extreme dog days

Chapter 1148 2 Young Masters: Zhou Shaolong

Chapter 1148 Twelve Young Masters: Zhou Shaolong (2)

The Dilong Tantai family has always dominated the Nanzhou mainland.On the surface, Tianxia Peak never took action against him, but in fact, the Tantai family had already formed an alliance with Tianxiafeng.

It is precisely because of this that the Tantai family is still in its most prosperous era so far.

The Ling family once sent people to the Nanzhou mainland to ask for help from the Tantai family. At first, the Tantai family agreed, but later they backtracked.

In the end, the Ling family failed to rescue the Ye family, and many family masters were killed or injured.At that time, the Tantai family explained that they were ambushed by Tianxia Peak on the way, and the Ling family believed it at first.But later, after Ling Cangqiong came to power, he planned to test the Tantai family, which proved that the Tantai family abandoned the alliance of the five dragon families in the past and supported Tianxia Peak in turn.

Now that the Tantai family is allied with Tianxia Peak, Zhou Shaolong has a better chance of inheriting the position of Tianxia Peak Lord. The Tantai family should fully support it, so they intend to transfer half of the family power from the Nanzhou mainland, so that it will be convenient Help Zhou Shaolong deal with his elder brothers and seize the position of the peak master of the world.

"This is not good! If the disciples of the two clans are here together, there will inevitably be some bumps and bumps, which will affect the tacit understanding between our two clans."

The speaker was Ji Wuyin, one of the elders of the two clans of the Earth Phoenix Clan. This time, in order to seize the overseas land, the Earth Phoenix Clan came here in full force.In addition to the previous four Jishang, there were naturally Ji Wusheng and the two elders of the Difeng clan.

Ji Wusheng originally didn't want Zhou Shaolong and the others to participate in the seizure of overseas lands, but who would have thought that Zhou Shaolong would find out about this matter, knowing that his daughter must have slipped the tongue by accident.

"Father-in-law, don't worry about this. I will report to my father and personally come to the overseas place to sit in charge. In case there is a dispute between the disciples of the two clans."

Zhou Shaolong is a very shrewd person, he is of course happy to have the support of Difeng's lineage.But what he values ​​more is the Dilong family of his mother's family.

This is the most powerful backing behind him, and this is what his father, Peak Lord Tianxia, ​​once told him in secret.If he wants to take over Tianxia Peak in the future and stabilize the world at the same time, then he must be fully approved by the Dilong family.

This is a good way to help the Dilong family fight for favorable resources and territories.

So far, the Dilong family is still opposed to their Tianxia Peak on the surface. This is because Tianxia Peak needs to use the Dilong family to disperse Tianxia Peak's power, so that those who intend to fight against them in the world will not be dragged down by the Ling family.Furthermore, there are some old stubborn members of the Dilong family who are still opposing the Tantai family's alliance with Tianxiafeng.

To completely convince them, it depends on Zhou Shaolong's ability.This is one of the tests given to Zhou Shaolong by the peak master of the world.


Ji Wusheng's face turned ugly for a while, and he looked at the other two clan elders in blank dismay.Zhou Shaolong has already mentioned this point, if they repeatedly prevent the Dilong family from entering overseas lands in the future.

Whether there will be a gap between them and Zhou Shaolong is a little hard to say, anyway, it will be very unfavorable to them.

A day later, Ji Wusheng brought Zhou Shaolong and others to the overseas land. Based on his previous understanding of the overseas land, he knew that the overseas land was not strong.

With a few of them coming, together with the previous Difeng Sixiong, it is enough to sweep any force in the overseas land.

"What, Ji Shang and the others didn't come to Wen's house, what's going on?"

Ji Wusheng still has an eyeliner in the overseas land, and that is the Wen family, one of the top ten families in the overseas land in the past.The Wen family has always been extremely low-key, even when Ji Wusheng used the Soul Fighting Palace to rule overseas, they didn't show it.

At that time, when they saw that the general situation of the Douhun Temple was over, they even made trouble, and at the same time harvested a lot of things left by the Douhun Temple.

"Main Master, I don't know about this matter. However, a major event happened here five days ago, that is, the Blood Sea League, which was in charge of guarding the gate of the Blood Sea, was wiped out overnight. The subordinates should be Ji Shang and the others. for."

The father of Wen Fanghou, the head of the Wen family, is actually a disciple of the Ji family's Difeng lineage, but because he does not have the Ji family's phoenix spirit, he follows his mother's surname.Migrate to this overseas land.Secretly collect information on overseas places for the Difeng lineage.

And this Wen Fang Hou city mansion is extremely deep, the reason why the Wen family can become one of the top ten families in overseas places is naturally due to his efforts.

"Uh, goddamn. They're there now, you should know?"

Ji Wusheng asked angrily.In fact, he had long guessed that Zhou Shaolong would come with him, and he would intentionally let the Dilong family rule the overseas land, so after he let Ji Shang and the four of them come, he would not be in a hurry to make a move.

It is best to be able to buy and sell the Supreme in this overseas land, which will be of great help to their Earth Phoenix lineage in overseas lands.

"I don't know about my subordinates. But according to what the Wen family heard, they seem to have appeared in Xuanhun Palace, Yuxian Palace, Chen's family, and Fengyun Chamber of Commerce. But there is no news at all after that."

Wen Fanghou said.

He had received news from Ji Wusheng a long time ago, asking the Wen family to cooperate with Ji Shang and the other four to secretly control some overseas forces.But the four of Ji Shang didn't contact them after they came overseas, so he had nothing to do.

After he learned that the Blood Sea Alliance, Xuanhun Palace and other overseas giants had accidents one after another, he thought it might be the four of them, so he sent someone to look for them, but unfortunately they couldn't find them.

(End of this chapter)

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