extreme dog days

Chapter 1124 Joining forces to fight Yin Guang

Chapter 1124 Joining forces to fight Yin Guang

Compared with Hou Shijie, Wan Linfei still has a certain distance, and compared with Ling Yun who broke through again, the distance is even greater.This blow is probably enough for him to doubt his life.

"Wet tent, Ling Yun, this old man wants your life."

Seeing Wan Linfei being severely injured by Ling Yun's blow, Guan Yunlou immediately rushed towards him.He is well aware of Ling Yun's strength, and he is afraid that besides him, there are really few opponents of Ling Yun in his Yunshan Tower.

"It's just in time. The ancient times are boundless, the heavens and the earth have no way, and I am the only one in charge, breaking the mystery."

Holding the mysterious turtle in his hand, Ling Yun threw it out in search of sound.


Guan Yunlou moved the sword to chop the Xuangui Qihun, and sent the Xuangui Qihun flying out like a ball, but the divine sword in his hand hummed, his hands were also shaken, and some of the Qi and blood began to roll.

"I haven't seen you for three years, but this kid's soul power has become so strong."

Guan Yunlou had already overestimated Ling Yun, but after receiving this mysterious tortoise, he still felt that he had underestimated him.

For three years, Ling Yun's soul power didn't increase much, but today, Ling Yun's soul power is not just two or three times stronger.Right now, just relying on his soul power, he is already able to challenge the powerhouses of the Supreme Realm Dzogchen.The power of Xuangui Qihun is concentrated, and it is still possible to directly break through the first-order Divine Dao Qihun.

Extreme Sword Gang

whoosh, bang

"So fast."

Guan Yunlou completely underestimated Ling Yun.Once the opportunity is seized by Ling Yun, it will be very difficult for him to regain the opportunity.Because Ling Yun's speed is almost the best in the world, coupled with his divine body.

Simply unscrupulous.

"There are faster ones."

Ling Yun let go of his speed with all his strength, and he used Wuji movement to the extreme. His figure was as uncapturable as the wind, but his attack was real.

"Ah! The mountains are heavy"

Guan Yunlou burst out his whole body's strength and used his body-protecting soul skill to forcibly block Ling Yun's attack, forcing Ling Yun to show up.

"The real body shakes the ground, collapses the sky"

Withdrawing the sword and punching out, it was done in one go.A punch hit Guan Yunlou's defense, knocking it out.

"Ah! Pop! Mountain-moving Dafa"

"Back to Light"

When Guan Yunlou performed the mountain-moving method, Ling Yun knew that he couldn't dodge, and immediately launched the back-light blade to directly break through the body.

click, bang

"Pfft! Haha"

Guan Yunlou's soul power was cut off by the Backlight Backblade, and the Mountain-Moving Dafa would naturally fail. He knew that he had been defeated, and there was no chance of survival, so he immediately laughed.

"God's sins can be forgiven, but self-inflicted sins can't live."

After putting away the Backlight Backblade, Ling Yun walked directly past Guan Yunlou. Guan Yunlou was unwilling and wanted to attack Ling Yun, but unfortunately he had no strength left.

As soon as the hand was stretched out, the air mechanism was cut off, and he fell to the ground immediately.

"Yin Guang"

Ling Yun raised his head and looked at the top of the mountain. Yin Guang had already gained the upper hand at this moment, crossed Mu Qianshan, and hit Hua Yunlong hard. The four-in-one blow directly brought Hua Yunlong to the unconscious world.

"Second senior brother...it's okay!"

Ling Yun hurried over to check Hua Yunlong's pulse.Although Hua Yunlong was seriously injured, his vitality was not broken.After Ling Yun took the elixir for him, he helped him retreat and handed him over to Fan Ji.

"Li Gang, eat me a Sifang Hunyuan!"

"not good…"

Sect Master Huanyun was taken aback. He wanted to avoid it, but found that he had been locked by Yin Guang.

"Ah, puff"

Sect Master Huanyun was hit hard, and the divine sword in his hand was released. After a scream, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Brother Li."

Mu Qianshan was repelled just now, and there was no time to save him.


Seeing that Sect Master Huanyun was seriously injured, Gu Xiuyuan immediately abandoned Mu Yang and went straight to Yin Guang.

"Great Yuan Qigong"


Gu Xiuyuan's strength is not as good as Hua Yunlong's, and even Hua Yunlong was severely injured by Yin Guang's move, so Gu Xiuyuan is naturally no problem.He rushed over, tried his best to use his soul skills, but was suppressed by Yin Guang's move, severely injured, and flew out backwards.

"Innate Qigong"

Mu Qianshan hurried forward to rescue him, standing between Gu Xiuyuan and Yin Guang, preventing Yin Guang from continuing to attack Gu Xiuyuan.He and Yin Guang faced each other, and under the impact of soul power, his body quickly slammed into Gu Xiuyuan.

Gu Xiuyuan hit the ground heavily, his life and death uncertain.

"Mu Qianshan, now it's your turn."

Yin Guang sneered.

"Let the horses come!"

Previously, the three of them joined forces and failed to win Yin Guang, but now alone, Mu Qianshan knows that he is definitely not his opponent, but now he has no way to retreat, and can only fight to the death.

four in one

Yin Guang performed the four-in-one magic skill, and four parts of one body appeared in four directions of Mu Qianshan. Mu Qianshan could stop one, but not the other.After three breaths, the defense on the body was opened.

"Innate map, innate body protection"

Surprised, Mu Qianshan used the Xiantian map to protect himself, and broke out with all his strength to repel one of Yin Guang, but at the same time suffered the attacks of the other three Yin Guang.


Mu Qianshan spat out a mouthful of blood, and before he had time to react, he was thrown away by Yin Guang's palm force.

"Returning to the Light and Reversing the Blade."


As soon as Yin Guang repelled Mu Qianshan, he was greeted by Ling Yun's attack. His real body's reaction speed was not comparable to that of his avatar. When he returned to the light and turned his blade, his body moved immediately when he was close at hand, perfectly avoiding the attack. Open back to the attack of the light against the blade.

"Blade of Light, Reversing the Universe"

Ling Yun used the Light Jue, transporting back the light and turning the blade back to attack.


Yin Guang raised the Hunyuan Mace and threw it at the Light-Returning Blade. Under the impact of power, the Light-Returning Blade flew away. This is the gap between the strengths.

(End of this chapter)

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