extreme dog days

Chapter 1033 Half-step Supreme

Chapter 1033 Half-step Supreme

Although the relationship between the Earth Pulse Hall and the Human Pulse Hall is not good, they will not easily fight. This is something that their suzerain and Tai Shi Yin Guang will not allow.

When it really hits, no matter who's right or who's wrong, you can't eat and walk around.

"Uh, that's right! But what about that guy. As far as I know, the Hall of Personnel has been making a lot of moves recently, and they seem to be going to open that place."

The fourth elder said anxiously.

Calling Cloud Sect has rules. No matter what ancient ruins Sanmai Hall finds, it does not need to be reported, but half of the resources obtained must be turned over to Zongmen as a reward to Sanmai in the future.

That is to say, as long as you find the ancient ruins and get what you get from there, that lineage can directly get half of it.

"Let's see if there is any action from the People's Network Hall in the past two days. If no more people are sent to kill him... This time, two disciples from the later stage of the Great Luo Realm will be sent directly, and Shi Hongqun will take action and kill him."

Nan Zun said.

"I think it's better to let Shi Hongqun take the shot. He is a half-step supreme, so it's better to make sure everything is safe."

The four elders thought about it.Half-step Supreme, that is a more powerful figure than the peak of Daluojing.In the Hall of Contacts, I am afraid that only any one of the seven can stop him.

Naturally, the plan of the four elders was to sacrifice this Shi Hongqun when necessary.Because he is almost the kind of person who has no hope of breaking through the supreme realm, and his life expectancy is approaching.

Once the incident happened, the responsibility could be directly put on him.

"Alright, I'll talk to Gan Li over there."

Nan Zun understood what the four elders meant.However, Shi Hongqun has a friend in the Earth Vessel Hall, and that person has reached the Supreme Realm.As for his friend, he was Nan Zun's direct disciple.

A day later, the Dimai Palace saw that the Renmai Palace had not come to the door, and that the Renmai Palace had secretly discussed the matter of going to the ancient ruins, so the Dimai Palace could not hold back, and once again sent someone to kill Ling Yun.

And the person who shot this time is the half-step supreme Shi Hongqun.

Shi Hongqun knew very well what would happen if he went to kill a top genius disciple in the Network Hall.But he has no choice, his life essence is approaching, if he can't break through, he can only wait to die.

However, their four elders had promised him that as long as he killed Ling Yun and left no trace, he would give him another chance and use resources to help him strike the Supreme Realm again.

There are too many resources needed to hit the Supreme Realm, and each resource can train more than ten disciples in the early stage of the Daluo Realm to reach the later stage of the Daluo Realm, or even the peak.

Shi Hongqun has tried three times with the help of his friend, but unfortunately failed three times.Talented disciples are not necessarily able to break through the Supreme Realm. In addition to talent, breaking through the Supreme also depends on chance.

This time Shi Hongqun had to take the risk and take on the task.

The place where Lingyun and Suru live is the back mountain of Shangyun Peak. The back mountain is wide and full of energy. It is one of the places where the top genius disciples live. However, there are not many top genius disciples in the Hall of People Network. The mountain behind Yunfeng looked very deserted.

Originally, there was a Supreme Realm in this Shangyun Peak, but after finding the ancient ruins from the People's Network Hall, two Supreme Realms have been sent to guard there to prevent people from peeping.

At this moment, because there is no Supreme Realm in Shangyun Peak, Shi Hongqun has nothing to be afraid of.He has enough confidence in his own strength.Besides, the person who wants to kill is only a third-level Heavenly Realm person, which is completely within his grasp.

Moreover, there is no Supreme Realm in Shangyun Peak. Besides Ling Yun and Suru, there are three disciples of the later stage of Daluo Realm who are not even at the peak.

Even if they heard the movement and came, he could kill them here together.


"It should have come to find me."

When Shi Hongqun entered the manor, Lingyun and Suru noticed that they were not in a hurry to go out, waiting for Shi Hongqun to knock out the servants and maids in the manor first.

Someone broke into the manor late at night and wanted to deal with them, naturally not because their identities were revealed, but because of the internal problems of the Cloud Calling Sect.So if they want to solve this trouble, they naturally can't reveal their identities.

Let the other party help them get the servants in this manor first, the maid is perfect.

"Half-step Supreme, huh..."

Sensing Shi Hongqun's cultivation, Suru smiled.Such a person, she can solve it with one move.

"Let me do it! It's inappropriate for you to do it."

Ling Yun said with a smile.Suru's current physique has recovered, and her strength is not simple. Although she is only on the fifth floor of the Supreme Realm, even if she faces the later stages of the Supreme Realm, she will not necessarily lose.

"What is inappropriate, is it appropriate for you to take action?"

Suru is not a kind person, otherwise how can she cultivate her emperor's aura?If someone wants to trouble them, the best way is to kill them and bury them.Even if the people behind the instructions knew that the person was gone, they would not dare to openly trouble them.

"Of course, because I have this!"

Ling Yun stretched out a hand and shook it in front of Suru, showing off his Soul Light Bracers.

"What is this, you're here, why didn't I see you wearing it before?"

Suru hadn't paid attention to Ling Yun for the past few days. Although she held hands with him before, the wristbands were covered by her sleeves, so she couldn't see it.

(End of this chapter)

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