extreme dog days

Chapter 1065 See Through Identity

Chapter 1065 See Through Identity

Below the Supreme Realm can not directly absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, so the vitality of heaven and earth must be differentiated.The Great Elder of the Network Hall specially took care of Ling Yun and Suru, and let them enter the formation center to practice, which was also reserved for the two of them.

For Ling Yun and Suru, breaking through the Great Luo Realm was just a matter of breath.

Half a month later, the two brought them a surprise, that is, they broke through the Great Luo Realm at the same time.However, in order to avoid the possibility of meeting Yin Guang at that time, Ling Yun brought Suru back to the Cloud Calling Sect ahead of schedule.

He originally planned to go to the ghostly dungeon of Cloud Calling Sect after deceiving the Magic Cloud Divine Sword from Sect Master Calling Cloud before everyone went back.

Who knew that Gu Xiuyuan actually offered to escort the two of them back, and now they were depressed.

"Lord Sect Master, where is my magic weapon!"

The first thing Ling Yun did when he returned to Huanyun Sect, he immediately went to Huanyun Sect Master to ask for the Magic Cloud Divine Sword, feeling like he owed him.

"Uh haha! Do you know what it means to take my Magic Cloud Divine Sword?"

When Sect Master Huoyun saw Ling Yun coming to ask for the Magic Cloud Divine Sword, he immediately laughed and asked.Although he intends to pass on the position of Sect Master Huoyun to him, he must have this awareness and will.

As a weapon, the Magic Cloud Divine Sword is not given for nothing.

"Isn't this nonsense? But you, Lord Yun, I don't care about you calling Yun Zong, hehe"

What Lingyun is very rare is the Magic Cloud Divine Sword called Cloud Sect. As for the position of Sect Master, he really has no interest at all.Although the treasure of Zhenzong who deceived others is somewhat unkind.

But these days, kindness cannot be eaten as a meal.

"Of course I know, as long as we who call Yunzong don't bully me, I won't bully them."

Ling Yun said solemnly.This is his heart.In addition to getting so much good from others, he is really embarrassed to make it difficult to call Yunzong's people.

So as long as the people who call Yunzong don't ask him for trouble, he will never cause trouble for himself.

"Well, what else?"

Although there was nothing wrong with Ling Yun's words, it was obviously not the answer that Sect Master Huoyun wanted.

"If it is difficult to call Yunzong, I will do my best as long as I can. Lord Sect Master, I am not satisfied now."

Ling Yun gave a guarantee.He has a conscience, but under the premise that it is difficult to call Yunzong, it is not against him, otherwise he will have nothing to do.

"Haha, although you didn't answer what you asked. But this seat is very satisfied. Remember, holding the Magic Cloud Divine Sword means that it is called Cloud Sect."

"Oh, I said, Sect Master, do you think too highly of me? With this disciple's current cultivation level, you can't carry the banner of calling Yunzong? Your old man is a little sick and goes to the doctor?"

Ling Yun understood.Calling Cloud Sect Master is to pass the position of Calling Cloud Sect Master to him.

"Listen to your tone, I don't want this Magic Cloud Divine Sword anymore."

Sect Master Huoyun asked with a smile.

"Yes, of course I do, don't be an idiot. It's just..."

Ling Yun seemed to be in a bit of a dilemma, taking the Huanyun Sect's Magic Cloud Divine Sword, it would be equivalent to taking over the position of the Sect Master.If not, it is estimated that Sect Master Huoyun will not give him this sword.

Of course, he could agree now, pat his butt and leave when things are done.

It's just that he has forged an undead vengeance with Yun Yunzong.To know that there is a gap between Yun Yunzong and Taishi Yin Guang at present, then this Yun Yunzong may become their help against Yin Guang.

If they form a deadly feud and call Yunzong and Yin Guang the same enemy, Kai, it will be very unfavorable to them.

"Haha, little guy, you don't have to worry. You just need to promise this seat, if one day the Summoning Cloud Sect is destroyed, you can shoulder the heavy responsibility of rebuilding the Summoning Cloud Sect."

Sect Master Huoyun said with a smile.

He said it calmly, but there was a sense of Cang Sang.The Cloud Calling Sect of the Earth Realm was completely at the mercy of Tianxia Peak, and finally came to fight the world under the order of the World Peak, and gave up the foundation established by the ancestors of the Calling Cloud Sect.

Originally, he wanted to carry forward the Call Cloud Sect in the fighting world, but it was not as simple as he imagined.

Judging from the current situation, once Cloud Calling Sect and Yin Guang are torn apart, then Calling Cloud Sect will be wiped out.Even if they call Yun Zong to appoint the virtual snake now, when Yin Guang has completely mastered the Dongzhou continent, he will definitely kill the donkey.

"Does the sect master trust the disciple so much?"

Ling Yun was very surprised.How long has he joined Cloud Calling Sect?This Sect Master Calling Cloud actually handed over the future of Calling Cloud Sect to him, which is too hasty.

Genius, just because he has a ninth-order body?

"Because you are from the Ling family in mainland China. Am I right?"

Sect Master Huoyun had long guessed Ling Yun's identity.Because he knew that a young man with extremely powerful physical combat skills had recently appeared in the Dongzhou Continent. This person's surname was Ling.

After the battle of the Southern Realm Demon Palace, Ling Yun used the Canglong combat skills, so Yin Guang had long guessed that he was a disciple of the Canglong Ling family from the mainland of Zhongzhou, but he did not know that Ling Yun was the only son of Ling Cangqiong, the contemporary patriarch of the Ling family.

And this Sect Master Huoyun also came to Dongzhou Continent from Zhongzhou Continent, and he naturally knew the existence of this Canglong Ling family.

"What, how did the sect master know? I don't have the aura of a blue dragon in me."

Ling Yun was taken aback, and his brows could not help frowning.

From Sect Master Huoyun, Ling Yun did not feel murderous intent, and from the look in his eyes, he could also see that Sect Master Huoyun was not testing him, but he really knew.

(End of this chapter)

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