extreme dog days

Chapter 1008 Suru's Selfishness

Chapter 1008 Suru's Selfishness

The Netherworld Dungeon is the place where the heroes of the world are imprisoned on the Tianxia Peak, and the heroes in the Zhongzhou Continent are terrified.Although Ling Yun was imprisoned in the dungeon back then, he didn't know what was so special about the ghost dungeon.

At the same time, he didn't know how much danger his father risked when he went to save him in the nether dungeon.

Although this ghostly hell that appeared on the mainland of Dongzhou was not as good as the ghostly dungeon on the peak of Tianxia, ​​at least Ling Yun could feel it, so Ling Yun decided to take a break.


Suru took out two maps from the storage ring, one recorded the route of Summoning Cloud Sect, and the other recorded the location of Yunshan Tower.In other words, even if she hadn't met Ling Yun and the others, she herself had thought about going to these two places.

"Young Master Ling, I want to go with you."

Suru said when she saw Ling Yun put away the map.

"Sister, I'll go too."

Su Qiong said.

"No, you and Xiao Gongzi go to the Chaotian Hall of the Imperial Palace, take out the military talisman under the dragon seat, remember to destroy the dragon seat, and the military talisman will appear."

Suru understood that it was very dangerous to go to Huanyunzong or Yunshan Tower to save people, so she told Lingyun directly about the location of the soldiers.

In fact, she also has selfishness.

She didn't want her sister to take the risk with her.This trip is called Yunzong. She has a mortal heart, so she hopes that Su Qiong can survive, at least to leave blood incense for their Su family, because Su Qiong has found true love.

Compared to her, Su Qiong is much happier.


Su Qiong was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiao Feng.

"Miss Su, aren't you afraid that we won't save people?"

Ling Yun asked with a smile.

"Don't be afraid, I believe in Young Master Ling and Young Master Xiao."

Suru said solemnly.In her heart, whether it was Xiao Feng or Ling Yun, although she had little contact with them, they were more worthy of her trust than Zhou Shaohao.

"Thank you Miss Su for your trust"

Ling Yun cupped his hands and said.

Going to the Cloud Calling Sect, how dangerous Yunshan Tower is, without Suru explaining, Ling Yun also knows, Xiao Feng will naturally not be stupid enough to not know.He also wanted to go with Ling Yun.

It's just that Ling Yun had his own plans. He went to Shipin City to find people from Hidden Sect and asked them to bring the news back to Fengjiemeng.

In fact, it is a good thing for Fengjiemeng to know where Yunzong and Yunshan Tower are.Ling Yun planned to go to Huan Yunzong and ask his senior brother to send someone to Yunshan Tower.

At the same time, prepare to attack the Tianluo Empire.

Before Yin Guang and the others asked Tianxia Peak for help, they destroyed the power of Tianxia Peak here.

In this matter, after Lingyun destroyed Xuanmen, Fengjiemeng has been preparing to attack Tianluo Empire, but Tianluo Empire is really not comparable to Xuanmen.

Although Xuanmen is powerful, they don't know how to experience it. They master the northern realm and completely rely on the control pill. Therefore, as long as they explain the control pill, it is enough to pacify the northern realm.

However, the Tianluo Empire actually controls the land of the East, and it can be said that the people's hearts desire. At the same time, although they only occupy the land of the East, they affect the whole world, and if they are affected, the whole body will be affected.

This is Suru's credit.

Once the Fengjie League and the Tianluo Empire fight, it will immediately cause chaos in the world. At that time, I am afraid that the entire Dongzhou Continent will fall into a situation of full-scale war.

Therefore, if it can directly destroy the core power of the Tianluo Empire, it would be even better.


"Senior brother, there is news from junior brother. Look..."

Hua Yunlong received the news from Lingyun's people, and immediately came to look for Mu Qianshan.

"Hey... I didn't expect this Taishi Yin Guang to hide so deeply. It seems that the strongest person in the Tianluo Empire who fought with me back then was him."

Yin Guang once played against Mu Qianshan.When Mu Qianshan was almost defeated by Yin Guang, they still used the things left by their master Douluo to repel Yin Guang.

Over the years, the Fengjie League has not dared to touch the Tianluo Empire, and even gave in three points, not only because of the three-legged confrontation at that time, but also because Muqianshan was afraid of Yin Guang, and the influence of the Tianluo Empire on the Dongzhou Continent.

Even he had to admit that the uniqueness of the Tianluo Empire was far from what they could compare to the Fengjie League.What the Fengjie League can do is to unite those sects on the Dongzhou Continent, but the Tianluo Empire is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which is unparalleled.

Even in the upper realm and the lower realm, there are many people who want to become subjects of the Tianluo Empire, longing for this upper realm, and the lower realm can be ruled and managed by the Tianluo Empire just like the Eastern realm.

As for the reason why Yin Guang has not shown up over the years, firstly, he has some fears about Muqianshan, and secondly, it is also out of his selfishness.It was precisely because he didn't have his decision that the Tianluo Empire stayed put.

"Qianshan, the third master said that it would be dangerous to go to the Cloud Calling Sect?"

Wang Gen worries about Ling Yun's safety.Because among the three of Mu Qianshan, the one who really got the true inheritance of Old Man Douluo was Ling Yun.In other words, the hopes of the fighting world were all on Ling Yun.

"Uncle Gen, don't worry, let me think about it. Yin Guang is not easy to deal with, even if I am not sure I can beat him now. But now the arrow is on the string, and I have to send it."

Mu Qianshan understood the current situation. Even if they didn't make a move, the Tianluo Empire would not let them breathe.Before, he didn't understand why the Tianluo Empire had been slow to move.

(End of this chapter)

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