extreme dog days

Chapter 1177 Ji Fengwu

Chapter 1177 Ji Fengwu

Although Ling Yun did not accept Su Wan, You Zifeng knew very well that Su Wan's heart was already on Ling Yun.Maybe the two of them will never take the last step.

But being secretly in love with a beautiful woman of Su Wan's level is something that many people dream of.If people knew about Ling Yun's good fortune, they would probably drown him with a mouthful of phlegm.

"Hehe, I said You Lao, can you blame me? No matter at any time, I never thought of getting anything in return, but others never forget to repay their kindness. You want to say that it is also their fault, right?"

Ling Yun laughed helplessly.From the very beginning, he never thought that Su Wan would really fall in love with him.The reason why he agreed to make a marriage contract with Su Wan back then was because of Wulong Xuantian Furnace.

And Su Wan was just repaying his favor at first, and then gave him the Wulong Xuantian Furnace in the name of a marriage contract.

But in the end, Su Wan, like Qin Yuyan, fell in love with Ling Yun, a man who was willing to protect justice at all costs.

The Shuifeng lineage also officially entered the Beizhou mainland half a month ago, and they also learned a lot.In addition to sending people around to inquire about the situation in the Beizhou mainland, they also inquired about the whereabouts of the Jinfeng lineage.

The Beizhou Continent has a vast territory and rich resources, although there are currently only four main forces.But the forces under these four giants are intricate, and they can't be controlled if they want to, so there has always been the Ji family's eyeliner among them.

There are golden phoenixes, and there are more water phoenixes.

"Uh, Ji Guangyao and the others failed to siege Ling Yun. It seems that they underestimated that disciple of the Ling family. Where is Ji Guangyao now?"

After Ji Fengwu heard that Jinfeng's lineage failed to encircle and kill Ling Yun, her brows furrowed.She is the most powerful female cultivator of the Shuifeng lineage.Although she is not very beautiful, she is extremely talented and has a very good understanding.

In terms of strength, Ji Guangyao was on par with Ji Guangyao.

"This subordinate does not know. Those of us who sneaked into Dan City only saw him leaving Dan City with a young man, but we have never found his whereabouts."

The disciple with a foreign surname from the Ji family said.

"Uh, there's some trouble now. That kid isn't even Ji Guangyao's opponent, so I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to kill him alone. If I can find Ji Guangyao and join forces with him, that would be great." gone."

Ji Fengwu said in a deep voice.Her strength is on par with Ji Guangyao.Even Ji Guangyao was defeated by Ling Yun, so she was not stupid enough to think that she could kill Ling Yun by herself.

This time is a rare opportunity.There is an unworldly strong man in the Beizhou Continent, and Jinfeng's lineage used a favor to invite Taoist Wuxin to restrain him.

If Taoist Wuxin was holding back King Shura during the time they were still unable to kill Ling Yun, then unless their two bloodlines came forward in full force, they might not be able to take down the Beizhou Continent.

It's just that their Phoenix family belongs to the power of Zhongzhou Continent after all, and once they come out to disrupt Beizhou Continent, it will inevitably cause chaos in the world.

I'm afraid that some powerhouses in Dongzhou Continent, Xizhou Continent, and Nanzhou Continent will be dissatisfied because of this.

"Dance girl, there are not many families with foreign surnames in the Jinfeng lineage in the Beizhou mainland. If I guessed correctly, if they didn't leave the Beizhou mainland directly, they would definitely go to the Zheng family in Fengyu City of the Western Regions."

Ji Yanruo said.She used to be the second wife of Lingxu Palace, so she is very clear about the situation in the Western Regions.Although this Zheng family in Fengyu City has been hiding very well, even the Lingxu Palace has not found any clues, but as a disciple of the Ji family, she was able to find out.

In the Western Regions, there are many families with the surname Zheng, but the Zheng family in Fengyu City is the only family with a foreign surname belonging to the Jinfeng lineage of the Ji family.

"Oh, heh! Then let's go and meet him. Besides, Yan Ruo, you are familiar with the Beizhou mainland, so how to control the affairs of the Beizhou mainland is up to you."

Ji Fengwu smiled and said.She was going to find Ji Guangyao, as if she wanted to see his jokes.

Western Regions, Wind Whisper City, Zheng Family

Ji Guangyao took Ji Xuanhuan to escape from the Alchemy Alliance, and this time the Jinfeng lineage came to the Beizhou mainland, which was a failure.For nearly a month, Ji Guangyao still failed to recover, especially the scar on his right arm that was pierced by the back blade.

There is light power on the scar, which is the most difficult to recover, and consumes a lot of soul power.

"Young Master Huan, a few people came outside, holding tokens of the Ji family in their hands, and asked to meet the ancestor by name."

The head of the Zheng family came to report to Ji Xuanhuan.Although the Jinfeng lineage and the Shuifeng lineage belong to the Ji family, for tens of thousands of years, the major branches of the Ji family have not had any blood relationship for a long time.

It can only be said that it has been the same ancestor for tens of thousands of years.

The Zheng family belongs to a family with a foreign surname of the Jinfeng lineage, so they don't need to be ordered by the Shuifeng lineage.

"People from the Ji family, from that line."

Ji Xuanhuan obviously asked anxiously.

"Shuifeng lineage."

"No, just say that my third uncle is not here and let them go."

When Ji Xuanhuan heard that someone from Shuifeng's lineage was coming, he immediately issued an order to expel the guests.

"Ji Xuanhuan, you are so brave, you dare to let me 'get out'."

As soon as Ji Xuanhuan's voice fell, Ji Fengwu's voice came.Although she was still outside Zheng's house, her soul consciousness had already entered here, just in time to hear Ji Xuanhuan's words.

"Ah! This voice, could it be Ji Fengwu? Ah!"


Suddenly, a wave of soul power formed a phantom palm and slammed it on Ji Xuanhuan's face.

(End of this chapter)

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