extreme dog days

Chapter 1189

Chapter 1189

He hoped that one day Ling Yun could go to Ji's house to pick up Yang Keren.

"I will definitely save Keren. Uncle, please help me to give this to Keren when she is awake."

Ling Yun took out the Phoenix Bell and said.

"Phoenix Bell. I'm going to kill you. Why is this thing in your hands? Could it be that you robbed Ji Fengwu? No wonder she's about to cramp with anger, hehe!"

When Ji Xuanhai saw Fenghuangling, he even gloated.


"You just hand it over, aren't you afraid that I will swallow it all?"

Ji Xuanhai said after receiving the Phoenix Bell.This is one of the treasures of their water and phoenix lineage, and it is also a sub-divine weapon.Even if he is the young master of the Shuifeng lineage, he is not qualified to have this kind of thing.

Magical weapons above sub-divine weapons can't be seen everywhere.Even the sons of the peak masters in the world may not necessarily have this thing.Unless you find it yourself and grab it yourself.

"If you help me bring the Phoenix Bell to Keren, tell her for me, and ask her to wait for me? I owe you a favor."

Demigod Soldier, this is not something you can have if you want it, so Ling Yun can't agree to give him a Demigod Soldier in the future, but he can promise a favor.

"Forgive me! Am I that kind of person? Or, if you have a chance, how about helping me snatch the golden phoenix conflict from that old guy Ji Guangyao's hands?"

Ji Xuanhai said very shamelessly.The Phoenix bell can be used as long as it is the spirit of the Phoenix, not limited to any type of power.But the golden phoenix paradox in Ji Guangyao's hands can only be used with the gold-type and water-type phoenix souls.

Phoenix bells are more suitable for women to use for self-defense.It's really unreasonable for a big man to use this thing as a weapon.So if you can choose, Ji Xuanhai prefers the golden phoenix contradiction in Ji Xuanyao's hands.

It's just that it is a treasure belonging to the Jinfeng lineage.No matter how you pass it on, it cannot be passed on to him.But if Ling Yun snatched it and gave it to him, it would be different.

He can say that he snatched it from Ling Yun's friends and relatives.

And she is the young master of the Shuifeng lineage, and it will be difficult for the Jinfeng lineage to get her back from him.Unless you take out something of the same level and exchange it with him.

As for the Phoenix Bell!If Ji Fengwu saw it in his hands, he would be asked to go back [-]%.But when it was sent to Yang Keren, even if Ji Fengwu saw it, she could only cry secretly.

"Okay. If possible, I will take it."

Ling Yun responded without thinking.

As long as he had the opportunity to kill Ji Guangyao, then he would naturally have the chance to get the set of golden phoenix contradictions in his hands.This kind of sub-divine weapon can't be used at all with ordinary energy.

It belongs to the special magic weapon of the phoenix spirit.Didn't he snatch Ji Fengwu's Phoenix Bell earlier so that he could give it to Yang Keren in the future?

"You really agreed! That's great. Hey, by the way, I have to go first, brat, you can live well. Also, don't hurt my second sister."

Ji Xuanhai said.

He has been out for a while, if someone finds out, it will be hard for him to explain when he goes back.Although he is the young master of Shuifeng, he cannot bear the crime of fornicating foreign enemies.

Of course, he is not betraying his family.It's that he has always been displeased with the fact that his family depends on others.

It's a pity that his ability is limited, and he doesn't know what he can do for the family.So he only does what he thinks is right.That is to protect your loved ones.

"Then help me take care of Keren."

"Don't worry. Is she my niece? I'm leaving!"

Ji Xuanhai said, put away the Phoenix Bell, turned and left.

"Karen, I will definitely find you, and I must wait for you."

Watching Ji Xuanhai leave, Ling Yun looked in the direction of Zhongzhou Continent and said.

He knew very well that with his current cultivation and strength, he would force his way into Ji's house, no doubt the old birthday star wanted to die for his long life!

However, he won't give up.Yang Keren is interested in him, and at the same time has the grace to save his life, so no matter what, he must guard her and protect her.

Wind Whisper City

Now this place has been changed into the general altar of the Martial Arts Union. After Lingxu Palace was forced to leave by them, all the land of the Western Regions also fell into their hands.

"Little brother, you ran there, why did you come back so late."

When Ji Xuanhai came back from outside, he happened to meet Ji Yanruo.

"No, hehe. I went shopping. By the way, second sister, you are going there!"

Seeing that Ji Yanruo was holding some healing medicine, Ji Xuanhai asked back.

"Don't worry about it. Go back! After all, this is not our Ji family's land. Although the Western Regions are currently under our control, we can't take it lightly. Do you know?"

Ji Yanruo said with concern.

"Understood. Second sister, don't you want to find Ji Xuanhuan?"

Ji Xuanhai asked.

"Well! Before that, I didn't think he was anything. But since he has practiced Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens, it's different."

Ji Yanruo said.Before this, the master of the water phoenix vein had reminded Ji Ruo to let her pull Longji Xuanhuan into the Zuo Shuifeng lineage or the Bingfeng lineage.But Ji Yanruo didn't agree.If she doesn't agree, then Shuifeng Vein Master can't force her.

But when she saw Ji Xuanhuan mastering the 'Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens' move, she seriously considered it.

"Second sister, do you think it's worth doing this?"

Ji Xuanhai asked.He knew that this didn't seem to be Ji Yanruo's original intention.

"As a disciple of the Ji family, no matter what your status is, you can't help yourself. In fact, this is the tragedy of the family! Well, you go back first!"

Ji Yanruo shook his head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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