extreme dog days

Chapter 1227 Mrs. Tianju

Chapter 1227 Mrs. Tianju

Although there are quite a few water-type monks in the Beiyun Mansion, none of them cooperate to take the 'Wuhaixian'.It's just that they don't want this 'Wuhaixian' to fall into the hands of Tianjuzong.

Now that 'Wu Haixian' has fallen into Ling Yun's hands, it is a good thing for them.

But on the side of Tianju Sect, Mrs. Tianju was furious.

"Bastard, the two of you went there and took away six twelfth-order Horcruxes and thirty Supreme Pills. You came back and told me that 'Wuhaixian' was robbed."

Previously, Tianjuzong sent two twelfth-order Horcruxes and ten supreme pills to the three major forces attached to them, just like Beiyunfu.

If this is the case, it would seem stingy, after all, they did their best to them before.Although there is no credit, it can be considered hard work.

"Madam calm down. We have tried our best. It's just that the kid who captured 'Wu Haixian' is really powerful. Even Mr. Yu was injured when he teamed up with us."

Rong Cheng lowered his head and said.Mrs. Tianju is not a good person, although she looks good and has a good figure, but this person is exactly what the most poisonous woman thinks.

From a concubine's room, she gradually became the current Mrs. Tianju, the master of Tianju Sect.

"Old Yu was injured, was it serious? Who was the one who injured him?"

When Mrs. Tianju heard that Yu Qianshou had been injured, murderous aura shot out from her eyes. Yu Qianshou was one of the people who helped her win the Tianju Sect back then.At the same time, he is the Supreme Alchemist of the Tianju Sect, so Mrs. Tianju naturally attaches great importance to him.

"Hui Madam, Yu Lao's injury is not a problem, it's just that it hurts his face, and it's hard to recover. As for the person who injured him, Ling Yun, we don't know where he came from."

Rong Cheng said hastily.

"Hmph, anyone who dares to hurt me will die!"

Mrs. Tianju must retaliate, her voice became extremely cold.She has been able to come to this day, of course, her own cultivation is also very strong, and she has already practiced the famous magical skill "Tianju Treasure" of the Tianju Sect.

You must know that she was only the female disciple of Sect Master Tianju at the beginning, so naturally she would use any means to get this "Tianju Treasure".Her talent potential is very good.

At present, she has also reached the seventh level of the Supreme Realm. If she can get the 'Enlightenment Sea Fairy', her strength will definitely increase greatly.

'Wu Haixian' can help comprehend the water system exercises, and peek into the mysteries that I can't figure out or think of.Although the star python is also a water system, she is quite special.

These spiritual creatures are not as good as hers, so they have no effect on her at all.


Qin Yuyan releases the energy and soul of the ink dragon to devour 'Wu Haixian'.It sensed danger, so it naturally waited for death for a while, exerting all its strength to release its slow aura to resist Molong's aura.

"Slow aura. Eldest sister's aura has slowed down. I'm afraid it's impossible to refine this 'Wu Haixian' without a year or a half. I can't imagine that there is such a spirit in the world."

The predecessor of Star Python was also a heaven and earth spirit, and her growth needs external protection, which is also the beginning of most heaven and earth spirits.It is very rare to have a spiritual creature of heaven and earth with self-protection ability like 'Wu Haixian'.

"The world is so big that there are no surprises. Furthermore, the Xizhou Continent is the most mysterious existence among the five continents in the Doujie. There are quite a lot of heaven and earth spirits here. Of course, the heaven and earth spirits like 'Wu Haixian' are indeed It's very rare."

Ling Yun said.If he hadn't met by chance, he wouldn't have known the existence of this 'Wuhaixian'.

"You said what it would be like if this kind of 'heaven and earth spirit' was like me and finally practiced transformation."

Xing Mang guessed.

"Just like Wu Haixian. If it turns into a human, I probably can't do anything to it. I don't know if Yuyan can get its talent after refining it."

Heaven and earth spirits also have the opportunity to transform into forms, just like star pythons, but it takes a long time.

At the same time, refining such heaven and earth spirits as 'Wu Haixian' has a certain chance to obtain its talent, which is the slow aura of 'Wu Haixian'.


"Ink Sea Panlong"


The speed of the Molong Qihun was affected by the slow aura of the 'Wu Haixian' and became extremely slow. If it was at this speed, the Molong Qihun would not be able to get close to the 'Wu Haixian' in less than a year or a half.If you can't get close to it, you won't be able to devour and refine it.

In this matter, neither Ling Yun nor Xing Mang can help her.

Molong's energy and soul rolled into a pillar, forming a vortex to counteract the aura of 'Wu Haixian', and entered into a state of sudden enlightenment through the aura of 'Wu Haixian'.

"Eldest sister is peeking at the talent of 'Wu Haixian'! It's amazing. If she can succeed, then refining 'Wu Haixian' will not be a problem."

Star Mang sighed in admiration.

Qin Yuyan practiced.She and Ling Yun naturally guarded nearby to protect her, never daring to relax for a moment.Because refining 'Wu Haixian' cannot be done behind closed doors like refining other heaven and earth spirits.

It can only be done on this sea surface, so it is necessary to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to snatch Wu Haixian.

During the period when Qin Yuyan was refining 'Wu Haixian', great changes had also taken place in Juhai Ridge.The Holographic Cult is at war with the Giant Shamen.Prior to this, the Holographic Sect had been recognized by two Juhailing families and one sect.

(End of this chapter)

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