extreme dog days

Chapter 1107 Ji Cheng, Winning the Palace

Chapter 1107 Ji Cheng, Winning the Palace ([-])

"Master, this Ling Yun is too arrogant. We must not let him go."

"Yes, if he dares to kill Yunshan Tower, we will let him come and go."

"Yes, he must be killed."


A group of strong men in Yunshan Building said angrily.

Huan Yunzong is as famous as their Yunshan Tower, and the background of the two sects is similar.However, the reason why Huan Yunzong was destroyed was because of Mo Wuhui's rebellion, but their Yunshan Tower was different.

Although the elders and disciples in the clan usually have disputes, there is no problem in uniting when facing foreign enemies.Even without Yin Guang's attack, with the strength of their Yunshan Building, Ling Yun would be difficult to break through.

"No, Master. First destroy the Huan Yunzong, and then slaughter the Yunshan Tower. Lingyun seems to be borrowing from the method we used to deal with the Sealing Alliance three years ago."

Hou Shijie reacted and said hastily.

"That's right. They want the way of their own people, and they want to do it themselves. They said they want to attack Yunshan Tower, but they actually want to lure them to Yunshan Tower, and then take the opportunity to seize the power of the imperial capital."

Shan Haoliang also understood.Wasn't that how they were before?It is said that it is to deal with the East China Sea Dragon Palace and take the opportunity to weaken Ling Yun's power among the demons, but in fact it is to deal with the Fengjiemeng.

So as to control the land of the four realms in one fell swoop.

"No, I don't think so. Ling Yun is not stupid. Although winning the Tianluo Imperial Capital is equivalent to controlling the lifeline of the Tianluo Empire and isolating us, as long as my power is still there, it will not have much impact on the overall situation. .And we have used this trick before, do you think he will think that we can't see it?"

Yin Guang shook his head and said.

If the Tianluo Emperor Capital returns to Suru's hands, then Suru can take the opportunity to regain control of the Tianluo Empire, and thus justifiably announce to the world that he will be abolished as a Grand Master, thus turning him into a traitor.

Isolated from the Tianluo Empire, they would become outsiders in this way, and even if they conquered the world in the future, it would be difficult for them to convince the public.

"Uh, I don't know what the grand master thinks."

"Could it be possible that Lingyun will really attack Yunshan Tower?"


Everyone looked at Yin Guang in unison.

"The strategy has always been false and true. The false is true, and the real is false. First destroy the Huan Yunzong, and then slaughter the Yunshan Tower. This is only a lie, but the Huanyunzong has been destroyed, so it is the truth. Waiting for myself, that would turn reality into fiction. In this way, they pretended to attack Yunshan Tower, but in fact they wanted to seize the imperial palace. But they thought that this seat must be able to guess this, so they turned into virtualization Reality."

Yin Guang said with a sneer.

Make a plan, plan a plan.He really thought too much, and it was precisely because he thought too much that Ling Yun and the others took advantage of it.

"The grand master's intention is that Ling Yun and the others will really attack Yunshan Tower."

Guan Yunlou frowned.If they were all in the Yunshan Tower, even if Ling Yun joined Mu Qianshan and the others to kill the Yunshan Tower together, they would definitely not get any benefit, at most they would lose to both sides.

But if they keep their main force within the imperial capital, what awaits them is that Yunshan Tower will be turned upside down just like Huanyunzong.

"That's right. Since they want to attack Yunshan Tower, the old man will let them throw themselves into the trap and give them a chance to catch the turtle. Haha"

Yin Guangda laughed and said.

He thought that he had guessed the real intention of Ling Yun and others, so he would have a chance to catch them all.But he didn't expect that he would be fooled by his cleverness.

He took people to Yunshan Tower, set up battle formations, and killed them.Sit back and wait, just wait for Ling Yun and the others to come, so as to give them a chance to catch the turtle.But at first he didn't dare to move everyone to Yunshan Tower.

But after learning that Suru sent three mythical corps to push down all the cities, he felt relieved.So at this time, the more Lingyun and the others showed their intention to attack the imperial capital, the more he believed that Lingyun and the others' real goal was Yunshan Tower.

"Master Yun, the event has been accomplished. Yin Guang and others have already left the imperial capital, and there are currently less than ten Supreme Realm people in the imperial capital, but the dead soldiers of the Tianluo Empire have always been in the imperial capital."

Bai Xiaosheng came to report to Ling Yun.

"Excellent. Sister Ru, now you can ask the three soldiers to change direction and advance towards the Yunshan Tower. Gusha, the death guards of the Tianluo Empire will be handed over to you."

Ling Yun said with a smile.

Changing the direction of the three mythological corps would be tantamount to attacking Yunshan Tower, so Yin Guang would not be able to praise himself for his brilliance and martial arts.It's just that he didn't expect that this was just a blindfold.

It's just to delay the time better.

"Master Yun, don't worry, I guarantee that when you enter the palace, none of the death guards from the Tianluo Empire will show up."

Gu Sha said confidently.Although the death guards of the Tianluo Empire are all in the Supreme Realm, they all rely on pills to improve.The real strength is almost half-step supreme.

Not even half-step supreme.

The half-step supreme still has hope to grow, but those death guards have exhausted their own potential through the elixir, and there is no possibility of breakthrough in this life.

That's the price you pay for getting something for nothing.

"Okay, let's see your performance."

Ling Yun believed that Anlou had such abilities.Prior to this, Anlou had successfully infiltrated into Tianluo Imperial Capital, and at the same time, with the help of Yinmen, he had already locked down those death guards, and they could act immediately when Gusha went.

(End of this chapter)

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