extreme dog days

Chapter 1249 Showing the enemy to be weak

Chapter 1249 Showing the enemy to be weak

The 'Undefeated King Kong Battle Body' cultivated by Zhao Wuming needs external help to break through the barrier. The more injuries he suffers, the faster the breakthrough will be.Previously, it was difficult to injure him at the same level because of the divine weapon body protection, so it was naturally difficult for him to break through.

"The disciples of Beiyun Mansion obey orders, open the city gate, and protect the Young Mansion Master. Kill..."

The Great Elder gritted his teeth, hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind, leading people to rush out.

Although Beiyun Mansion suffered repeated setbacks before, the lean camel is bigger than the horse.The strength of the Beiyun Mansion is more than three times that of the three Holographic Sects combined.

With Beiyun Mansion playing the battle, the pressure on the Holographic Sect was greatly reduced.However, this still seems to be no match for Tianjuzong.

An hour after the battle, two factions among the seven factions in the north rushed back, and one of them was Yunfan Temple.The host of Yunfan Temple teamed up with the Great Elder of Beiyun Mansion to fight against Mrs. Tianju. Although they lost, the arrival of these two factions turned the situation around.

The two stars merged, using the evil energy and soul to fight Ling Yun for nearly [-] rounds, evenly matched.Seeing that the situation was wrong, Shuangxing immediately retreated to Mrs. Tianju's side.

"Madam, let's go back. The two of us working together can't do anything to him."

Xie Xing said in a deep voice.

"The disciples of the Tianju Sect listen to the order and retreat."

Mrs. Tianju made a decisive decision.It's okay if they don't refund.If the Double Stars were defeated, no one in the Tianju Sect would be able to stop Ling Yun.

Tianjuzong retreated, and Beiyun Mansion was in danger.

This time, because of the help of Ling Yun in the Beiyun Mansion, if Ling Yun is not eliminated for a day, it will be difficult for the Tianju Sect to control the northern part of the northern district.

Zhao Wuming fought outside Beiyun City, and was besieged by seven Daluo Realm and a half-step Supreme. The Wuwen armor on his body was broken, but it was a blessing in disguise. Under constant attacks, he broke through to the Supreme Realm.

"Congratulations to the master of the young palace, you have successfully broken through to the Supreme Realm. My Beiyun Mansion can be regarded as a successor."

The elder said appreciatively.

"It's a pity that my father is gone. Uncle He Yun and Uncle He Shao also died in battle. Even if Beiyun Mansion keeps it, it will not be the same. I broke through too late."

Zhao Wuming said with infinite emotion.Beiyun Mansion is not just as simple as a serious loss of vitality.This time it is considered that the First World War went back to BC.It may take a hundred years to return to the peak of the past.

Because within a hundred years, who can guarantee that there will be one or two Supreme Realms in Beiyun Mansion?

"Alas, Amitabha. Everything is conditioned."

The host of Yunfan Temple also let out a long sigh.

"Yun Fan is hosting, Daoist Changxu, thank you both for coming to help in time."

Zhao Wuming came back to his senses and stepped forward to salute to thank him.

"Young Palace Master, you are too polite. Beiyun Mansion is the leader of the Eight Sects. If Beiyun Mansion is destroyed, the Seven Sects will be affected in the future. We left because we couldn't see the situation clearly. It's a sin!"

Daoist Changxu said.

"If the Zen Master of our temple hadn't brought this up in time, I'm afraid we'll miss the opportunity. I'm afraid it will be too late to regret it."

Yun Fan said with a sigh.It was he who went to inform Daoist Changxu to come with him.The other five sects are far away from Yunfan Temple, so although Yunfan Temple sent people to notify them, they have not been able to arrive in time.

"Fortunately, Zen Master Yun Fan has the foresight!"

The elder said with a sigh.

"This time it's definitely not our credit. If it wasn't for that young hero, I'm afraid that the combination of us would be no match for the combination of those two!"

Host Yun Fan looked in Ling Yun's direction.

"Yun'er, why didn't you try your best to keep those two people behind just now."

Xing Mang and Qin Yuyan looked at Ling Yun curiously.They knew that Lingyun and Shuangxing hadn't done their best in the previous fight.Because he didn't even use the Illusory Cloud Excalibur and the Backlight Reversing Blade.

"This is called showing weakness to the enemy."

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"You want to lure out the people behind Tianjuzong."

Qin Yuyan came to her senses and asked in a deep voice.

"That's right. From the combat skills of those two, I haven't found any routines of Tianxia Peak. But the Yun Shao they talk about is very likely the fourth son of Tianxia Peak Master, Zhou Shaoyun."

Ling Yun had also heard of Zhou Shaoyun's reputation when he was in the Ling family.Speaking of which, when Zhou Shaoyun became famous this week, Ling Yun and even his father hadn't been born yet?

In addition, he also learned from his father.The third and fourth sons of Tianxia Peak Master are both in this Xizhou Continent.

"Greetings, Young Master. Thank you, Young Master, for helping us in Beiyun Mansion. Please rest in the city, Young Master."

The Great Elder of Beiyun Mansion walked over with Zhao Wuming, and invited Ling Yun and others into Beiyun Mansion.

"Master Ling, this master is Master Kuguo, who is in charge of Yunfan Temple, and this is Taoist Changxu of Tianshui Gate. Master, Taoist priest, this is Master Ling."

Zhao Wuming introduced them to each other.

"Meet Mr. Ling"

"Meet Mr. Ling"

Host Yun Fan and Daoist Changxu had seen Ling Yun's strength, and although they felt that he was not very old, they didn't dare to trust him.

"Master, Daoist, you are welcome. I have known your name for a long time, and it is a great honor to meet you."

Ling Yun also became polite.What is a long-awaited name, before that, he had never heard of them.Of course, about Yunfan Temple, Lingyun had heard Xichao talk about it before.

Among the forces in the north, Beiyun Mansion should be the first, followed by the Yunfan Temple.The founding monk of Yunfan Temple came from Tianzang Temple.It's just that the Zen Master of Fanyun Temple has been sitting in Fanyun Temple since he was near Shouyuan, and he never sees visitors, let alone goes out.

(End of this chapter)

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