extreme dog days

Chapter 1165 Ling Yun is Coming

Chapter 1165 Lingyun is Coming ([-])

"Well, are you okay!"

Ling Yun nodded to Tianming and the others, then looked at Su Wan.They are Taoist couples in name, but they have nothing to do with each other, but Ling Yun saw that she looked at him strangely, so he asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks for your concern."

Su Wan nodded in response.

"Well, he is that Ling family disciple."

Ji Hai and Ji Tiejia looked at each other.This situation and the scene can be guessed, they never thought that Ling Yun would return to the Beizhou mainland at this time.

"Since he's here, let's get rid of him directly."

Ji Tiejia said in a deep voice.

"Okay, that person probably won't make a move. You guys leave immediately and return to Zhongzhou mainland."

Ji Hai looked at several Ji family disciples and deliberately amplified their voices.This is to contain King Shura.

"Don't worry, even if you kill him, I won't do anything."

King Shura said.

"I hope so"

Ji Tiejia said in a deep voice.Although King Shura made a promise, but their lives were at stake, and he also signaled for several disciples to leave.

"You are from the Ji family, I don't know which lineage you come from."

After Ling Yun greeted everyone, he turned to look at Ji Hai and Ji Tiejia.

"Ji Tiejia from Jinfeng lineage of Ji family"

"Ji family water phoenix lineage Ji Hai"

Ji Hai and the two stepped forward and said.

"Nothing above the Supreme Realm will be left."

Ling Yun nodded and said, sacrificed the Huanyun Divine Sword, and stepped out.

Ji Tianxi and the other two supreme beings of the water and phoenix lineage of the Ji family were already ready to attack. After Ling Yun walked forward a dozen steps, the three of them made a move at the same time.

Summons the spirit of the Phoenix to attack Ling Yun.

call out!

"What, come back"

"not good"

"Why so fast"

The three of Ji Tianxi were startled, Ling Yun's speed was too fast.It's like shrinking to an inch.In fact, if you want to blame them, you can blame them for being too close to Ling Yun.


Facing the masters below the late stage of the Supreme Realm, there is almost no suspense at all for Ling Yun to make a move.It's impossible to be merciful, because if King Shura hadn't been there to guard him this time, I'm afraid that when he arrived, the Night Temple would already be bleeding like a river.

If the heroes of the Beizhou Continent hadn't avoided this disaster in advance, there would be corpses all over the Beizhou Continent. Therefore, if Ling Yun is merciful to those who came to the Beizhou Continent to cause trouble, it would be to the Beizhou Continent. Mainland people are cruel.

"Yeah! Golden Jade Phoenix."

"Royal Water"


When Ji Tiejia and Ji Hai saw that two Supreme Realm had died in Ling Yun's hands, they immediately joined forces to attack.

Extreme Astral

Ling Yun swung the Magic Cloud Excalibur, and a sword was thrown out in an instant. Ji Tianxi, who thought he had saved his life and wanted to withdraw from the battle circle, was pierced by the sword.

After walking a few steps, he fell down.

"Hey, Ling Yun has become so powerful. How did this guy train?"

When Zhen Tiandong saw Ling Yun beheading Ji Tianxi with a sword, he couldn't help but marvel.He had fought Ji Tianxi before.Although his strength is still above him.

But it is impossible to kill him.

He was seriously injured before, and he was also injured.But Ling Yun beheaded and killed Ji Tianxi under the attack of two top Supreme Realm powerhouses, so he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Sometimes you can't be envious. No matter how powerful a tiger trapped in the mountains is, how can it compare with a giant dragon that roams the world proudly?"

Tian Ming said with a smile.

Although Zhen Tiandong's talent potential is high, he has limited vision.So Tianming compared him to a tiger trapped in the mountains.And Lingyun's vision is far away, just like the Supreme God of Heaven and Gongyang Qingliu in the past, this growth is naturally fast.


"What, how is it possible"

Ling Yun blocked Ji Hai's attack with his body, and then passed through his body with his sword.Ji Hai was seriously injured and cried out in horror.Withstanding his full blow at close range, nothing happened.

He exchanged injuries for injuries, but he didn't have any injuries at all.

"This kid's physical body has been refined to such a degree, divine way!"

King Shura didn't care at first, but when he saw Ling Yun's golden body, he couldn't help being moved, and he stood up.

During half a stick of incense, Ji Tiejia was seriously injured and backed out, gasping for breath. When he turned to look at Ji Hai, he suddenly felt a little confused.

Ji Hai is dead.

"Ah! Let's go!"

Ji Tiejia shouted, Ji Hai is dead, let's fight again.I'm afraid he can't survive by himself.

"I just want to leave now, isn't it a bit late?"

Ling Yun laughed.Wuji moves, and the speed increases again and again.Most of the dozens of Ji family disciples did not die, but all of them had their legs cut off.

"Damn. The Phoenix disintegrated. Exploded."

Seeing this, Ji Tiejia hurriedly used the secret method to stimulate the potential of his whole body and ran away desperately, but Ling Yun kept one of his hands behind.

"Shinto physical body, I haven't seen you for a few years, but you can actually refine such a physical body, it's amazing!"

After Ji Tiejia escaped, King Shura walked out of the guest pavilion. When he walked out of the guest pavilion, the pavilion immediately collapsed.This is because it was attacked by Ji Hai before, but it was only supported by King Shura's strength, so it didn't collapse.

King Shura released his momentum because he wanted to test Ling Yun's strength.

Extreme Astral

Ling Yun understands!When King Shura's voice fell, his sword gang cut towards King Shura.It's just that King Shura stretched out his hand and grabbed his sword gang, and his soul power worked to disintegrate it.

"fast enough"

Ling Yun knew that King Shura was very powerful, so naturally he didn't expect that the sword could cause any harm to King Shura.But after King Shura collapsed and dispersed his sword, he had already come to King Shura.

(End of this chapter)

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