extreme dog days

Chapter 1004

Chapter 1004

The Qinglong Possession is an additional stunt in the Qinglong Anti-Sky Art. Since the Xiao family's past dynasties, except for the ancestor, no one has truly understood the mystery of the Azure Dragon Possession.

Most of the comprehension of the possession of the blue dragon is just like Xiao Yu, it is only a false appearance.

The Azure Dragon is possessed, and the God of War appears!

Only by comprehending those possessed by the Azure Dragon, can one embody the true Azure Dragon God of War.

"Xiao Yu, the Xiao family's thousands of years of blood debt, you should pay it back... Qinglong has no regrets against God's will..."


Xiao Feng shouted loudly, he instilled his soul power on the Azure Dragon Slashing Heaven Sword, and the Azure Dragon Heaven Slashing Sword let out a dragon roar, and then the blade turned blue, and at the same time it glowed with blue light.

And because Xiao Feng is possessed by the blue dragon, the whole body also glows with blue light, and the scene of the momentum becoming a blue dragon can be faintly seen, and it even gives the feeling that Xiao Feng is wearing a blue armor.

"What about the possession of the Qinglong? Even if Xiao Dingtian is alive, I am not afraid. I am the strongest in the Xiao family, roar!"

At this moment, Xiao Yu felt that he was inferior to Xiao Feng, but he didn't want to admit it.He wanted to become No. 1 in the Xiao family, so he destroyed the Xiao family, killed all the disciples of the Xiao family, and killed all the people on the Dongzhou continent who had the spirit of the green dragon.

Before Xiao Feng appeared, he was the strongest Azure Dragon on the Dongzhou Continent, and also the only Azure Dragon.For this purpose, he never even gave birth to a boy and a girl.

Unfortunately, his dream was shattered after all.The moment Xiao Feng came to Dongzhou Continent, everything he had turned into a dream of Huang Liang.

"Cut the sky"


"What... poof!"

After the battle of a pillar of incense, Xiao Feng seized the opportunity to fly out with a knife, and the Azure Dragon Slashing Heaven Sword turned into a Azure Dragon and slashed over it.Xiao Yu blocked Qinglong, but he couldn't cut the sword.

Although Xiao Yu used the Azure Dragon Qi Soul to block the Azure Dragon Sky Slasher in time, he was still injured by the Azure Dragon Heaven Slasher, leaving an almost irreversible wound on his body, and his internal organs were visible only a little bit.


Xiao Yufei retreated, supported it with the Long Xingjian in his hand, and knelt down on one knee.

"Xiao Yu, accept your fate..."

"Haha... Qinglong takes off"

Xiao Yu laughed, ignoring the injuries on his body, he dropped his five fingers and poured his whole body's soul power into the earth, raising a large earth wall, and then took the opportunity to escape.

Stay, he has only one death.


Xiao Feng used his soul power to suppress the raised earth wall, but unfortunately he failed to leave Xiao Yu in time.The surroundings of Yupin Villa are in a mess at the moment, and the people who were originally in this Yupin Villa have long since fled without a trace.


The clone battle between Ling Yun and Yin Guang had lasted more than [-] rounds. Although Ling Yun seemed to have the upper hand, he sensed something was wrong at this time, because his speed had slowed down, and the speed of power operation had also slowed down.

"Is there a feeling of a mud cow entering the sea...Ling Yun, although you are full of talent and savvy, you are still too young after all. Don't you know that there are people outside the sky and people outside the sky. There is also the divine way above the supreme. In front of the divine way, Everything is ants. Although this seat is unable to exert the power of the divine way here, the understanding of the Dao cannot be compared with that of your child. This is the Dao of this seat, and the world will be blessed."

Shinto is not something that ordinary people can understand.Even if someone steps into this divine way, God is God and Tao is Tao.Only by mastering the 'Tao' is the real Shinto.

Otherwise, even if you reach the third rank of Shinto, you are only a master of Shinto.

Even in the realm, Yin Guang is a top-notch powerhouse, and he is also one of the strongest people sent from the Tianxia Peak in the realm.

Although he came to the fighting world and his cultivation was restricted by the seal of the fighting world, the 'Dao' method could still be used.

Ling Yun felt like he was in a quagmire at this moment, his speed was limited and his strength was also limited.

"Well, then try it out."

Ling Yun suddenly realized that if he didn't break Yin Guang's Taoism, once he was completely immersed in it, he would not be able to move.

fist bump

The profound truth of the flesh is also a kind of Tao.It's just that Lingyun has not yet realized the Tao in the flesh, so it is only infinitely close to the 'Dao'.

The fist hit the heaven and the earth, breaking all methods with one force.

Yin Guang is only here, and the application of Taoism is obviously not strong, otherwise he would not have been fighting with him for so long when he used the power of Taoism at the beginning.



Yin Guang's ze was broken open by the common people.

"Old guy... have you heard that boxing is afraid of young people?"

Ling Yun smashed Zeyu Cangsheng with one punch, and immediately burst out with extreme power, smashing it with one punch.


Bang, bang!

Ling Yun didn't want to fight with Yin Guang any more, otherwise he might lose, so he directly exchanged injuries with him with his terrifying defensive power.

After Ling Yun punched him, he himself was slapped by the opponent, but Ling Yun forcibly carried it down instead of retreating, and then punched the opponent again. After more than ten rounds, Yin Guangke understood what it means to be afraid of punching. Young and strong.

"Pfft... Flesh. You actually cultivated the body to such a degree. It's amazing..."

Yin Guang was beaten and vomited blood.Ling Yun's body was too unexpected for him, and if it continued like this, his avatar would be beaten into meat sauce.There are not many of them in the world to be sanctified directly in the flesh.

Of course, although Ling Yun's physical body is far more than the physical body of the Supreme Realm, and even more than the real body of the twelfth-order monster, but it has not really reached the level of the body of the gods.

It's just that in the fighting world, there are very few people who can forcibly refine their physical bodies to such a level.

(End of this chapter)

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