extreme dog days

Chapter 1095 Light Weapons

Chapter 1095 Light Weapons (1)

Mu Qianshan knew Lingyun's position among the demons.If the human race has lost the ability to resist Yin Guang, then Lingyun can only borrow the power of the demon race.

However, it is unimaginable what kind of consequences will be caused by the power of the demons.

Maybe the people of the Demon Race can be self-disciplined, but what about the monsters below the Demon Race?The monsters are huge, even if they don't eat people, once they enter the space where the human race lives, trampling people to death is something that cannot be stopped.

Furthermore, Warcraft doesn't eat people, so how is that possible.Once they are hungry, no one can hold them back.Therefore, once the demons participate in this human race, it will not only plunge the Dongzhou continent into chaos, but also cause endless troubles.

Ling Yun wouldn't do it unless it was a last resort, but three years later, almost all parts of the Dongzhou Continent except the southern border were under Yin Guang's rule.

Ling Yun was afraid that he couldn't hold back anymore.

For three years, Ling Yun was naturally extremely happy in the Southern Realm Devil Palace.In addition to having a generation of female emperors to spar with, there are also two peerless beauties of the Demon Race to accompany her.

Those who know it are all envious to death. When they see the show of love, they all want to find a place to get in, but they can't stand it any longer.

Of course, in the past three years, Ling Yun spent most of his time refining weapons, and now he can create weapons that are comparable to divine weapons.

If he can step into the divine way, he can refine the divine artifact in minutes.Because Shinto treasures are different from divine weapons, although Shinto is used to strengthen and nourish.

"Kid Ling, you are wasting your life, do you know that? If those artifact masters see it, you will be pissed to death."

Three years have passed, and Yuzi Peak's spirit has almost recovered.

When he saw Ling Yun began to refine his weapon that could exert the power of light, he couldn't help but complain.But think about it carefully, who made Ling Yun so rich?

In his Secret Treasure Storage Ring, there are too many materials that can be used to refine that weapon, many of which are hard to find in the world, and even spiritual things.Refining with spiritual things, this is the necessary material for refining sub-magic weapons.

However, this kind of magic weapon is not something you can make if you want to refine it. Seven percent of it depends on luck.Ling Yun did not expect that he could refine weapons such as sub-magic weapons and magic weapons.

You know, this kind of weapon refining method has never been recorded.Even the most powerful artifact masters can't guarantee that they can be refined [-]%.

"It's a pity that it failed. I've also used up the unworldly halberd of the Demon Hunter Tianpeng. Huh..."

Looking at the seven failed products for refining light weapons on the ground, Ling Yun couldn't help taking a deep breath.What he wants to refine is a sword-like weapon, which is less than one-tenth the size of the unworldly giant halberd of the previous Demon Hunter Tianpeng.

As a result, it was divided into seven times and the unworldly giant halberd was used up.This unworldly giant halberd is only a half-light weapon, so Ling Yun needs to be refined and refined with other light-based materials.

These seven times, Ling Yun didn't plan to refine the light weapon that he really needed, he just tried it out. He didn't think that he didn't succeed even one of the seven times.

"Light and dark, like yin and yang, belong to the primordial power between heaven and earth. It seems simple and accessible, but in fact it is infinitely mysterious. Since ancient times, I have never heard of a divine artifact master who could refine these two elements. The weapon of the Department. You can make it like this, it is difficult for you."

Yu Zifeng said.

"Old You, are you praising me or hurting me?"

Ling Yun looked at the seven failed products that were not at all appearances. The swords were slanted and curved, and the distribution of light-based materials was not even at all, so they were worse than ordinary weapons.

There are even materials that are directly refined and discarded. In some places, a hammer can be directly hammered into powder.

It's appalling!

"Hey, then it's a matter of opinion. You can think that the old man is praising you or hurting you. If a weapon can be made like you, you are enough to be stunned. Buzz"

Yu Zifeng said with a sigh.

There is no record of the weapon refining methods of the light and dark lines. Maybe someone made weapons of the two lines in ancient times, but there are definitely not many.As for the so-called Unworldly Giant Halberd of Demon Hunter Tianpeng, it was completely forcibly condensed by his own power of light.

Not a real light weapon.

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to care about you."

Ling Yun rolled his eyes.Ignore Yuko Peak.Now his realm has almost reached the ranks of divine artificers, and the embryos of divine treasures can be refined.

He didn't believe that even a Horcrux-level light weapon could not be refined.

As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success.Continue to sum up from failures and learn from successful experiences.After more than [-] failures, he finally found the reason for his failure.

He successfully created a seventh-order light-type soul sword, but the quality was too poor for him, and he still couldn't bear his light-type power.At the same time, he always felt that it was not easy to use.

The second piece is still the seventh-order, but it is a little better than the previous one, but a new problem is coming, how to dissolve the main light-based materials into it?

The third, the fourth...the ninth, none of them fit.

"Yun'er, haven't you finished your practice yet?"

A month has passed, and Lingyun has been refining weapons day and night.Xing Python and Hu Rou naturally accompanied him all the time, but of course they just accompanied him and did not disturb him.

(End of this chapter)

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