extreme dog days

Chapter 1238 Zhao Wuming

Chapter 1238 Zhao Wuming

"No, this is Tianjuzong's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. Pfft! It's over, it's really over now. If the seven sects join forces with my Beiyun Mansion, they can fight against Tianjuzong. But now that the seven sects have left, Then it will be broken by everyone. Cough cough!"

He Yun analyzed.He, the general of Beiyun Mansion, is not a reckless man.Apart from the strength of Beiyun Mansion, He Yun's hard work is also indispensable for Beiyun Mansion to have today's status.

"Uncle He Yun, what should we do now?"

Zhao Wuming asked anxiously.

"Young Palace Master, I think the most urgent thing is to ask the Palace Master to leave the customs immediately. If the Palace Master is here, there may be some ways."

He Shao said hastily.

Palace Master Beiyun is their spiritual support, if he is still alive.Even at a disadvantage, Beiyun Mansion can work together.But the problem is that he is dead!


Zhao Wuming was stunned.He had just told He Yun about this, but He Shao unexpectedly asked about it again.Should he tell him?

"Cough, cough, the Palace Master closed the gate of life and death, unless he goes out of the gate by himself, otherwise he must not be disturbed."

He Yun knew his younger brother very well.Although he is also very loyal to Beiyun Mansion, the problem is that he is very good at drinking, if he makes a mistake after drinking, it will be terrible!

So He Yun made the decision and didn't plan to tell him.


"No but! Young Palace Master, there is only one way to save Beiyun Mansion, and you are willing to go."

He Yun said.

"Uncle He Yun, tell me, whatever you ask me to do!"

Zhao Wuming replied immediately.

"Cough! Before I sent someone to Juhai Ridge to ask for help from the Holographic Sect, the reason was to invite a strong man to come to help. But the other party may not want to come, so I need you to go in person. If you can invite him, Perhaps Beiyun Mansion can survive this calamity!"

He Yun said.

Regarding Ling Yun's work in the Hologram Sect, he had already been informed.Originally, in this dispute between the Beiyun Mansion and the Tianju Sect, he had no intention of asking the Holographic Sect for help.

But after he was injured, he felt that time was running out, so he thought of asking Ling Yun to help.But their Beiyun Mansion has nothing to do with him.

Only then did I write a letter, asking for help from Holographic Teaching.

He knew about such a big event, Xi Chao would definitely go to find Ling Yun when he found out!

It has been three days, and if the Holographic Sect really helped them, they would be halfway there, but he was not sure whether the Holographic Sect would be able to invite Ling Yun for them.

This thought of letting Zhao Wuming go there in person.

He told Zhao Wuming what happened to Ju Hailing earlier, and told him at the same time.As long as Ling Yun can be invited, he can agree to any conditions.

However, at present Beiyun Mansion is inseparable from people, so Zhao Wuming can only secretly go to Juhai Ridge by himself.

"Brother Wang Zhen, you are finally here."

Yu Qianshou smiled and looked at Wang Zhen, the Second Elder of Beiyun Mansion.Before Yu Qianshou joined the Tianju Sect, he had met Wang Zhen several times.Because Wang Zhen is also a supreme alchemist.

"Yu Qianshou, you came to me, what is the matter? Tell me quickly!"

Wang Zhen seemed a little wary!Yu Qianshou is the chief elixir of the Tianju Sect, and now the Tianju Sect is at war with their Beiyun Mansion.It was fitting that he had sneaked up to meet him.

"Brother Wang Zhen, why are you so anxious? Since you came to see me, it means that you have made a decision in your heart, and at the same time you are holding some kind of hope, isn't it?"

Yu Qianshou said with a smile.

Wang Zhen is Zhao Wuming's father-in-law.However, he doesn't have a strong sense of belonging to Beiyun Mansion. Compared with He Yun, He Shao and He Shao are far behind.He considers himself the Supreme Alchemist, and no matter where he goes, he can get the same treatment as in Beiyun Mansion.

Now that Beiyun Mansion is in trouble, he doesn't want to die, and of course he also wants to find a way out for himself.

Otherwise, the friendship between him and Yu Qianshou is not very good, how could he come to see him after receiving his letter at such a critical moment?

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

Of course Wang Zhen didn't want to admit it, what a shame!

"Haha, brother Wang Zhen is a smart man. You are very clear about the situation in Beiyun Mansion now. Even if your mansion master who has been in seclusion for many years comes out, what can he do? Now that He Yun is seriously injured, I am afraid It is impossible for you, as the Alchemy Supreme of Beiyun Mansion, not to know this? Secondly, the seven sects that were originally allied with Beiyun Mansion are already facing catastrophe. Is there any hope for this Beiyun Mansion?"

Seeing Wang Zhen, Yu Qianshou didn't deny it, nor expressed it, so he continued:

"Brother Wang Zhen is the supreme sage of alchemy. No matter where he goes, he will be regarded as a guest of honor. I believe that brother Wang Zhen will not be clear about this. As long as Wang Zhen is willing, the gate of Tianjuzong will definitely be opened." It is open for you. And I can assure you that after Tianjuzong takes Beiyun Mansion, one-third of the resources of Beiyun Mansion will belong to you. In the future, you and I can discuss Dan Dao together."


What Wang Zhen wanted to hear was what extra benefits he could get from leaving Beiyun Mansion.This will give him one-third of the resources of Beiyun Mansion, which can be regarded as worthy of him.

This is also the condition that Yu Qianshou can help him win.

"Brother Wang Zhen, why are you still hesitating. Could it be that you are reluctant to part with your precious son-in-law?"

Seeing Wang Zhen hesitated, Yu Qianshou asked.

"Wu Ming, after all, he is my son-in-law. And I only have one daughter, Yu'er."

Wang Zhen said in a deep voice.

Zhao Wuming and his wife have a very good relationship.But this Zhao Wuming is the young master of Beiyun Mansion, once Beiyun Mansion is destroyed, his fate can be imagined, so Wang Zhen has concerns.

(End of this chapter)

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