extreme dog days

Chapter 1270 The Mysterious Divine Gate

Chapter 1270 The Mysterious Divine Gate

"No way, his fate is good, and the Dilong family stands behind him. But you don't have to envy the fourth child. I got news that the water and phoenix lineage of the Ji family seems to be plotting to annex other forces of the Ji family recently. Once it succeeds! The position in your heart is even more unreliable, as long as she is there, other than Big Brother, I am afraid that no one else will be able to compete with you."

Zhou Shaofeng said with a smile.

"Third brother, you are wrong. There is also the ninth brother. The second brother and the seventh brother are not easy to mess with."

Zhou Shaoyun shook his head and said.

"That's true. But don't worry, no matter what, even if I risk my life, I will help you ascend to the position of Peak Lord."

Zhou Shaofeng said firmly.

"Third brother, thank you."

"Thank you, you treated me like a brother back then, so I could still treat you like nothing. Your injury is almost healed, go drink."

Zhou Shaofeng patted Zhou Shaoyun on the shoulder and said.

"Hei Ying, you came just in time, to drink with us brothers. Let's go!"

Seeing the sudden arrival of the black shadow, Zhou Shaofeng immediately said to him.

"That's right, Sombra, haven't I thanked you properly yet?"

"There is less wind, less cloud, I will report the matter."

Black Shadow shook his head and said.

His really loyal person is Zhou Shaofeng, because Zhou Shaofeng is kind to him.It was also because of Zhou Shaofeng that he followed Zhou Shaoyun secretly when he was going to Beiyun City.

This is what Zhou Shaofeng told him to protect Zhou Shaoyun no matter what.

"What's the big deal, how can we delay our brothers from drinking?"

Zhou Shaofeng said with a smile.He was saying this politely, and it was also for the sake of pulling Long Heiying's heart.

"Feng Shao, this matter is very important. It came from the Tianlei Gate."

Sombra said.

"Tianlei Gate, could it be that Lei Cang guy dared to turn against him?"

Zhou Shaoyun said.This day, the master of Thunder Sect has been harboring evil intentions, and the two of them know it too, but as long as Fengyunmeng does not fall for a day, they are not afraid that he dares to be disobedient.

"Although Lei Cang has always been unwilling, he is not so bold."

Zhou Shaofeng said with certainty.

"Master Feng is right. But recently, he has been secretly looking for the ruins of an ancient holy land. He also made a big fuss at the Jiuxiao Pavilion in Prison Mountain City and won a treasure map."

Soi Ying has always been responsible for helping Zhou Shaoyun inquire about news in the North District.Apart from the Tianlei Gate, some of his subordinates are also hiding in Prison Mountain City.

So he can know everything that happened in Prison Mountain City before.

Heiying told Zhou Shaoyun and Zhou Shaoyun about the treasure map. Although Zhou Shaoyun and Zhou Shaofeng have been in Xizhou mainland for some years, they also found some Zongmen ruins here.

But they have never found a place like the Holy Land of the Sword.Therefore, knowing about the Holy Land of Yujian, of course it is also happy to see Liexin, and at the same time, he does not forget to plot Lingyun.

Zhou Shaofeng learned that Ling Yun also knew about the ruins of the Yujian Holy Land, so he thought of the plan to kill Ling Yun in the Yujian Holy Land ruins.

As long as they can kill Ling Yun, then Zhou Shaoyun will be able to ascend to the position of young master of Tianxia Peak successfully.

"The third brother wants to get rid of Ling Yun in the Holy Land of the Sword, but now we don't even know where the site of the Holy Land of the Sword is? Besides, Ling Yun doesn't seem to have the treasure map of the Holy Land of the Sword."

After Zhou Shaoyun heard Zhou Shaofeng's plan, he frowned and said.

"It's simple. Just leave it to me."

Zhou Shaofeng said with confidence.

"Third brother is doing business, I don't worry. Soi Ying, you can go drink with us now."

Zhou Shaoyun said proudly.

"Less wind, less cloud, please"

Soi Ying didn't refuse, and it wasn't the first time he drank with the two of them.He is the only one with this honor in Fengyun League.

Zhou Shaofeng has an important pawn beside the Tianlei Sect Master, who is the closest person to the Tianlei Sect Master.Through her, she can naturally steal the treasure map from the master of Tianlei Sect and draw a copy of it.

After Zhou Shaofeng got the treasure map, he could find a way to tell Ling Yun about it.He believed that Ling Yun would never miss the existence of such an ancient site as the Holy Land of Yujian.

Prison Mountain City, Jiuxiao Pavilion

After that day, Ling Yun did not leave Prison Mountain City with Qin Yuyan, because he still wanted to find out about the whereabouts of the Yujian Holy Land ruins.The second is to inquire about news about Shenmen.

It's a pity that although most people know about Shenmen, there are not many people who know about Shenmen.Neither Yuelong Villa nor Tianxian Fuyun Peak knew.

But they do know some ways.

Usually someone wants to arrange a formation, that is after a certain chamber of commerce negotiates the price.It's up to them to find a way to contact the people from Shenmen to set up the formation.

"Wuxian Chamber of Commerce."

Li Chuyin told Ling Yun that it is possible that the Chamber of Commerce that has been in contact with Shenmen is the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce.

"Although the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce does not have many branches, perhaps among the nine major regions of the Western Province Mainland, there may not be more than three branches in each region, but they have business contacts with many chambers of commerce, so the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce has always been regarded as a One of the leaders of the Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh. Since it is only one of the leaders, besides this Wuxian Chamber of Commerce, is there any other Chamber of Commerce that may be connected with Shenmen?"

Ling Yun asked.

"No. Because the only chamber of commerce that can compete with Wuxian Chamber of Commerce is Xianyuan Pavilion. And this Xianyuan Pavilion is extremely lonely and has never been involved with any chamber of commerce, because they have many semicolons and spread all over the area. There are only four, and there is no Xianyuan Pavilion in the North District."

Li Chuyin explained.

(End of this chapter)

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