extreme dog days

Chapter 1204 Pity the world's parents heart

Chapter 1204 Pity the world's parents heart

The rabbit dies and the fox is sad!Although the Doujie Wuzhou Continent never interferes with each other, if anyone wants to cross the boundary and unify any of the Wuzhou Continent, that is an enemy of the world, and no force will sit idly by.

Of course, if it is only aimed at a certain force within a continent, no one will interfere.

Although the Ji family is powerful, Tianxiafeng is stronger than them.However, even Tianxia Peak has not dared to annex Tianxia blatantly so far, let alone the Ji family.

Those patriarchs of the Ji family are not fools.They knew very well that Tianxia Peak allowed them to seize the Beizhou Continent, in fact, they wanted to use their Ji family to stir up chaos in the Wuzhou Continent.

So the Ji family has always been secretly controlling the Beizhou mainland.But this time, Tianxia Peak made a big promise to let the Ji family come to Beizhou Continent to design and kill Ling Yun.

Among them, Ji's family is also being calculated.They can't wait for the Ji family to aggressively attack the Beizhou mainland, or even relocate the family.But are people so stupid?

in a few days

In Tiantian Palace, a man and a woman appeared outside Fengwang City.The man is naturally Taoist Wuxin, while the woman is Lin Chenshuang.The reason why she came here with Taoist Wuxin was because she knew that her parents and relatives were all in the Tiantian Palace.

"Miss Lin, that's Miss Lin."

"Miss, you are finally here. The master and wife have been worried about you."

Seeing Lin Chenshuang, several people from the Night Temple outside the city shouted excitedly.After Lin Chenshuang left Beizhou mainland with Ji Tiejia, Hu Chenyu was worried that the Lin family would investigate his fault, so he lied that Lin Chenshuang was practicing in seclusion.

Later, the Temple of the Night retreated from the Southern Region, and Hu Chenyu also found an excuse to fool him.Before and after, Lin Yunxing and his wife sent people to Yuze City more than once or twice to ask Hu Chenyu to bring Lin Chenshuang to Zhentian Palace to join them.

Lin Chenshuang knew about this, because after Hu Yuchen was killed by her, she stayed in Yuze City to wait for Taoist Wuxin.During this period, she also received a call from her parents.

It's just that she didn't understand it.

"No, it really is him."

Taoist Wuxin appeared outside Fengwang City, Xingmang sensed it immediately, and then left the city together with Lingyun.They had guessed before that the fatal situation that Tianming calculated might have come from Taoist Wuxin.

Because Taoist Wuxin appeared in Beizhou Continent, he suddenly took action to check and balance King Shura.This is enough to show that he was invited by the Ji family.So far, the Ji family is a force in the Beizhou mainland, and the only person who can cause them a fatal situation is this Taoist Wuxin.

"Master, he is Ling Yun."

Lin Chenshuang said.If in the past, she would have cursed him in her heart if she saw the peerless witch, Xing Mang, beside Ling Yun, but now she is extremely calm.

Because it had nothing to do with her at all.

"Shuang'er, why are you here. Come here quickly!"

Liu Changhe also came, and he was really frightened when he saw Lin Chenshuang standing with Taoist Wuxin.


Lin Chenshuang frowned.

"Dust Frost"

"Shuang'er? You, what about you? Senior, my sons and daughters are young and ignorant. If you offend senior, please forgive me! Let my daughter go, if you want to pay for her life, this junior is willing to suffer on her behalf."

"Me too, I just ask you to let my daughter go."

Lin Yunxing and his wife came after hearing the news.They thought that Lin Chenshuang was held hostage by Taoist Wuxin. After all, Taoist Wuxin was in opposition to them.

Poor parents in the world!


"Father, mother, grandpa!"

Lin Chenshuang knelt on the ground and smacked his head three times to the three of them.

"Shuang'er, what are you doing?"


"Don't come here. Father, mother, he is my master. From now on, my daughter will no longer serve you around!"

Lin Chenshuang told the truth.She has decided to take the ruthless path.This is not forced, but she voluntarily.So it's not that I can't, but that I won't serve my parents anymore.

This means severing ties with it.

"You...you are! Shuang'er"

Lin Yunxing's wife became anxious, and desperately wanted to run over to hug her daughter, fearing that she might be fascinated.

"Don't come here. From now on, I am no longer your daughter. I will pay back what I owe you."

Lin Chenshuang said very firmly.

"What? What did you say?"

Lin Yunxing felt like being struck by lightning.This is a rebellious girl!Think about how he loved her in the past, many times more than his son, and even made her the future heir of the Lin family.

The results of it?

"Shuang'er, why is this, what is it exactly? Where did your parents feel sorry for you? Since you were a child, your father loved you so much, why did your mother treat you badly? You!"

"Hey! Shuang'er worshiped that Taoist Wuxin as her teacher. Her eyes are full of indifference and ruthlessness. It should be practicing the 'ruthless way'"

Liu Changhe is now at the Supreme Realm anyway, he also heard Ling Yun and the others talk about Wuxin Daoist before, and he also heard about the so-called Ruthless Dao.

"Haha. Ruthless way! A rebellious woman is a rebellious woman, what is Tao? If I knew that there would be today, it would be considered an egg, which is better than giving birth to such a rebellious woman! God!"

Lin Yunxing also understood.What is it that the daughter whom I love the most and who is regarded as the jewel in my palm has practiced some kind of ruthless way and doesn't recognize her parents.

Whose fault is this?

(End of this chapter)

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