extreme dog days

Chapter 1037 You are blind!

Chapter 1037 You are blind!

Thinking about it at this moment made the old single male blushed.A disciple has the awareness to take care of the overall situation, but as the master of the line, he ignores this point.

"Hey, Yixiong, you said it nicely, you don't hold it accountable. Haha!"

Sun Yisheng couldn't stand Shanxiong's face.But just now this single male admitted his mistake and bowed his head to him. Maybe he will give up, but this guy actually said that he didn't pursue it, and it felt that he was wrong.

Sun Yisheng knew very well why the Di Maidian sent Shi Hongqun to deal with Ling Yun, but Ling Yun didn't know it because he had time to tell him.

After all, it was less than seven days before Ling Yun first entered the Yunzong Sect, so how could such a big event be easily known to him.

Yixiong wanted to kill Lingyun, forcing them to join forces with their lyric hall in order to open the ancient secret realm. Everyone knew this.As long as the single Xiongken bowed his head, in order not to cause infighting between the two veins, he would endure it.

But this guy's tone is decent, but he doesn't know what to do.

"What, are you fighting?"

Shanxiong also didn't notice that he used the wrong words for a while, but he was already low-pitched, and when he heard Sun Yisheng yelling, he couldn't get angry.

"Well, what a strong momentum"

Ling Yun suddenly frowned, muttering in his heart, and glanced at Suru at the same time.Suru also sensed the aura, so she leaned over to him, and inadvertently her proud Saintess peak was tightly attached to Ling Yun's arm.


The person who came was Li Gang, Sect Master Huoyun.In fact, when Li Gang learned that the Hall of Human Connections was rushing to the Hall of Human Connections to ask for guilt, he had been paying attention to it. If he hadn't seen that Shan Shanxiong and Sun Yisheng were about to fight, he wouldn't have bothered to ask.

"Meet the Lord"


All the disciples present knelt down to pay homage, with the exception of those above the Supreme Realm, who just bowed down and saluted, and Ling Yun and Suru were naturally among them.But not paid attention.

Anyway, the three palm palace elders and Sun Yisheng on the side of the People's Network Hall would not care.

"Sect Master, please be the master of our network hall."

Sun Yisheng said angrily.Sun Yisheng had already reported to Li Gang about the discovery of the ancient secret realm in the Human Network Hall, so he also knew the reason for the high-level physical disciple of the Human Network Hall in the Human Network Hall.

"Thanks you are all old monsters who have lived for thousands of years, and your consciousness is not comparable to even a disciple. Although there is a mistake in the temple of the earth, but you have no loss in the temple of the network, and you have given people to Killed. Although Shi Hongqun has never stepped into the Supreme Realm, he is still a half-step Supreme. Until the last moment, he still has a chance to break through the Supreme Realm. "

Li Gang's meaning is obvious, it is a bit too much to directly kill Shi Hongqun, the half-step supreme, from the People's Network Hall.Although the Half-step Supreme is a person who fails to break through the Supreme Realm, it is an existence that is very, very close to the Supreme Realm.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the invincible group of people above the Supreme Realm.Now that Cloud Cloud Sect is hiring, even if Shi Hongqun is bad, he is still a super expert below the Supreme Realm.

Originally, this matter was fine, but the Hall of Human Connections still came to the Hall of Earth Vessels. Once the two blood vessels fought each other, Huo Yunzong would suffer even more.

Of course, Li Gang didn't know that Shi Hongqun was killed by Ling Yun, but by the Supreme Realm of the Hall of Connections, so he blamed Sun Yisheng.

"If the Earth Vessel Palace sent disciples below the Daluo realm to deal with my disciples, I would have no complaints, but Lin Yun is only at the third level of the heaven realm, but they sent Shi Hongqun, the half-step supreme, to attack him. Does it matter?"

Sun Yisheng said very angrily, this is to ask for an explanation.


Li Gang didn't look very good when he heard that Sun Yisheng directly contradicted him.He was their uncle, and in the past, whether it was Sun Yisheng, Shanxiong, or Tai Yuwei, the master of the Tianmai Palace, dared to contradict him.

This is to think that in the fighting world, everyone is in the supreme realm, so are they self-inflated?

"Didn't you also dispatch the Supreme Realm to kill Shi Hongqun? What else do you say...?"

Han Feng said in a deep voice.At this time, Sect Master Calling Cloud is here, and they seem to have no confidence.It is obvious that they have admitted that the people are sent by them, because this matter cannot be concealed from their suzerain.

"This elder, you are blind!"

Just when Sun Yisheng and others were silent, a discordant voice sounded, attracting everyone's attention.This is the person who is Ling Yun, a disciple of the heavenly realm scolding the elder of the Palm Palace for being blind, this is the first time this has happened in the Cloud Calling Sect.

"Well...you're bold, what did you say?"

Han Feng immediately looked at Ling Yun and shouted, a small disciple of the heavenly realm dared to scold him, did he think that someone in the Palace of Connections could protect him and be lawless?

"I said you were blind, didn't I? I'm only at the third level of the heavenly realm, when did I become the supreme realm?"

Ling Yun said without being arrogant.He expected that even if Han Feng wanted to take action against him, the people in the Hall of Connections would protect him, so he didn't need to worry at all.

You can scold him for anything, even scold his ancestors.

"Well, what do you mean, Shi Hongqun was killed by you."

Shan Yixiong understood Ling Yun's meaning, but he was not sure, because it was obviously a bit bizarre and beyond their comprehension.If it is said that the third level of the heavenly realm can kill the powerhouses of the heavenly realm who are infinitely close to the Daluo realm, they can still accept it, but it is a half-step supreme!

how can that be.

(End of this chapter)

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