extreme dog days

Chapter 1179

Chapter 1179 Hundred Mile City

When Tian Ming learned that Lingxu Palace was in trouble, he immediately suggested to Meihua Lingmother to temporarily abandon Lingxu Palace and come to Zhentian Palace to join Lingyun and the others.In order not to let the Ji family take advantage of it, they will be defeated one by one.

Or make Ling Yun exhausted.

"The situation in the Western Regions is booming now. Some people secretly control some of the three religions and nine streams to establish a martial arts alliance. They forcibly force all sects and sects, and the major families join it. If they don't follow, they will be wiped out."

Plum Blossom Spirit Mother said.

"What, what about my eldest brother and second brother?"

Ling Yun was taken aback.It doesn't take much thinking to know that it must be the ghost of the Ji family.

"I have notified them in advance, and I believe they will come here after they meet."

Tianming said.

"Yun'er, you don't have to worry. Master Xiao's current strength is unfathomable. Compared to the old guy Zhen Tiandong, he is even worse. Furthermore, as far as I know, after A Yuan came back from Dongzhou Continent, he I have been practicing in seclusion, and my cultivation and strength seem to have improved by leaps and bounds. If they meet, there should be no danger."

Plum Blossom Lingmother said with a look of relief.

The strength of Ling Yun and others is gradually increasing, which is a great joy for Beizhou Continent, at least in the future, Beizhou Continent will not be slaughtered by others.

"I'm still worried, I'll go meet them!"

Ling Yun thought for a while and said.Although he knows that Xiao Feng's current strength is very good, but compared with him, there is a distance.And that Ji Guangyao's strength is not far from his.

If Xiao Feng meets Ji Guangyao, it will be dangerous.

"Well, that's fine too."

Tianming nodded.Although he can pinch and count, he is not omniscient and omniscient.He can only deduce a rough idea about everything, but accidents will inevitably happen.

It is also a kind of guarantee that Ling Yun went to meet the people from Qinglongmen and Baili family.

Western Regions, Baili Family

The Baili family used to be hailed as the second only to the Lingxu Palace in the Western Regions, but the family has always been in business, raising magic horses for a living.

The real strength is actually far worse than that of Lingxu Palace.

Even the Zheng family, which has been hiding in Fengyu City, is actually not weaker than them.

Therefore, after receiving the news from Lingxu Palace, they began to evacuate.It's just that Bailiyuan retreated to attack the Supreme Realm, so Yang Keai had to bring some family experts to stay and protect him.

"Ma'am, it's not good, our Baili City is besieged."

The elders of the Baili family rushed to report to Yang Keai.

"How is it possible, why didn't I receive any news before."

"The location of our Baili City is so hidden, and at the same time, it is covered by the city of 'Ming'. How did we know it was surrounded. Where is Baili's trust?"

Several elders of the Baili family present all exclaimed.As the Beast Familiar family, the Baili family had once flourished in the Beizhou Continent, and offended many people at that time.Therefore, the Baili City has been built in the two mountain ranges, and at the same time there are 'bright' city and 'dark' city. There are more than one or two cities of 'Ming'.

It is difficult for ordinary people to find the location of the 'dark' city, and this 'dark' city is also the escape city of the Baili family, and all the people inside are descendants of the Baili family.

"Several elders, I haven't received any news from Ming City before this. In other words, the other party directly bypassed 'Ming' City to besiege our 'Dark' City."

Bai Lixin said hastily.

"Well, that means, someone betrayed the family. Who is it?"

"Find him out, I will tear him apart."


A group of elders said angrily.The other party directly besieged the dark city without passing through the bright city, which is enough to show that there are traitors in the Baili family.

However, it is obviously too late to investigate who the traitor is now.

The Baili family has a total of three Ming cities in these two mountains, one of which is the place where the Baili family usually resides, called the main city.However, not long after the main members of the Baili family retreated, the city was brought under control.

The person who controls the main city of the Baili family is of course the former second wife of Lingxu Palace, Ji Yanruo.Because she knew the location of this main city, she brought people here directly.

And the person who told her about the location of the dark city was the sixth elder Bai Liji who had made a huge mistake in Star Horse City and was punished by Yang Keai to go to the racecourse to pick up dung.

Bailiji suddenly changed from the elder of the family to a groom who specializes in picking up dung. He didn't realize it at all.

"Second Madam, don't forget what you promised the villain."

Bailiji nodded and said with a bow.He betrayed the Baili family, naturally, in exchange for his own benefits.Ji Yanruo had also promised him before that once he controlled the Baili family, he would help him to be the head of the Baili family.

"When will I break my promise?"

Ji Yanruo said with a smile.

"That, that!"

"Do you have anything else?"

Ji Yanruo hated people like Bailiji who could betray his family.But since he had promised him, Ji Yanruo couldn't break his promise.

Otherwise, who would surrender to their Ji family like Bailiji in the future?

"Well, the villain has something else to ask for?"


"After controlling the Baili family, can the second wife betroth Miss Yang to the villain. The villain will never forget the great kindness of the madam."

(End of this chapter)

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