extreme dog days

Chapter 1251: Kirin in the Cloud

Chapter 1251: Kirin in the Cloud

"Looks like I have to go to Fuyun Peak. I can also meet my beautiful wife. Hehe"

Ye Yangsheng thought of Fuyun Peak and immediately laughed.Peak Lord Fuyun is married to him, but every time he sees him, there is an embarrassing expression on his face.

This is because she feels that the age difference between the two is a little big.

The Ye family has always had an agreement with the Tianxian Fuyun Peak that the king of the Ye family, or the head of the family, must marry a female disciple of the Tianxian Fuyun Peak.Originally, Ye Yangsheng didn't want to marry.

But this is a family agreement, since he has become the king of the Ye family, he naturally has to perform his duties.In the end, he directly chose the contemporary Fuyun Peak Master as his wife, but that Fuyun Peak Master couldn't help but smile bitterly.

But according to the regulations, as long as the king of the Ye family is selected, it cannot be postponed.

Half a month later, Beiyun City was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the dark clouds felt very deep, and it was very close to Beiyun City.

"Look, what's going on in the sky."

"This dark cloud seems to be filling our Beiyun City."

"Strange, is this a vision?"


In Beiyun City, the people were all looking at the sky curiously, not knowing what happened.

"Master Xi, look, what's going on in the sky. Why do I feel an invisible pressure? Could it be that the sky is about to collapse?"

Patriarch Yu and others are still staying in Beiyun Mansion.Although Tianjuzong retreated, as long as Tianjuzong didn't get rid of, or if they didn't let go of their ambitions for a day, Beiyun Mansion would be in danger.

Furthermore, the Great Elder of the Beiyun Mansion proposed to transfer all their power from Ju Hailing to Beiyun City.

The area around Beiyun City is more prosperous than Juhailing, and the resources are much more abundant.

"Amitabha, this is Qi Soul. Some people use Qi Soul to manipulate the sky."

Master Kuguo said.This ability can also be achieved by the old Zen master in their Yunfan Temple, but it can't be done like it is now.

"No way, can Qihun manipulate the sky?"

"Uh, why haven't we heard of it before?"

Even the Great Elder of Beiyun Mansion was puzzled, obviously he had never encountered it before.

"This is Qi Soul, and it can directly manipulate the sky."

Qin Yuyan asked in surprise.

"This poor monk doesn't know."

Master Kuguo shook his head and said.But since it is Qi Soul who manipulates the sky, everyone naturally understands that there are enemies coming.And he's an extraordinary character.

"I know. It should be the unicorn in the cloud."

Ling Yun smiled and looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, he could almost guess the identity of the other party.Ling Yun still knows about Qi Soul manipulating the sky, because Canglong Qi Soul also does this.

In Canglong's combat skills, the sky is above, and the sky has eyes, isn't it just manipulating the sky?

"Kirin in the clouds, the people of Tianxiafeng"

Qin Yuyan immediately looked at Ling Yun.

"That's right. It seems that my guess was correct. The person who came here is most likely Zhou Shaoyun, the third unicorn in Tianxia Peak."

There is a lot of information about Tianxia Peak in the Ling family.Especially those unicorns in Tianxia Peak who stole the limelight.For example, Zhou Shaoyun caused a certain disturbance in the Zhongzhou Continent back then.


A unicorn roared from the dark clouds, the sound tore through the sky and dispersed its energy.It seems that the other party is deliberately showing off and provoking.After that roar, a blue unicorn appeared before the dark clouds, standing proudly above Beiyun City.

"Who hurt Madam Tianju, who hurt the rock demon, come out."

The blue unicorn is Zhou Shaoyun.Zhou Shaoyun knew Ling Yun's name, but because he hadn't received any news from Tianxia Peak, he didn't know that Ling Yun in Beiyun Mansion was the head of the Ling family in Zhongzhou.At the same time, I don't know whether I can kill this person, which is related to his future.

"Are you looking for me? Standing so high, you won't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue."

When Ling Yun spoke, he had already left Beiyun City and appeared on the mountain peak hundreds of miles away from Beiyun City.

"Have guts! But if you hit this woman, you will have to pay the price!"

Zhou Shaoyun said coldly.It's completely a high-ranking look.

His arrogance, there is no need to question it.Because he was born better, he just won at the starting line.Even in Tianxia Peak, no one dared to show him face.

"I've heard the reputation of Qilin in the cloud for a long time, I really want to see it, and see if I can hit you in the face too."

Ling Yun said.

"Okay, then I will see if you have this ability."


The unicorn in the cloud roared, using the dark cloud as an attack method, condensed in the unicorn's palm and smashed towards Ling Yun.For a moment, the mountain where Lingyun was located was shrouded in dark clouds.

At the same time, the dark cloud descended like a meteor shower.

"Just this little attack, isn't it enough? Ultimate, Ten Thousand Heavy, Heavy Mysterious Break, I'll give it back to you"

Ling Yun used his soul power to catch a black cloud, hid the mysterious tortoise soul in the black soul, and smashed it back with a heavy mysterious break.


Zhou Shaoyun was careless, but he was attacked by the mysterious turtle spirit when he smashed the dark clouds.However, his reaction is very fast, and his reaction speed belongs to the kind of "phantom".

In fact, it belongs to the Qilin Qihun talent, or soul skill.

"Well, the turtle-shaped spirit can still be used like this."

Zhou Shaoyun turned serious, appeared on the Qilin Qihun, frowned, then the Qilin Qihun twitched, and landed near Lingyun from midair in less than ten breaths.

"The Qilin Qihun really lives up to its reputation. This speed can't find any trajectory at all. Boy Ling, I'm afraid I will meet an opponent again this time."

Yu Zifeng said with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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