extreme dog days

Chapter 1191 Ling Yun's Doom

Chapter 1191 Ling Yun's Doom

"Well, something is wrong. The soul consciousness cannot enter the ground."

Zhen Tiandong's face changed in shock, he used his soul consciousness to search the ground, but the soul consciousness was ejected within ten feet of the ground.The only explanation for this is that a force is erupting from below the city.

volcano!Obviously not.

Although there is magma in the mountain range where Zhentian Palace is located, the magma is faulted and not enough to form a volcano.

When other people discovered that there was an earthquake on the roof, they all rushed over.

"A big event has happened! Zhentiandong, has the rooftop this year been brought forward for a while?"

Tian Ming rushed over, saw Zhen Tiandong and immediately asked.

"Yes, but there have been things that started early in the past, but nothing like this has ever happened."

Zhen Tiandong said anxiously.He didn't know why there was an earthquake suddenly on the rooftop. Although the strength of the earthquake was not strong, if it continued to shake like this, something would happen.

"Tiandong, was there something hidden under the Tiantian Palace before?"

The spirit mother asked anxiously.

"No! Come on, go and read all the official records and side chapters about Zhentian Palace, and check them carefully."

Zhen Tiandong thought for a while, but he was not sure.

The predecessor of Zhentian Palace was Fengwang Palace. Although he Zhentiandong came from Fengwang Palace, he did not check all the records left by Fengwang Palace.


Several elders of Zhentian Palace responded, and immediately went straight to the library of Zhentian Palace.

"Mr. Tianming, have you calculated something?"

Ling Yun looked at Tianming and asked.

"It's a bad omen. And it's the town against you, and that little girl from the town's family."

Tian Ming pointed at Ling Yun and said in a deep voice.

"For me, there is also Xiaowan's ominous omen!"

Ling Yun frowned.

"Uh, although Ling Yun and Xiao Wan are sworn brothers and sisters, they actually have nothing to do with each other. How could there be a bad omen against them? Mr. Tian Ming, may you have miscalculated."

Wu Ruoshui said.

She used to spend a lot of time with Zhen Xiaowan, knowing that this little girl is very pure, she has always regarded Ling Yun as her elder brother.It was and it is now.And Ling Yun also treated her as a younger sister.

"I don't know that."

Tianming shook her head and said.He could only infer that the disaster of the roof shaking was aimed at Ling Yun and Zhen Xiaowan. As for why?Then he may not know.

"Then what is this ominous omen, you should know, right?"

Xing Mang asked hastily.

It was only after she came to the Beizhou mainland that she realized that there is a kind of person in this world who is like Tianming, who is idle and speculates about the secrets of the sky.

"I do not know either."

Tianming shook his head again and said.

"Then what do you know?"

Xing Mang asked immediately.

"I do not know anything."


Hearing Tian Ming's answer, Xing Mang was speechless.

"Sister Susu, don't ask so many questions? Mr. Tianming is like this, always mysterious."

Yue Ningxue stepped forward and pulled Xing Mang and said.She is in the mainland of Beizhou, so she has dealt with Tianming many times in the past few years.So she is very clear about Tianming's habit.

There is only a beginning to everything, but I don't know the end.Fortunately, in the end, he knew a general idea, otherwise he would be really anxious.Of course, there are some results that he can't know!There are also some biases in the results.

So he can only know a rough idea.

"I found it, old palace master, look..."

Early the next morning, several elders who went to check the records rushed over.They searched overnight and finally found it from the original records left by Fengwang Palace.

Where the Fengwang Palace was established, here is a huge seal.

And the existence of the rooftop is precisely because of this seal.

Because the Tiantai has a multiplier of Yuanli than other places, so the ancestors who sealed the palace in the past also chose to establish a sect here.With the help of this place on the roof, Fengwang Palace finally became brilliant and became the number one giant in the Eastern Region.

As for the seal that exists on this rooftop, what exactly is sealed?Feng Wanggong didn't know it at the time, and only guessed that it might be an ancient evil.

"The ancient evil, this record is too unreliable, right? At least it should be said what kind of ancient evil it is."

After Ling Yun saw it, he said in a low voice.

"Stupid. If the Fengwang Palace knew what the ancient villain was. Either the Fengwang Palace would have ceased to exist long ago, or the ancient villain would have disappeared. There will be no ominous omens at this time."

Yu Zifeng said.

As for what was sealed inside the rooftop, it was only a guess when the palace was sealed back then.So what kind of ancient evil is not even accurate!As You Zifeng said, if the Fengwang Palace knows what evil is sealed inside, then only one of the two can exist.

At this time, there was a problem with the seal on the roof, which meant that the things sealed inside were still there, and the Fengwang Palace had never really seen the things sealed inside.


The vibration of the rooftop lasted for three full days until the rooftop ended.When the roof ended, a large number of cracks appeared at its entrance, which was obviously caused by the previous shock.

"Where's Missy? Have any of you seen our Missy?"

An elder from Tiantian Palace asked.The entrance opened, and all the trainees who entered inside also came out one after another, but Zhen Xiaowan was the only one who didn't see it.

"Uh! We don't seem to have seen Miss Zhen."

"Me too. It seems Miss Town hasn't quit yet"


Those who came out recalled that they came out of the experience space, but no one saw Zhen Xiaowan leaving the space.

(End of this chapter)

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