extreme dog days

Chapter 1136

Chapter 1136

call out!

"You two little guys really ran out again."

Mu Tianbai is here.After Ling Yun left overseas, he moved directly to the Immortal King Island to live in order to help Ling Yun protect the Gongyang family.He went to the Ram family early in the morning to amuse the two little guys.

Who would have thought that they were not there, at this time the Gongyang family had sent people to search for the whereabouts of the two of them in the city, and Mu Tianbai came to find them because he had met them outside the city.

"Grandpa Mu."

"Old Mu."

Ling Dong and Qin Rui each have the same address.

"Well, come here. Who are you and why are you hiding your cultivation!"

When Mu Tianbai noticed the middle-aged man, he felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy.He is in the late stage of the Supreme Realm, and generally speaking, he is a person who can't sense his cultivation, unless he uses a special hidden technique, that is, like him, he is also in the Supreme Realm.

"Under the sky. I have seen the overseas supreme."

The middle-aged man is Ling Yun's father, Ling Cangqiong.Although he had already learned from Han Chen that Ling Yun had recovered his dantian, he didn't expect that Ling Yun's popularity had recently spread to the Zhongzhou Continent and attracted Tianxia Peak's attention.

As far as he knew, Tianxia Peak had already sent people to Beizhou Continent to deal with Ling Yun, so they came here.

"Well, haha ​​Ling Cangqiong, why don't you say your name is Ling Yun?"

Mu Tianbai felt that this middle-aged man was somewhat similar to Ling Yun, and he thought it was sent by Tianxia Peak to fool Ling Yun.Who told Ling Yun back then that the Ling family had been closed for a hundred years?

It seems like less than ten years have passed.

"You know my son."

Ling Cangqiong was surprised.Because he didn't know that Ling Yun had stayed overseas for a while, and he didn't know that Ling Yun had gone to Dongzhou mainland.

"Fuck me, do I still know your father?"

Mu Tianbai has lost his temper!He thought that Ling Cangqiong was taking advantage of him.As the supreme being, saying that he knows his son, doesn't that imply that you are a generation younger than me?

Mu Tianbai pushed it out with one palm, turning the palm into reality.


"Your Excellency, have you misunderstood? Don't do anything here, it's not good to hurt a child."

Ling Cangqiong just shot directly, he was worried that the collision of the two forces would accidentally injure Ling Dong and Qin Rui.Therefore, he used the energy of the blue dragon to dissolve Mu Tianbai's palm.

"Uh, Azure Dragon Qi, you are really from the Ling family."

Mu Tianbai's move was to test Ling Cangqiong.He knew that only members of the Ling family possessed the Canglong spirit.

huh, huh



As Ling Cangqiong showed the power of the Supreme Realm to dissolve Mu Tianbai's palm just now, Qin Yuyan, Yang Suxin, and Gongyang Kongwen rushed over immediately.

"Brother Mu, who is this person?"

Ram Kongwen was the first to ask the question.

"He said that his name is Ling Cangqiong, and he is from the Ling family in the Zhongzhou mainland."

Mu Tianbai said.Although he believed that Ling Cangqiong was from the Ling family, he didn't believe that he was Ling Yun's father.

"Yes. Your Excellency Ling Family Token."

Qin Yuyan, who was protecting Ling Dong and Qin Rui, immediately stood up straight when she heard the word Ling Cangqiong.Maybe Mu Tianbai and the others don't know the name of Ling Yun's father, but it's impossible for her not to know.


Ling Cangqiong sensed the existence of Molong Qihun from Qin Yuyan, and directly threw the order of the Ling Family Patriarch into her hands.The Wulong family is connected with each other, and any disciple of any family must pay homage to the patriarch of another family.

Of course, the tokens of ordinary Wulong family disciples are fake, but this family's master token cannot be faked, let alone lost.

"Qin Yuyan, Patriarch of Molong's Qin family, pays homage to father."

The husband and wife of the Wulong family are of the same generation, so Qin Yuyan can follow Ling Yun to call her Ling's elders.

"Uh, you are my son Ling Yun's wife."

Ling Cangqiong's eyes lit up, he cared about his grandson and granddaughter.


"Then they?"

"Ling Dong, Rui'er, hurry up and pay your respects to Grandpa."

Qin Yuyan understood.Immediately said to Ling Dong and Qin Rui beside him.

"Meet Grandpa"

"Meet Grandpa"

"Good, really good. That's great. What a good baby. Haha"

Ling Cangqiong was overjoyed, and stepped forward to hug Ling Dong and Qin Rui in his arms.He had been waiting for this day for several years. He originally thought that with Ling Yun's situation at that time, he might have no hope of having a grandson.

Unexpectedly, Ling Yun gave him such a big surprise.

"Father, why did you come here?"

Qin Yuyan asked curiously.

"Uh, it's a long story. I was passing through the overseas land. I heard that there is a legendary fairy king in the overseas area. I came here to visit. I didn't expect to see you."

Ling Cangqiong said.

Regarding Gongyang Qingliu's demise six hundred years ago, the Ling family has not received any news.The Ling family never paid attention to overseas affairs before, but he had heard of Gongyang Qingliu.

"uh one"

"Are you looking for your son?"

Mu Tianbai didn't know that Ling Cangqiong didn't know that Gongyang Qingliu had been dead for six hundred years, and that Ling Yun was the reincarnation of Gongyang Qingliu.

"My son, what does it matter to him?"

Ling Cangqiong froze for a moment, then looked at Qin Yuyan.

"If you want my son, then you are six hundred years late, but now your son is also the son of the old man."

Yang Suxin said lightly.

"Uh, this is..."

Ling Cangqiong was stunned.This can be regarded as taking advantage of him, but it doesn't look like it no matter how you look at it?

"Father, mother-in-law is the mother of the legendary overseas fairy king Gongyang Qingliu in the past, but Gongyang Qingliu died and reincarnated six hundred years ago, so Ling Yun is him now?"

Qin Yuyan explained.

(End of this chapter)

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