extreme dog days

Chapter 1236

Chapter 1236 Beiyun Mansion is in Emergency ([-])

Although he has a good background in the Fengyun League, he is not arrogant enough to try to counter the forces of the entire Western Province.

"Who is so daring to target the Fengyun League and make you so afraid."

Madame Tianju asked.She has some understanding of the strength of Fengyun League.

"Two, one is Tianxian Fuyun Peak, and the other is Yuelong Villa. After all, these three forces belong to one body. It is rumored that the peak owner of Tianxian Fuyun Peak is the wife of the owner of Yuelong Villa. Tianxian Fuyun Peak belongs to the North District. One of the forces has always been hidden from the world. In recent years, the Fengyun League has continuously annexed the forces in the northern region, which has attracted its attention. If these two forces join hands, the Fengyun League has to pay attention."

Zhou Shaoyun said.

"Uh! Then what do you want me to do?"

Madame Tianju asked.

"I want to use the hands of Tianjuzong to control the power of the entire northern district."

Zhou Shaoyun said.

"Then what about the Celestial Immortal Fuyun Peak you mentioned?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I will find a way to deal with them. And what you have to do is to annex the major forces in the northern district when the Wind and Cloud Alliance is holding back Yuelong Villa and Tianxian Fuyun Peak."

Zhou Shaoyun said.

"But relying on my Tianju Sect?"

Mrs. Tianju is self-aware.Although her Tianjuzong has some background, but apart from the Fengyun League behind her, the strength of Tianjuzong is not as good as Beiyunfu?

Beiyun Mansion is the strongest force in the north of the North District, not one of them.If it wasn't for her being backed by the Fengyun League today, the Juzong wouldn't dare to compete with it.And Beiyun Mansion is almost the representative of the forces in the north.

If Tianjuzong tried to annex the forces in the north, Beiyun Mansion would naturally not sit idly by.

"Don't worry about that, I just want to use your Tianju Sect's name to act. I will let the Rock Demon and Double Star go to help you."

Zhou Shaoyun said with a smile.Keep doing his bad things!

A few days later, Mrs. Tianju returned to the Tianju Sect together with the three masters of the Fengyun League to plan to annex the forces in the north of the northern district.There are almost a dozen forces in the north, including the six before Juhai Ridge.

Of course, although the giant sea ridge has a large area, most of it belongs to the sea area.Although the strength is not weaker than other forces in the north, generally no one will notice it.

If it wasn't for the previous 'Enlightened Sea Immortal', neither the Tianju Sect nor the Beiyun Mansion knew that there were several Supreme Realm masters hidden in this giant sea ridge?


"My lord, we just received news from Beiyun Mansion, look!"

Xi Chao received the letter from Beiyun Mansion and immediately handed it over to Ling Yun for review.

Lingyun entrusted the Holographic Sect to inquire about Tianxia Peak's hidden forces in the Western Province Continent, so he stayed with the Holographic Sect for the time being.And the Holographic Sect has Ling Yun in charge.

At present, both the Yu family and the Bai family have surrendered to him. As for the Jushamen, they had no choice but to withdraw from Juhailing and be merged into the Tianju sect.

"The Tianju Sect is trying to annex the forces in the north. The Beiyun Mansion asks the Holographic Sect to join forces."

Qin Yuyan read it out.

"The strength of Juzong today is not as good as that of Beiyunfu, and Beiyunfu has always been the representative of the major forces in the north. Today Juzong dares to attack Beiyunfu. It may be related to the shadow of the Fengyun League. If this is the case, I am afraid that Beiyun Mansion will not be able to stop it at all! My son, what do you think I should do?"

Xi Chao couldn't make up her mind.If it wasn't for the appearance of the black shadow before, he would have responded to Beiyun Mansion's call immediately and fought against Tianjuzong together without even thinking about it.

But since he knew that Tianjuzong had something to do with Fengyunmeng.This is against the Tianju Sect, that is, it is difficult to get through with the Fengyun League, offending the Fengyun League, and his holographic sect can't stand it.

"I have two suggestions for you."

Qin Yuyan spoke first.

"Girl please tell"

"First, take your holographic religion away from the place of right and wrong, and find a place where there is no one to hide from the world."


Isn't this telling them to hide and not see people?That can only go to a certain kind of deep mountains and old forests.This is tantamount to giving up the industry currently operated by Holographic Cult in Juhai Ridge.

"Second, there are no eggs under the overturned nest, responding to Beiyun Mansion to fight against Tianjuzong."

Qin Yuyan said solemnly.She knew that Xi Chao was reluctant to part with his property in the giant sea ridge.

"But, can you beat Fengyunzong?"

Xi Chao asked with a face of embarrassment.What he meant was that he hoped that Ling Yun could help him.With Ling Yun's help, even if they still can't beat the Fengyun League, then they can always resist the Tianju Sect, right?

"Is there no force in the northern district that can check and balance the Fengyun League?"

Ling Yun asked back.

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Xizhou Continent, and the forces are intricate.In addition to the Tianzang Temple and Linggui Gate that he knew before, this small giant sea ridge alone hides forces comparable to the current four giants in the Beizhou mainland.

Ling Yun fully believed that in the North District, it was absolutely impossible for the Fengyunmeng family to dominate.

"Yes, it seems to be called Tianxian Fuyun Peak!"

Qiong Baili, the great elder of the Holographic Sect, said.

"Uh, but no one knows where the Celestial Immortal Fuyun Peak is. As far as I know, they seem to belong to the hidden sect in the northern district. They never ask about world affairs."

Regarding the existence of Tianxian Fuyun Peak, the Holographic Sect has also heard of it.After all, although the Tianxian Fuyun Peak is hidden from the world, some disciples often go out to practice.

Like the hidden sects like Tianxian Fuyun Peak, ordinary forces are unwilling to provoke them.Because there are generally only two situations in the hermit sect, one is once brilliant, and the other is bearish on life.

(End of this chapter)

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