extreme dog days

Chapter 1099 Lingyun VS Zitian

Chapter 1099 Lingyun VS Zitian

Zitian was very worried about Ling Yun, because their father and son had shared Ling Yun's past and present life.Ling Yun died in his previous life, but Zitian survived because of a ghost.

But this time, if Ling Yun died, Zitian would not be so lucky, and he was afraid that he would have to lose the lives of the whole family, so he couldn't help worrying.

"Zitian, let's make a bet! If I lose, then ask the demons to take action, and the Dongzhou continent will be led by the demons! If I win by luck, and I don't need the demons to intervene, then you have to tell me Where did I go from my past life, how?"

Lingyun had previously asked Zitian about where he went in his previous life, but Zitian didn't tell him.Because Zitian didn't want to die with him, he couldn't stop Gongyang Qingliu in the past.

But now, he said nothing to let Ling Yun go to die.

Demons and human beings coexist, and they suffer a big loss from Shouyuan. I didn't expect him to put such a dead man on the market. Thinking about it, there is an urge to cry.

"Hmph, Lingyun, are you so confident? But your bet is not fair at all. Are you stupid? If you die, the father and son will not be buried with you!"

Zitian said angrily.

"Oh, Zitian, do you look down on me like that? I don't want to die yet? Don't forget, I'm still your father."

Ling Yun said with a smile.Hearing Zitian open and shut his mouth and call himself Lao Tzu, Ling Yun also retorted him.

"Damn it, you dare to take advantage of Lao Tzu."

Zitian was furious.Ling Yun married his adoptive mother Xing Python as his wife. This has always been a pimple in his heart. It's fine if he doesn't mention it. ,

However, Lingyun who entered the Dragon Palace at the beginning of the year was powerless to face Zitian, but now it is different.

"Fist to the sky"

In the face of Zitian's palm attack, Ling Yun of course rudely smashed it in the past.If both of them had not controlled their power, the temple would have been rebuilt.

"Stinky boy, I don't think I'll teach you a lesson. You can't see reality clearly."

Zitian said angrily, and when his body moved, he broke through the magic palace and flew up.

"Huh? I'm looking forward to fighting you!"

Ling Yun said with a smile.He deliberately provoked Zitian to shoot.First, you can try to see how strong your own strength is, and secondly, you can prove his strength to Zitian.

"What's the situation. How did the demon master and the dragon god fight?"

"What's the situation. What are you playing?"

"Didn't you say that the Demon Lord and the Son of the Dragon God coexist? What are they fighting?"

"I slammed it. Come and see! The Demon Lord and the Dragon God fought."

"Everyone, come out!"

Boom, boom, boom!

In the magic city, a drum of war awakened all the demons and the strong human who lived here temporarily. Everyone was a little stunned when they saw Lingyun and Zitian fighting in mid-air.

This Zitian's human body combat power should not be underestimated. Back then, he coexisted with Gongyang Qingliu, and naturally he also learned Gongyang Qingliu's physical combat skills.

He has learned the Heaven's Will Battle Physique, but he rarely uses it.

"Lingyun, let me show you the famous combat skills of your master in the past. The Four Signs of Heaven's Will: Fengshenxian, Yunshenxiao, Rainshen Lai, Thunder God's Wrath."


Four Elephants

This is the physical combat skill that Gongyang Qingliu taught Zitian back then.

It is also the strongest move of Zitian's human body, but since Gongyang Qingliu was reincarnated in six hundred years, he has never used it again.

Use soul power to summon the four patron saints of wind, cloud, rain and thunder at the same time, and you can attack and defend with your body moves.This is also the unique skill that made the Supreme Heavenly Will of God famous back then.

With this God's Will of the Four Elephants, he is an invincible hand to fight all over the world.

"The Four Signs of Heaven's Will is really powerful! But Zitian, your physical body is still a little weaker. You can transform your soul into light, your real body shakes, and your body collapses."

Ling Yun laughed.The four patron saints of Zitian cannot be compared with Gongyang Qingliu or the Supreme Will of Heaven.However, if Ling Yun's physical body didn't reach the divine way, then his attempt to break the four guardian deities would be in jeopardy.


Zitian was taken aback, Fengshen was defeated, and he immediately used Rain God to help.However, his close-up reaction was not as good as Ling Yun's. When Fengshen and Rain God joined forces, Ling Yun smashed Yunshen with one punch and broke the defense.

When Thor strikes, use the defense to withstand Thor's attack, first repel Fengshen, Rain God, and then defeat Thor.The four patron saints have already lost the second place, so Lingyun will naturally have the upper hand.

"Four images in one, Heaven's Will"


Ling Yun sighed in admiration, but there was a sly smile on his mouth.He exploded in speed in an instant, avoiding the attack of the Four Elephants in One, and punched Zitian with one punch.


Zitian was startled, his response to using the Heaven's Will Four Symbols Art was much worse, which was related to his human body.If over the past six hundred years, he did not give up cultivating the human body.

It is estimated that Ling Yun's physical body alone can hardly win the state of the human body.


Zitian uses the real body of Warcraft, Zilong roars, activates the octave of dragon roar, dragon-shaped phantom!

Back then, Ling Yun was instantly injured by this move.

"Golden body protects the body. Ancient times are infinite, the world has no way, only I am in charge. The red gold flame"

In the face of the unique skills of the Dragon Palace, Ling Yun did not dare to be careless at all, and tried his best to stimulate the potential of his physical body, use his golden body to protect himself, and at the same time summon the mysterious tortoise qi and soul to launch a red-gold flame.


"Are you only capable of this? It's far worse than you were in the past. Qiankun Longying!"

Zi Tian said sharply.Longyin's eight-tone sixth was unable to break Lingyun's golden body, hurting his body, and under his red gold flame, the phantoms formed by Longyin were also destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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