extreme dog days

Chapter 1024 Little Ancestor

Chapter 1024 Little Ancestor

Generally speaking, most of the disciples in the Call Cloud Sect are assigned to the elders as disciples, some are only registered, and if they are lucky, they are entry-level.And there are not many who can be remembered by this elder.

Either your talent is very high, or you are a slicker like Jia Youdao.Who made people call Yunzong full of geniuses?

"Uh, it was the disciple of the third elder! Your name is Jia Youdao, right? I remember you brought back a few jars of good wine last time. What did you bring back this time?"

The first elder is a good drinker, because the last time Jia Youdao came back to the Cloud Calling Sect, he just brought a few jars of spirit brew from outside, so the first elder in the palm hall remembered him.

"Wine, what's the use of wine, it would be great if we could find a few more talented disciples for our network hall. Sigh."

Although the second elder also likes wine, he is more concerned about genius disciples.It's a pity that geniuses are not all over the place. It is quite good that Cloud Cloud Sect can find so many genius disciples.

Within their Calling Cloud Sect, no matter who they are, they are geniuses!

"Hey, are genius disciples so easy to find? Your disciples are in charge of places outside the sixteen states of Yunling, and it has been two years since a genius disciple came back. Very few talented disciples have been found in recent years."

The third elder opened his mouth to maintain that Jia Youdao was his disciple after all. Although he hadn't found a talented disciple for a long time, he knew that they had done their best.After all, there are some geniuses who are not necessarily willing to worship in their Cloud Calling Sect!

"The three elders are right."

The elder also nodded.They called Yunzong to recruit only genius disciples, but this genius is really not that easy to find.

"Master, the two elders of the palm palace, this time the disciple really brought back two."

After Jia Youdao heard this, he raised his hand proudly and said.

"Two what."

"Have you found two genius disciples?"

The second elder and the third elder asked at the same time.

"That's right! And he's not an ordinary genius disciple."

Jia Youdao said, Dese is a must.Talented disciples are already hard to find, and top genius disciples are even harder to find.A perverted genius disciple can only be said to be unattainable.

Jia Youdao told the three of them about Lingyun and Suru's talents. As he expected, the three of them couldn't calm down, so Jia Youdao hurriedly asked Jia Youdao to bring Lingyun and Suru to the Hall of Connections.

Before the two of them came to the Hall of Connections, the three elders of the connections couldn't sit still and hurried out.Seeing Lingyun and Suru was like seeing some treasures in the world.

The three elders of the Hall of Personnel were also blinded by Suru's Mei Liang, but after learning about her talent, she naturally valued her talent more.

Furthermore, Jia Youdao also told the three of them that Suru and Lingyun were a pair.

Although Ling Yun only has the potential of Qi and Soul of the Seven Stars, but he has the potential of the ninth-order **, such disciples, once they grow up, their achievements will definitely not be below them.

As long as Ling Yun is willing to join their Calling Cloud Sect, they will naturally not offend such a genius disciple who is close to the sky-defying level because of the problem of the lower body.

"What kind of constitution do you think this girl is?"

"Yes, although special physiques are also very rare, some physiques are like chicken ribs, but as long as it is a unique physique, it is quite good. I am more optimistic about this little guy, haha, the ninth-order physical body, this is simply It's a pillow from when I was dozing off. Little ancestor!"

Zhao Yun said excitedly.Before, they still had headaches and didn't have the potential of the seventh-order physical potential, but they were sent one in a blink of an eye, and it was still the ninth-order physical potential.

If this spreads out, the entire Cloud Calling Sect will be a sensation.

However, if they knew that the two of Ling Yun were here, it was for a purpose, and Ling Yun's strength was far superior to them, so they would be scared to pee.An enemy with the potential of the ninth-order physical body, it is strange that they can not make them tremble.

"Little guy, if these three guys knew that even Yin Guang's clone was beaten and fled by Ling Yun, they would not only call him the little ancestor, but the old ancestor."

Suru is very confident in her physique, because Ling Yun has told her before.She is the body of the Jade Emperor, which is rarely seen in 100,000 years of Doujie.

As for Ling Yun, even though he was young, even Yin Guang would not dare to regard him as a little guy.

"It is indeed the little ancestor, haha! If the master of the pulse knows, you will have to secretly have fun in your dreams. Jia Youdao, you have made a great contribution to our network this time. Haha"

The third elder was very pleased with the virtue of being a master. This man was recruited by his disciple, and of course he had the merit of being a master.If their vein masters learn about this matter, they will be delighted.

"Thank you for the praise from the master. The disciple is also a blessing from the master, so I found Junior Brother Lin and Junior Sister Chen to join our Call Cloud Sect."

Jia Youdao is very smart.He didn't mention Nie Wangchen at all, but he did not forget to please his master.With the support of his master, how could Nie Wangchen take him and take credit?

Who believed it had anything to do with him?You must know that he had tried so hard to belittle Nie Wangchen in front of Lingyun and Suru before. From the eyes of Lingyun and Suru, he could see that they hated and despised Nie Wangchen very much.

"Ha ha"

After Debei heard it, he was in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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