extreme dog days

Chapter 1224 Snatching Narcissus

Chapter 1224 Snatching Narcissus

The reason why Xi Chao came to look for the people from Beiyun Mansion was because Ling Yun asked him to come.It was also the person who asked him to tell Beiyun Mansion that Tianjuzong was planning to use the method of blood and water vitality to attract 'Wu Haixian'.

This will allow people from Beiyun Mansion to disrupt the situation.

"What you said is true."

When He Yun heard about this, his eyes lit up immediately.They have been here for more than two months, but they haven't even seen the shadow of 'Wu Haixian'.

This Beiyun Mansion even wanted to retreat.

"It's absolutely true, I dare to risk my life. It's just that today the Juzong set up a scheme to attract the 'Enlightened Narcissus', and I'm afraid it will be nothing to do with us."

Xi Chao said.

What he meant was: Tian Juzong couldn't afford to mess with him.

"Haha, such heaven and earth spirits as 'Wu Haixian' have always been obtained by those who are destined."

He Yun laughed out loud.This is an obvious attempt to grab.

"Brother, if this 'Wu Haixian' was really lured by the Tianju Sect, it might not be a good idea for us to snatch it. It may cause disputes between the Tianju Sect and our Beiyun Mansion. "

Second General He Shao said.

"Hmph, when did our Beiyun Mansion be afraid of the Tianju Sect? Even if Mrs. Tianju is here, I will snatch it."

He Yun said without fear.

The strength of Beiyun Mansion is stronger than that of Tianju Sect.Of course, if it is not necessary, Beiyun Mansion is of course unwilling to start a war with Tianjuzong.After all, once there is a fight, no matter whether you win or lose, it will hurt your vitality.

But competing for spirit objects is different.

Three days later, according to Yu Qianshou's instructions, Rong Cheng, the second elder of the Tianju Sect, arranged a blood-water vitality array to attract the 'Wu Hai Xian'.

"Uh, what's going on, how can I run so slowly?"

"I strangled my body. Why does my body seem to be hugged by someone?"

"What's the matter, my movements have slowed down."


On the small island near the blood-water vitality formation, people below the heavenly level began to feel their movements slow down, and even the soul emperor level felt like they were walking in a vicious way.

"Aura, slow aura. It's done, it's done. Haha, the ancients don't lie to me. The blood-water vitality array can really attract 'Wuhaixian'."

Yu Qianshou laughed out loud.

This aura is exactly what 'Wu Haixian' released.At this moment, the 'Wuhaixian' has already approached the small island where they are, so its aura has affected the creatures on the small island.

Therefore, the movements of the living beings are affected by its aura, and their actions become sluggish.


Rong Cheng and another supreme master of the Tianju Sect got excited and prepared to make a move.

"Wait a minute, the narcissus has spirits, and it is very ghostly. Don't disturb it, if it escapes, it will be difficult to lure it out."

Yu Qianshou said hastily.

"That's right, once it enters the fishnet array, it will be unable to escape with its wings."

Rong Cheng came back to his senses.They set up a large fishing net under the blood-water vitality formation, just to catch 'Wuhaixian' after entering the blood-water vitality formation.

This is the method they came up with for catching 'Wuhaixian'.

'Wu Haixian' has absolutely no resistance to the vitality of the water system, and has undoubtedly broken into the trap set for it by the Tianju Sect.

"Haha! 'Wu Haixian'. Now it's up to you to run away. The last time you cheated me, I said back then that I would make you pay the price."

Yu Qianshou was not to mention how proud he was when he saw 'Wu Haixian' enter the net.

At this time, a figure passed by, with a huge halberd in his hand, he reached out and grabbed the 'Wu Haixian' who was trapped in the fishnet.

"Uh, He Yun. Damn it! Thousands of arrows are fired!"

Rong Cheng saw that there was an extra bow in his hand, and the spirit and soul condensed into an arrow. With the bow, He Yun pointed his hand to snatch the 'Wu Haixian', making him unable to get close to the 'Wu Haixian'.


Of course He Yun didn't dare to ignore Rong Cheng's attack, and hastily brandished his huge halberd to block the arrows.At this time, He Shao also made a move, apparently after discussing with He Yun, He Yun attracted the attention of Tianjuzong and others, so that he could take the 'Wuhaixian'.As long as Narcissus is in hand, Ju Zong will not be able to do anything to them that day.

"Hmph, have you ever heard of this old man who wants to seize 'Wuhaixian'? Huoyun hand."

Yu Qianshou did not earn his name in vain. Apart from being an alchemist, he was also a treasure-hunting cultivator, and he had done some good deeds all along.Because he often snatches other people's spiritual herbs and elixir, he naturally develops a good skill.

It's not comparable to ordinary alchemy supreme.

"not good!"

He Shao was taken aback, and immediately drew back.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Yu would come here."

He Yun used his soul skills, and the giant halberd became ten times bigger and smashed down, knocking back Rong Cheng and another Supreme Realm of the Tianju Sect.With his strength, it is enough to compete against these two people.

It's just that he didn't expect Yu Qianshou to come here.

"Haha, He Yun. You are so bold. How dare you rob our Tianju Sect."

Yu Qianshou said.

"This is not a joke. This is not your Tianju Sect, and 'Wu Haixian' is a spiritual object of heaven and earth, and it does not belong to their Tianju Sect. Whoever gets it first will own it."

He Yun smiled.His younger brother He Shao is not the enemy of Yu Qianshou, but that doesn't mean he can't beat Yu Qianshou.

"Really? Let's see, you two brothers, can you take it away under our noses."

Yu Qianshou said with a sneer.

"Okay, listen, this is a matter between our Beiyun Mansion and the Tianju Sect. If anyone interferes, then even if I don't want this 'Wuhaixian', I will destroy him."

He Yun waved the giant halberd, threatening the master of the giant monk and the other two supreme beings of Juhailing.

(End of this chapter)

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