheaded, and the whole prefecture exploded.

"I heard no, Mrs. Gu and Master Li were beheaded!"

"What? They were beheaded? Really?"

"Of course it's true. Young Master Li Er has already carried the coffin to the execution ground to collect the corpse. How can it be fake?"

Someone from the side came over and said: "I heard from the early riser and poured out Yexiang that Mrs. Gu and Mr. Li were beheaded while hugging each other. Hey yo, that kind of relationship is a good one. The beheaded boss Tu was so moved that he cried. Already!"

"Ah bah, where did you hear the rumors? I heard that Mrs. Li hated Mrs. Gu so much, how could she still die with her in his arms? Besides, the executioners were all tied up. Where did they come from?" hug?"

"Hey, don't you believe it? Liu Yexiang saw it with her own eyes, it can't be fake!"

Liu Yexiang is the father of Liu Yexiang in the north of the city. Because of the job of pouring Yexiang, the people in the city nicknamed him Liu Yexiang.

Yao Youqian felt that Old Man Liu was wronged, he followed Old Man Liu to dump Ye Xiang, and what they collected was Ye Xiang from the north of the city, and they had never been to the execution ground, how could they have seen Lord Li and the others being beheaded?

However, Yao Youqian didn't have time to explain this, instead he dragged Lu Bai to the gate of the government office: "Hurry up, don't whine, if there is a delay, I will let you come back tomorrow and call for a long time to make up for it." .”

Lu Bo was angry and ashamed, and said with tears, "Don't drag me, I, I..."

"What are you? Do you still want to renege on your debts? A man has to be brave. If he loses, he loses. If you are afraid of losing face, don't bet with Brother Gu." The worker, with a strong body, dragged Lu Bo all the way to the Yamen.

But he didn't get too close to the yamen, but stopped in the open space three feet away from the yamen, pointed to the place next to him and said, "Stand still, let's shout."

Then he took out a small piece of paper from his sleeve pocket, and read it according to what was written on it: "I am from a market place, and my family is a small vendor, so call me that."

Lu Bo covered his face and sobbed, he didn't dare to read it at was too embarrassing, if he read it here for a day, his face would be completely humiliated.

"Today, the magistrate is going to entertain the high school students... If I study here, what will I do in my life?" Lu Bai became more and more desperate as he thought about it, and almost burst into tears.

But Yao Youqian didn't feel sorry for him, so he took out a rolling pin, hit Lu Bai directly on the back, and said angrily, "Quickly read it to me, if you dare to renege on your debt, I will destroy you!"

He also didn't want Lu Bai to be ashamed like this, but Brother Gu said that if he didn't give Lu Bai a strong dose of medicine, he would never lose face, and would continue to avoid mentioning his own background.

"If you don't break, don't stand. When the people in Fucheng are running to the execution ground to see the corpses, you read it carelessly. Otherwise, when the people in Fucheng have watched the excitement of the execution ground, they should come to see you." Yao Youqian reminded Lu Bai: " You know how much gossip the people in Fucheng of He'an Prefecture have, if you don't read it quickly, you will be treated like a monkey and spread some scary gossip to you."

Yao Youqian looked Lu Bai up and down, and said with a malicious smile: "You are a white-faced man and a sissy, and the common people will definitely tell you that you are a fairy king."

Yao Youqian was still concerned about Lu Bai's reputation, and he didn't say the word Xianjun very much, but Lu Bai jumped up as if someone had stepped on his tail and said, "Shut up! I'm not, I'm..."

Yao Youqian: "I like girls, right? I know, but the people in Fucheng don't know."

Lu Bai was also afraid that some nasty gossip would spread about him. Seeing Yao Youqian guarding him with a rolling pin, he knew that this catastrophe was inevitable, so he could only close his eyes and say, "I was born in the market, and my family is Small vendors~"

With a bang, Yao Youqian hit Lu Bai's leg with a stick, and cursed: "Shout me well, why didn't I eat? The sound of shouting seems to be dying."

(End of this chapter)

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