extreme dog days

Chapter 1214 News

Chapter 1214 News ([-])

Of course, they could also understand Ling Yun's intentions.Tian Tianfeng wanted to get rid of Ling Yun precisely because they were afraid of Ling Yun.As long as Ling Yun leaves the Beizhou mainland, Tianxiafeng will focus all his attention on him.

Thus buying more time for Beizhou Continent to recover and become stronger.

"I know! But haven't you heard that if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? You should know better than me how powerful Tianxia Peak is. You can enjoy peace forever since you lived on the Beizhou mainland. Is it? No, currently Tianxia Peak's attention is all on the Xizhou Continent, once they take down the Xizhou Continent, I'm afraid they will be unscrupulous! By then, the nest will be full, and there will be no eggs!"

Ling Yun said.

The power of Tianxia Peak was beyond their imagination.Now that the entire Zhongzhou Continent is under his control, the Ling family is forced to shrink back.At present, only the Western State Continent can compete with it.

As for Dongzhou Continent and Beizhou Continent, they don't seem to pay much attention to them.Ling Yun knew this very well.

"Okay then! I hope you are blessed. I think you are pleasing to the eye, but I don't want you to die so early. At the same time, I also hope that one day I can really overthrow the peak of the world and return justice to the world."

Ji Xuanhai is also a hot-blooded man, he can't bear to see his family being bullied by Tianxia Peak, and he looks up to others.It's just that he couldn't do it before.Although he is the young master of the water and phoenix lineage, he can't help himself.

At the same time, he does nothing, except for cultivation, everything about him is arranged by his father, and he is completely at the mercy of others.

He always hoped that his family could leave Tianxia Peak, but later he found that he was powerless until he met Ling Yun.Ling Yun is currently one of the few people that Tianxia Peak is most afraid of.

His threat to Tianxia Peak is second only to his father.

"There will be a day. I believe."

Ling Yun said solemnly.

"You want to pass the news of Ling Yun's departure to Xizhou Continent back to Ji's family, preferably after Ling Yun arrives in Xizhou Continent."

Nangong Xun said.

"Well, how do I know when he'll arrive then?"

Ji Xuanhai asked immediately.

"According to my estimate, it takes three months to travel from the Beizhou Continent to the Xizhou Continent by boat. However, all the boats in the five continents of the world have been controlled by Tianxiafeng, so they can only take the sea route, which takes half a year. It can be reached left and right."

Nangong Xun said differently.

In the past, there were boats that could travel between the continents of the five states. For example, when Ling Yun came from the mainland of Zhongzhou to the mainland of Beizhou, he took this kind of boat.

Boating was previously controlled by the Wulong family.

It's just that after the Ling family sealed the clan back then, the control of the sailing boat was completely in the hands of Tian Xiafeng.As for the sailing boat that existed in the Beizhou mainland, it has long since ceased to exist.

"Then it will be fine in half a year."

Ling Yun believed in Nangong Xun's calculation.It does take half a year to travel from the North State Continent to the West State Continent.But if Ling Yun went alone, it would take less than a month.

But this time, besides Xing Mang, Qin Yuyan went with him.As for Shenlongma, he didn't follow.However, before that, Zang Gu had already taken Gu Sha to the Xizhou Continent ahead of time.

Xizhou Continent, known as the most mysterious place in Wuzhou Continent, is the place Ling Yun yearns for.Because he died there in his previous life, so no matter what, he had to go there.

half year later

According to the time agreed with Ling Yun, Ji Xuanhai contacted the only remaining family with a foreign surname in the Shuifeng lineage of the Ji family in the Beizhou mainland, and passed the news of Ling Yun's departure to the Xizhou mainland to the Ji family.

"Father, there is news from my younger brother."

When Ji Yanruo received the news from Ji Xuanhai, he immediately smiled.She kept Ji Xuanhai as a hostage in Beizhou mainland. Although she was sure that Ling Yun would not do anything to him, she still had some worries.

In the past six months, she also sent people to Beizhou mainland to inquire about news, but they never returned.

"There, come on, show me."

The water phoenix vein master really loves Ji Xuanhai.When he learned that Ji Xuanhai was left in Beizhou mainland, he almost fainted from anger.If Ji Yanruo hadn't given him a reasonable explanation, he would have even wanted to go to Beizhou mainland to snatch Ji Xuanhai back in person.

"Ling Yun went to the Western Province Mainland! Good news! Hmph, that kid dared to take my son as a hostage, damn it."

Murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Shui Fengmai Master, and he had an urge to go to Xizhou Continent to intercept and kill Ling Yun.

"This is indeed good news. If he stays on the Beizhou Continent, with King Shura around, we will have nothing to do with him for a while. But since he has left the Beizhou Continent, he is courting death."

The elder Ji Hai of the rich clan said in a cold voice.

In fact, in the Shuifeng lineage, there is also a peerless powerhouse, and that person is the master of the Shuifeng lineage.Seriously, he may not be comparable to Taoist Wuxin.If Ling Yun stays in the Beizhou Continent, unless the Shuifeng lineage can persuade the three elders of the Huofeng lineage who are close to the age of the Supreme Clan to come forward, or even without Ji Xuanhai as a hostage, they will definitely not dare to act rashly again .

"Father, my little brother can send back the news that he is all right. But for his safety, we can't send people to Xizhou Continent to deal with Ling Yun. It is best to inform Tianxia Peak directly. It would be best for Tianxia Peak to come forward .”

Ji Yanruo said.

(End of this chapter)

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