extreme dog days

Chapter 1048 Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessels

Chapter 1048 Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessels

Shan Hailiang's words touched everyone's heart and caused a lot of trouble.

Tianmai Hall has the ambition to be the only one, and of course the Earth Meridian Hall is not relying on others.They became worried when they heard that the Hall of Human Connections was sure that it might overtake their two veins in 300 years.

After all, their Earth Vessel Palace has always been at odds with the Human Network Palace.

"But the Sect Master made it clear that the Supreme Realm can't move him, and he has Gu Lao's Soul Light Bracers in his hand. It is almost impossible to kill him below the Supreme Realm."

The three elders said.The previous Shi Hongqun was the best example, that was a half-step supreme, and all of them died in Ling Yun's hands.I'm afraid that in the entire Summoning Cloud Sect, none of the disciples below the Supreme Realm can move Lingyun.

"You are stupid, aren't you! Whoever killed him after leaving Cloud Cloud Sect, who knows! Hehe, and a big Luojing can't kill him, then there will be a few more. If he is dead, our two halls will If he is a disciple in the middle, then all of them may become the future sect master candidate. He is not the only genius."

Shan Haoliang said with a smile.

"Okay, let's do that."

"That kid is very arrogant, so we can't blame it."


Shan Haoliang and others obviously agreed with Shan Haoliang.

Shan Haoliang secretly laughed in his heart, but he was waiting for the people from the Earth Vessel Temple to kill Lingyun, and then the People's Vessel Palace would fight to the death with the Earth Vessel Palace.

At that time, there was a great chaos between the Hall of Earth Vessel and the Hall of People's Vessel, and in the end, both lost, and their Heavenly Vessel Hall would have the opportunity to seize power.

Now the situation in the Eastern Realm has become clear, the entire Tianluo Empire is under the control of Taishi Yin Guang, and he has also successfully puppeted Zhou Shaohao, that idiot.

As long as they destroy the Fengjie League, then the entire human race in the Dongzhou Continent will belong to them.

Before that, Yin Guang didn't want the backyard to catch fire, so he acquiesced to the Heavenly Vessel of the Cloud Sect to seize power.It's just the Palace of the Earth's Lines, the Palace of the People's Lines has always been loyal to Li Gang. If the Palace of the Heavenly Lines wants to seize power, then naturally they have to start with these two lines.

The best way to do this is to get them to strife.

Sunset Mountain, this mountain looks very ancient and mysterious. Entering it makes people feel like bathing in the vicissitudes of life. Standing proudly in the air and watching the game seriously, looking down on this mountain, you will find that the entire mountain range is round. shape.If you insist on finding out the laws of this mountain range, you will undoubtedly be asking for trouble.

Because the rules of the setting sun mountain range are yin and yang, no matter if you study the yin and yang in depth with your naked eyes or your soul, when you discover it, your soul will be hurt by the yin and yang unknowingly.

At the same time, this mountain range has dozens of peaks, and the shape of each peak is almost the same. If you want to find the secret realm of the yin and yang sect, you must be proficient in the law of yin and yang.

Generally speaking, people who are proficient in the methods of yin and yang belong to the Array Master, or those who specialize in yin and yang exercises, such as spiritual practice.

The great elder of the Hall of Human Connections, Zhao Yun, is a Supreme Being of Formation Dao. Back then, because several disciples went deep into this place and were accidentally trapped, he came to rescue him, but he accidentally discovered the secret realm of the Yin-Yang Daomen. Outside the secret realm, it is naturally the ancestral land of the Yin-Yang Daomen in the past. All the records of the Yin-Yang Daomen in the People's Vessel Temple were obtained from here, so that I knew that there were three spiritual veins in this Yin-Yang secret realm.

It is said to be three spiritual veins, but since one of the spiritual veins is used to build this secret realm, in fact, only two spiritual veins of heaven and earth are preserved in this secret realm.

Since the world of Doujie is now sealed, it is impossible for the spiritual veins of this heaven and earth to live endlessly. Once it is used, it will naturally dry up over time. .

Ling Yun and the others followed Sun Yisheng and the others into the Sunset Mountain Range, and of course, the elder Zhaoyun led them in front.

"Lingyun, do you see something?"

Suru asked in a low voice in Ling Yun's ear.

"Uh, do you see something?"

Ling Yun asked back.As the Supreme Being of the Formation Dao, he can naturally see that there are yin and yang polarities in the Sunset Mountain Range.But what he was curious about was that this Suru also knew the formation technique.

"Bagua yin and yang, and it means ninety-five, and it is called the land of ninety-five."

"What's the meaning."

Ling Yun was very curious, but what Suru saw and felt was different from his.

"Nine-five represents the emperor, and it is also a kind of supreme and supreme meaning. If this is arranged at the back, it must be a terrifying formation."

Suru said with a very worried look.The supreme supreme being represented by the meaning of ninety-five does not refer to the supreme realm, but the king, with the strongest ignorance.If it is formed the day after tomorrow, then this is naturally a super large formation, which definitely exceeds the scope of the [-]th-order formation.

"What if it was formed innately?"

Lingyun could of course see that the Sunset Mountain Range was innately formed, and it had never been altered by anyone, which meant that everything here was a miracle of the heavens and the earth.

"I have read a lot of records about the miracles of heaven and earth, including the land of ninety-five. If this is really an environment formed by innate, rather than artificially transformed, then there may be a legendary heaven and earth here. Spirit Vessel, and it is also the strongest Earth Dragon Vein."

Suru said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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