extreme dog days

Chapter 1275 Xizhang 1 was murdered

Chapter 1275

"That Lingxiu is very powerful, and his strength is not inferior to mine."

Black Shadow said immediately.

"Uh, Lingxiu. Do you know where he came from?"

Ji Shuibo, who was originally silent, couldn't help being moved when he heard the word Lingxiu, and asked.

"Unknown. At that time, I only fought a few moves with him, and each was injured. Let me retreat."

Sombra said.

"If he is a member of the Spirit Ghost Sect or the Soul Sect, then there will be some troubles."

Ji Shuibo said in a deep voice.

Spiritual cultivation, even in Xizhou mainland, there are not many.So these guys are generally very united.Even if there are fights between them, as long as they are of the same sect, once the person who kills them will bear their revenge.

"Don't worry, Uncle Shui. The Spirit Ghost Sect is far away in the Dizi area, and the Soul Sect is in the Nanzi area. Their people should not come to this Beizi area. This should be just a casual cultivator."

Zhou Shaofeng analyzed.

However, although his analysis is very reasonable, there is always an exception to everything.This Lingxiu who came to Wangkong Cliff every July [-]th came from the Soul Sect of Nanzi area.

Because he passed by here in the past and found that there is a powerful soul magnetic field here, but it will only appear on July [-]th, so he will rush here to practice every year.

Practicing in this kind of place with the magnetic field of the soul, for spiritual cultivation, it is a huge leap in a day.

"You, who are you?"

Xi Zhangyi was ordered by Ling Yun to inquire about the news.I suddenly met a strange person on the way, and saw that person walking towards him step by step, and locked his eyes on him, I was suddenly uneasy, and a sense of fear welled up from the bottom of my heart, which came from the soul.

"I ask you, why do you people come here?"

The man stopped when he was ten or thirty steps away from Xizhang, and asked.

"Ah! Don't you know?"

Xizhang was taken aback for a moment, how could the people who came here not know what they were doing here?Is this guy being stupid on purpose, or does he have other intentions?


"Next time, say another nonsense, and you won't have a chance to say it again."

That person made Xizhang vomit blood with just one look, and his soul was wounded.

"We are all for an ancient site."

Xizhang said in a panic.

"What ancient ruins."

"The holy land of the sword."

"Very well, then you can die..."


That man was not a good person, and he never said that as soon as Xi Zhang gave the answer he wanted, his life would be spared.

"Evening rises one."

Lingyun learned from Youzifeng that Lingxiu appeared nearby, and when he arrived, Xi Zhangyi had already been killed by the other party.

"Here comes another one. Hehe, let's send you on the road together."

The weirdo said with a grin.

"Spiritual training!"

Ling Yun could distinguish the other party's origin.Because Ling Yun has practiced soul art to some extent.The person who killed Xi Zhangyi in front of him was a spiritual practitioner.


Lingxiu frowned, and couldn't help but look at Ling Yun again.Just taking a look at it just now, he thought that Ling Yun was only in the Great Luo Realm, but at this time, using the sensory technique of the soul, he discovered that there were hidden traces on Ling Yun's body.

The other party killed Xi Zhangyi, and he was also a spiritual cultivator, so Ling Yun naturally wouldn't talk nonsense with him.Directly attacking with thunder means, of course the moves used are all capable of restraining spiritual cultivation.

"Xuan Lie Palm"

"Broken Soul Seal"

"Burst Xuan"

"What, wow, what kind of flame is this?"

Ling Xiu and Ling Yun exchanged palms, but Ling Yun used the palm fire to injure his soul.

"Hmph, Yin-Yang soul pupils. Slash"

"Pfft! You are also a spiritual practitioner! Damn it!"

Because the other party glanced at Ling Yun, he finally gave Ling Yun the opportunity to use the Yin-Yang soul pupil of the temple directly, directly injuring his soul severely.A mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face became pale and colorless.

"Phantom Step"

"Want to go..."

Under Ling Yun's rage, he shot very decisively. The spiritual cultivator used body skills to escape after being injured, but Ling Yun still left a sword behind him.


"Lingxiu, next time you will definitely die."

Lingxiu's escape method is very powerful.It is difficult for people to track his location with the magic step.However, Ling Yun had already seen through it, and if he tried to escape from Ling Yun's hands with this kind of movement, it was absolutely impossible.

"Xi Zhang is dead."

Qin Yuyan also rushed over, checked Xi Zhangyi's breath, and immediately frowned.

"It's Lingxiu who made the move, and I can't do anything about it."

Ling Yun came over and said.Killed by spiritual practice, the soul is completely destroyed.This is not comparable to ordinary fatal injuries.

"Huh! Unexpectedly, you guessed it right. I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain to the holographic leader when I go back."

Qin Yuyan took a deep breath and said.Xizhangyi is Xichao's eldest son, and also Xichao's favorite.This time Xi Chao asked him to come with them.He wanted his son to have a fortune.

Unexpectedly, he died here.

"I will explain to Xichao when I go back, and I will also find a way to help Xizhangyi get revenge. Lingxiu who kills innocent people indiscriminately must not stay."

Ling Yun said firmly.

The spirit cultivator escaped from Ling Yun's hands by chance, but he was in shock. He didn't expect that Ling Yun not only possessed the restraining soul flame, but also cultivated the soul attack technique himself.

"Damn it, who the hell is that guy? He's so powerful. The method still restrains the soul technique."

Lingxiu fled under a big tree and immediately meditated to adjust his breath.His location happened to be where Tianleimen and others lived.Because of the injury, he didn't notice anyone nearby.

(End of this chapter)

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