extreme dog days

Chapter 1006 Unify 1 Qi and Soul

Chapter 1006 Unify Qi and Soul

Suru was forced to follow Yin Guang before, and learned a lot about Tianxia Peak from him, and thus knew the unknown knowledge behind Zhou Shaohao's beauty.

Zhou Shaohao could have used the Tianluo Empire to dig up, but unfortunately he didn't want to make progress, and that's why he lost today.

If he used the body of a horse to take over the Tianluo Empire with the edict of the first emperor of the Tianluo Empire, instead of creating a female emperor to satisfy his own desires, then Yin Guang would hardly have a chance to seize power.

After all, he is the son of the Peak Master in the world, and even if he is not welcome again, he can be regarded as Yin Guang's master.

Now it's better, the so-called Tianluo Dijun is just a mask, Yin Guang can find someone to pretend to be at any time.Furthermore, all the military power of the Luo Empire has been controlled by Yin Guang today.

Even if someone is in the camp opposing Yin Guang, they are only loyal to the previous Tianluo Empire wearing a magic jade mask.Therefore, Zhou Shaohao is completely self-inflicted.

After listening to Suru talking about some things about Tianxia Peak, Ling Yun's face was not very good.Because as he thought, the power of Tianxia Peak has now spread to the entire world of Doujie.

At present, Tianxia Peak is the strongest force in the fighting world, and it is still not one of them.

Take this Dongzhou Continent. Although the sovereignty of the Tianluo Empire has changed hands, its strength is also very terrifying, because this Yin Guang's energy is somewhat unexpected to Lingyun.

At the same time, the strength of the Tianluo Empire was also very terrifying. When they attacked Fengjiemeng earlier, the Tianluo Empire only used one-tenth of its strength.Only one-tenth of the force shook the Fengjie League.

"Young Master Ling, if you want to deal with Yin Guang and overthrow the Tianluo Empire. In addition to dealing with the Huan Yunzong and Yunshan Tower built by Yin Guang, you have to be careful of the three corps of my Tianluo Empire. These three corps They were all formed by several generations of my Su family, so by uniting the spirits and souls of the soldiers, they can form an infinite alliance in battle. If the three major corps get together, it is enough to crush everything, and even the Supreme Realm cannot break it. Everything can be razed to the ground. Unless absolutely necessary, the Tianluo Empire will not use these three corps."

Speaking of the strongest trump card in the Tianluo Empire, Suru seemed a little proud.This was the result of the accumulation of generations of the Su family of the Tianluo Empire.

It is also the team that protects the capital of the Tianluo Empire.Because the lethality is too powerful, unless there is a crisis of destroying the dynasty, it will never be used.

"Unifying Qi and Soul... It's a shame you can think of it."

Ling Yun thought about it for a while, and couldn't help but startled.No matter how large a corps is, no matter how high the cultivation base of elite soldiers is, it is not scary.Even if the cultivation base is unified, it can only achieve a certain degree of power union.

But unifying the qi and soul is completely different.Just wanting to form a group of soldiers with the same spirit and spirit is not an easy task.Generally only families can have such soldiers.

But the number is very limited.

"Isn't that the case with the family? It's like the Xiao family in the past. The reason why the Xiao family was able to command the world in those days was not because there were people who were invincible in the world, but because of the soldiers who had a unified spirit and soul."

"Since it is the trump card of your royal Su family, it will not be occupied by that Taishi Yin Guang."

Xiao Feng also has a certain understanding of the soldiers who unify their qi and soul.This is the so-called flowing water-like sect, the iron-clad family.This is the root of the strength of the Wulong family in the past.

I just didn't expect that the Tianluo Empire would be able to produce such soldiers.

"It's all to blame for that waste. If it weren't for him, how would Yin Guang know that there is such a trump card in my Tianluo Empire. Now that the marshals of the three major corps are under house arrest, the three major corps naturally fall into Yin Guang's hand."

Suru said angrily.

If these three corps are still in hand, then Suru will not be passive, she can at least use these three corps to be the diligent king and the Qingjun side.Unless Yin Guang wants to fight with her to lose both.

Otherwise, he would not dare to act rashly.

Of course, if this trump card is in hand, Yin Guang will definitely not dare to turn the sky.Because if he breaks with Zhou Shaohao, once he loses the power of Dongzhou Continent, he will be heavily blamed by Tianxia Peak.

Consider it a betrayal!

"You have a way to deal with these three corps."

Ling Yun asked.

He used to be the young master of the Ling family, and naturally he knew very well how powerful the soldiers who unified their qi and soul were.The Ling family can currently stand in the mainland of Zhongzhou. In addition to his father, the top powerhouse in the supreme realm, the Ling family's Canglong warrior is naturally indispensable.

The Canglong Ling family can become the head of the five dragon families, and the foundation of this is the Canglong warrior.

Yin Guang currently has a terminal combat power that can match Fengjiemeng and Mozu. If these three corps are added together, it will be Fengjiemeng and Mozu who will suffer once they start.

Even if he can win in the end, the price paid will be comparable to the battle of the Demon Race's counterattack.

"There is no way! As long as you can rescue the three marshals, you can naturally regain military power."

Suru said.

The three marshals in charge of the three corps were all Suru's confidants, and one of them had always known that she was a daughter, because that person was her uncle.

Suru was selfish and wanted Ling Yun and the others to help her rescue those three people.

"Uh! This method is not impossible. The problem is that the existence of the three of them obviously threatens Yin Guang's command of the three corps. Do you think Yin Guang will still keep them?"

Ling Yun shook his head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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